Bacteria Prototrophic

Bacteria Prototrophic

Bacteria that can grow on simple carbohydrates, ammonium salts and a set of ions, without the addition of a bacterial growth factor, are called Prototrophic. They are the most common type of bacteria and can be found in a variety of habitats, including soil, water, air, and even on the surfaces of animals and plants.

Prototrophic bacteria have a high ability to grow in nutrient media. This means they can use simple carbohydrate sources to obtain the energy and nutrients they need to grow and reproduce. Ammonium salts and a set of ions also play an important role in the growth and metabolism of these bacteria.

However, Prototrophic bacteria can be dangerous to humans and the environment. Some of them can cause diseases in humans and animals, such as cholera and E. coli. In addition, they can lead to environmental pollution, which can negatively affect human and animal health.

To prevent the spread of Prototrophic bacteria, it is necessary to follow the rules of hygiene and sanitation, as well as use special cleaning and disinfection products. It is also important to monitor the quality of drinking water and food to avoid contamination by these bacteria.

Bacteria of the prototroph class are classified as heterotrophs because they require ready-made nutrients. Prokaryotes form two enzymatic blocks: cytoplasmic and cellular. Microorganisms produce more than one and a half thousand proteins that help them survive in nature, absorb food and neutralize competitors. The defense system includes more than 80% of microbial cell proteins. Another part of the non-infectious protein molecules performs biological functions and transports other molecules through the shell of the microorganism. A prototrophic bacterium is a microorganism that is capable of using only simple nutrients as an energy source. These bacteria do not contain their own metabolic systems for the synthesis of nutrients. For example, they are able to live only on a medium with sugar or amino acids. Examples of bacteria belonging to this class: Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi, Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Prototropic bacteria are heterotrophs that feed on ready-made organic substances. Their cell wall contains peptidoglycan and protein synthesis factors