Ball against the wall

Ball against the wall

This simple game is very old and has been played by millions of children all over the world, but urban children may not be familiar with the game at all. She has many options, but we will present here only two that we remember from our childhood.

Start with a tennis ball and racket. For a child, it is better to take a badminton racket. Find a brick or cement wall and see how long your child can hit balls with a racket. Susan remembers one summer, much of which she spent trying to hit a ball a hundred times without missing.

Another way to help your child develop hand-eye coordination is to throw a ball against a wall and catch it after it hits the ground and bounces once, twice, three times: explain to your child when he can catch ball. You can come up with other tasks, depending on your child's skills and interests.

Always have a ball with you while walking. Children of any age love to play with a ball. If the children are very young, you can sit on the grass with them and roll a ball. When children grow up and their movements become more coordinated, you can not throw the ball very hard on the ground so that it bounces and the child can catch it. After some time, you can already lightly toss the ball into the air, dreaming of the near future when you and your offspring will go to the playing field together.