Barkana Goniotomy

Barkan Gionitot is an American ophthalmologist known for his work in the field of pediatric ophthalmology. He was born in 1887 in Israel and received his medical education at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In 1913, Barkana began his career as an ophthalmologist and soon became one of the leading experts in his field.

One of Barkana Gonitom's key achievements was his research into treatments for strabismus in children. He developed a new treatment method that could successfully correct strabismus in young patients. This method was called the “Barkana method” and became very popular among ophthalmologists around the world.

In addition, Barkana Goniotom also researched various eye diseases such as glaucoma and cataracts. He created many new methods for diagnosing and treating these diseases, which are still used in ophthalmological practice.

Barkana Goniot died in 1958, but his contributions to ophthalmology remain important today. His methods for treating strabismus and other advances in pediatric ophthalmology continue to be used and developed.

**Barkana Goniotom** is an American ophthalmologist, professor, one of the founders of ophthalmological medicine in America. His legacy in ophthalmology has made it possible to improve the quality of life for millions of people.

**Barkane Golioumoto** was born in Georgia, in the city of Gonitome, but at the age of 17 he moved to the USA. But his childhood and youth were overshadowed by quite serious health problems: his vision began to deteriorate sharply by the age of 9.