Ballooning dystrophy

Balloonous dystrophy is a disease that is characterized by a progressive change in the structure of the wall of peripheral veins. This causes the veins to dilate and decrease their functionality, which can lead to serious complications, including chronic venous insufficiency, thrombosis and bleeding.

Signs and symptoms of ballooning degeneration may include: swelling, heaviness in the legs, pain, feeling tired and general weakness of the lower extremities. In many cases, ballooning dystopia develops in patients with varicose veins, sometimes for no apparent reason. Treatment of ballooning dstoptophy can be surgical or conservative, but success depends on accurate diagnosis. Surgery may involve removing varicose veins and increasing blood flow through the tibial veins. In some cases, varicose veins can be removed completely, but this is not always possible due to various factors such as the patient's condition, the location of the veins and the type of method used.

Also, symptomatic therapy may include the use of venotonics, compression therapy, massage and strengthening of the calf muscles to maintain the health of the venous system. To do this, you need to consult with a doctor who can assess the severity of the disease, recommend appropriate treatment and provide recommendations for prevention.