Banaitis Bandage

The Banaitis bandage is also called a “cupping tourniquet.” This is one of the simplest and most effective remedies that helps to quickly stop bleeding.

The Banaitis bandage was invented by Soviet surgeon Sergei Banaitis in 1943. It is used to stop bleeding from the vessels of the upper and lower extremities.

To create a bandage, you need to take a sterile jar and cut off the neck of it. Then apply a bandage to the wound and press firmly to the skin. The neck of the jar should be pointing down. After this, you need to bandage it with a bandage or gauze and leave it for 2-3 hours.

After a few hours, the can will begin to inflate, which means the bandage has begun to work. It compresses the blood vessels, which stops bleeding.

However, it should be remembered that the Banaitis bandage cannot be used if large arteries and veins are damaged, as well as in the presence of purulent wounds and tumors. In addition, it is not suitable for stopping bleeding in the head and neck area, as it may cause suffocation.

In conclusion, the Banaitis bandage is an effective and safe treatment for stopping bleeding. However, you should consult your doctor before using it.

Banzaitis bandage

When treating a leg fracture, it is important to fix it in order to reduce the mobility of the bones in the area of ​​the fracture until healing and its proper healing. The goal is the same - temporary immobilization and healing of the fracture.

A fracture means a break in the integrity of the bone, which may be complete or incomplete. To compare bone fragments with a complete fracture, the application of special external and internal fixation devices is required. This can be done either conservatively or operatively. Before placing a cast on your leg, you need to put a Banzapais bandage on it. It isolates the fracture from impact. When bandaging a limb, it is necessary to fix the place where the damaged bone passes and several centimeters of healthy bone adjacent to this area. You need to fix the following area yourself: the muscles included in the area above the ankle bursa. You need to take a long and wide bandage strip. Do not pinch the skin fold. You cannot bandage an arm or leg upward, so as not to disrupt microcirculation, and limit the size of the motor segment of the limb to achieve complete immobilization. Avoid performing simple actions. You cannot step on your injured leg yet. You should not put too much stress on your leg without allowing the broken bones to heal.

Banzičiai dressings (for long segments). The banza consists of the tibia and fibula. In the upper third of the bones of the tibia and tibia there are transverse processes that fit tightly to each other, limiting the joint space. When applying a plaster cast at the articular (distal) end of each