Bai-Tree, Or Clove Pepper

Bai-Tree, Or Clove Pepper: Description and Application

The bai tree, also known as the allium pepper, is a medium-sized evergreen tree native to hot areas of Central America, Cameroon, East Africa and other regions. The whitish bark and thin trunk make it easily recognizable. However, the most valuable aspect of the bai tree is its essential oil, which is used in medicine and cosmetology.

Bay tree oil, also known as Oleum Bay or Oleum Myrciae, is obtained from the leaves of the bai tree. It contains essential oil similar in composition to clove oil, as well as eugenol and other substances. Thanks to this composition, bai-tree oil has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and local anesthetic properties.

One of the most common uses of bai tree oil is its use in cosmetics. The oil is processed into a medicinal hair liquid that promotes hair growth and strengthening, and also combats dandruff and itchy scalp. In addition, bai tree oil is used to eliminate microbial skin infections such as acne and blackheads.

In medicine, bai tree oil is used for rubbing against bronchitis, as well as to relieve pain in muscles and joints. As a local anesthetic, bay tree oil can be used for toothache, but it should be remembered that its use should be limited and only be done under medical supervision.

In conclusion, bai tree oil is a valuable and multi-purpose product that has wide application in cosmetology and medicine. Despite its value, it should be remembered that bay tree oil is a concentrated product and may cause allergic reactions. Therefore, before using bai tree oil as a medicinal or cosmetic product, you should consult your doctor.