Bardengeyer Osteotomy

Bardenheier Osteotomy: History, Applications and Benefits

Bardenheier osteotomy is a surgical procedure that was developed by German surgeon Wilhelm Bardenheier (1839-1913). This technique has been proposed for the correction of bone deformities, especially in the pelvis and hip. Bardenheier osteotomy has gained wide recognition and is actively used in modern orthopedics.

An osteotomy is a surgical procedure in which the surgeon makes an incision in the bone to realign its shape or improve its function. Bardenheier osteotomy is often used to correct deformities associated with the bony structures of the pelvis and hip, such as tendon contractions, hip dysplasia, and fractures.

The Bardenheier osteotomy procedure is usually performed using a special instrument called an osteotome. The surgeon makes an incision in the bone, then carefully reshapes it to correct the deformity. The bone is then secured with plates, screws, or other fixation materials to provide stability and help restore function.

The advantages of the Bardenheier osteotomy lie in its ability to allow precise correction of deformity and restoration of optimal bone and joint function. It allows the surgeon to precisely control the angle and position at which bone remodeling occurs. This is especially useful in the treatment of hip dysplasia, where it is important to achieve an optimal configuration to prevent further wear and tear on the joint.

In addition, Bardenheier osteotomy has advantages over other techniques such as total joint replacement. It can be less invasive and have a faster recovery from surgery. This is especially important for patients who are not candidates for total joint replacement or who prefer to maintain their own bone structures.

In conclusion, Bardenheyer osteotomy is an effective surgical procedure for correcting bone deformities in the pelvis and femur. Its benefits include precision correction, restoration of function, and faster recovery. Thanks to the continuous development and improvement of orthopedic surgery, Bardenheier osteotomy continues to be an important tool for providing optimal treatment results for patients with pelvic and femoral deformities.

Bardenheier or Bardenheier is one of the major players in the world of neurosurgery. He was the first to suggest that head trauma could cause epilepsy. In 1867, he performed the first classic case of Jacksonian epilepsy. With the help of the skull, Bardengeier was able to open the epileptic focus and localize it in the brain. Today this operation is considered a classic. The first such operation was performed for the Jacksonian origin of epilepsy, which is why it is called epidisaural. Such operations are performed by the only specialist in the world who has a scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy in