Balneological Response Physiological

A balneological physiological reaction is the body’s reaction to the influence of natural healing factors, during which changes in the functional state of organs and systems occur in the body within the physiological norm.

The main signs of a balneological physiological reaction:

  1. Changes in the body's vital signs do not go beyond normal physiological fluctuations.

  2. The reaction is temporary; after the cessation of exposure, the indicators return to the original level.

  3. There is an increase in the body's nonspecific resistance and an improvement in regulatory processes.

  4. Blood supply to tissues improves, metabolic processes are normalized.

  5. Physical and mental performance increases.

Thus, the balneological physiological reaction reflects adaptive changes in the body in response to the action of natural healing factors, aimed at increasing its vitality and the formation of a therapeutic effect.

The essence of the balneological physiological response (BR) lies in functional changes in organs and systems, which are accompanied by changes in both physiological and pathological parameters of the body of vacationers during balneotherapy. There are three main types of the course of BR: adequate (physiological), deviated and inadequate. Influence of balneological factors: Water; Mud; Brine; Salt; Warm; Electrification. External treatment: Baths; Showers and massages; Phytotherapy; Hardware physiotherapy. Acute effects of the procedure can cause hyperemia, cyanosis of the skin, increased sweating, increased or decreased pulse, and increased blood pressure.

With strong or very pleasant sensations, shallow breathing, drooling, and a feeling of pleasant numbness often occur. After taking therapeutic and health procedures, a person feels healthier, more energetic, has a feeling of peace, and blood pressure normalizes. The general well-being of vacationers also improves.