Body Balm

Body balm

Country of origin - Germany, Cosmetics XXI Russia
Pharm-Group - Skin care products

Manufacturers - Dr. Theiss Naturvaren Gmbh (Germany), Cosmetics XXI (Russia)
International name - Skin balm
Synonyms - Balm, Balm, Balm for children, Balm for bust, Balm for tanning, Balm for skin, Balm for wounds, Balm for eyelashes, Balm for hands, Massage balm, Massage balm, Aftershave balm, Balm-active, Balm-active , Balm-gel, Face balm

Body balm is a cosmetic product for caring for the skin of the body. It is designed to moisturize, nourish and soften the skin. Body balms usually have a creamy texture and a pleasant aroma.

Body balms contain moisturizing components - oils (for example, shea butter, almond butter), vitamins, plant extracts. These substances nourish the skin, make it soft and elastic.

The balms are well absorbed and do not leave a greasy sheen. They can be used for daily skin care - applied after a shower/bath to damp skin. Body balms are suitable for all skin types, including dry and sensitive. They can have different scents and textures - thick creams, light lotions, oils. Choose a balm depending on your preferences. Regular use of body balm will help keep your skin in good condition.