Balm Violetta No. 2

Balm Violetta No. 2: review of a general strengthening agent

Balm Violetta No. 2 is a product of the Russian company “Violetta”, which belongs to the category of biologically active additives (BAA) with a general strengthening effect. This product has been on the market for a long time and is popular among people who are health conscious and want to strengthen their immunity.

Manufacturer country

Balm Violetta No. 2 is produced in Russia. This means that it is certified and meets quality standards.

Pharm Group

A general strengthening dietary supplement is a product that contains natural ingredients that help strengthen the immune system and increase its protective functions. Balm Violetta No. 2 is not a medicine, but can be used as an additional source of nutrients.


Balm Violetta No. 2 is produced by the Violetta company in Russia. The company specializes in the production of dietary supplements and cosmetics based on natural ingredients.

International name

The international name of Violetta No. 2 balm is “Violet Balm”. This name can be used outside of Russia and helps the product become more recognizable in the global market.


Balsam Violetta No. 2 can also be called Balsam Violetta No. 1. This is due to the fact that the Violetta company has several products that have similar properties and purposes.

Composition and properties

Balm Violetta No. 2 contains natural ingredients such as black currant leaf extract, rose hip extract, nettle extract, chamomile extract and others. These components help strengthen the immune system, increase its protective functions, improve metabolism, reduce fatigue and increase performance. In addition, Violetta No. 2 balm helps reduce stress levels and increase resistance to adverse external factors.

Mode of application

Balm Violetta No. 2 is taken orally, 1-2 teaspoons 2-3 times a day with meals. The duration of the course depends on the individual needs of the body and can range from 1 month to 3 months.


Balm Violetta No. 2 is a product that contains natural ingredients that help strengthen the immune system and increase its protective functions. It is produced in Russia by the Violetta company, which specializes in the production of dietary supplements and cosmetics based on natural ingredients. Balm Violetta No. 2 is not a medicine, but can be used as an additional source of nutrients to strengthen the immune system and increase the body's performance. Its convenient method of use and accessibility make it popular among people who care about their health. However, before starting to take dietary supplements, it is always recommended to consult a doctor.