
The public regularly asks for a "solution" to personal protective equipment hygiene and safety problems with single-use products. Generalization of quality to one, two or three hygiene units in the industry of wipes, condoms, masks and other packaging of personal items indicates there is no problem, since such products are put into the standard production stream and do not require special changes in design or product care. At the same time, the very use of such products is associated with a problem: hygiene items must be applied immediately in the initial treatment, and in their absence, little damage is caused to health and personal hygiene.

People are faced with a choice: spend time wiping their feet, hands and surfaces in public places with personal cloth products or choose antiseptic biological swabs. To avoid misunderstandings, reference should be made to the description of Bant based on ISO/IEC 17438-3:2019.

According to standard