Balanitis Trichomonas

Balanitis trichomonas is an acute inflammatory disease characterized by inflammation of the glans penis, caused by balantidium infection and protozoa of the genus trichomonas (Trichomonas). Most often, this infection affects men aged 25 to 40 years. Infection occurs either after unprotected sexual contact, or as a result of microorganisms entering the male urethra from other sources. It should be noted that trichomonas carriage is typical for women.

The cause of the disease is invasion of protozoa (balantidia) of the genus (trichomonas

Balanitis is an inflammatory disease of the skin of the glans penis. Normally, balanitis manifests itself with the following symptoms:

• discomfort or discomfort in the area of ​​the glans penis;

• feeling wet or moist, especially after urinating;

• redness of the skin near the head of the penis or discoloration of its surface. In most cases, balanitis is not accompanied by more serious symptoms such as pain or itching. If these symptoms are observed, then you have a reason to consult a venereologist. But don’t worry about this, I will help you. Balanitis responds well to treatment, and I was entrusted with treating you from this unpleasant disease. Sometimes balanitis is accompanied by other diseases. For example, diseases such as lice pubis and mycoses can cause frequent balanitis. Remember that proper treatment helps to avoid the development of balanitis and complications. Therefore, you need to monitor your health and pay attention to treatment. I want to tell you more about balanitis. Balanitis is a disease that occurs and develops as a result of infection (contamination) of the head or foreskin with pathogens of sexually transmitted infections. The disease is infectious in nature and manifests itself