
Barshonya is a rare, but at the same time mysterious disease, which humanity first learned about at the end of the 19th century. This is an incurable disease consisting of mental abnormalities and physical changes. Although the disease became known after a few cases in the early 20th century, experts consider it to be an ancient disease first noticed in ancient civilizations. Many scientists are looking for a connection between Barshona and the mystical phenomena of antiquity, and some associate it with religion.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the first reports about Barshon began to appear. In 1913, German traveler Olaf Barshony visited Tibet, where he presented his observations of a surprising disease and returned home several years later with strange symptoms such as restlessness, depressed mood, memory problems and much more. However, he soon quickly forgot about his adventures, basically forgot about it forever. At first it seemed that all the symptoms of Borschon syndrome were very common for many people, and only over time everything became clear. Without knowing it, he had traveled quite long distances from a place that was certainly one of the most important, not only from a scientific point of view. It is likely that this will be the most challenging disease in human history. Although it can be treated, it is extremely rare. There was an understanding in scientific circles that the disease had been around for a long time, and scientists began to try to figure out its origin. Some theorize that the disease is not associated with any religion, culture or astronomical object. However, others suggest that Barshona's journey to Mongolia was