Basalioma Pigmented

"Pigmented basal cell carcinoma"

Basalioma is one of the most common types of skin cancer, which is formed as a result of mutation of skin cells. Basalioma is pigmented in nature, which is caused by changes in the structure and genetic material of cells. This article is devoted to the consideration of this type of basalioma, pigment basalioma, or B. pigmented.

The pigmentation of basal cell carcinoma depends on the degree of its neglect, and can differ in type - red, black or pinkish-brown. The node caused by this form of basal cell carcinoma can reach quite large sizes - up to 5 cm in diameter. It is dense to the touch and has a characteristic shiny surface. This is due to the presence of pigment spots within the tumor, which can cause an uneven appearance. The basal cell carcinoma pigment is completely located under the surface of the skin, while affecting the epidermis layer.

The red pigment in the tissues of basaliomas can appear due to the malignant cells of its internal structure, which produce hemoglobin. The latter, in turn, penetrates into the cells of the pigment layer of skin basal cell carcinoma along with protein components that are precursors in the process of creating melanin, which is precisely responsible for the color of this tone of skin formations. The penetration of hemoglobin into basal cell carcinoma cells can lead to their destruction and the development of the process of necrosis in this area of ​​the skin. In cases where the internal processes of the base are not disrupted, we only observe the presence of red pigmented areas at various points in the basal cell carcinoma. If the processes of normal functioning of the basal cells of the epidermis are disrupted, there is a need for surgery. Surgery is the only effective way to combat pigmented basal cell carcinomas in cases where other treatment methods are not available.

P. pigmented is an extremely common type of tumor-like skin growths that occurs primarily in older people. According to statistics, more than 90% of patients treated for basal tumors have manifestations of P. Pigment. Further progression of the disease is possible under normal conditions. As such, there is no treatment for pigmented basal cell carcinoma - in fact, the disease is treated with debilitating and other methods using ointments, chemicals, cryotherapy and laser surgery. All these methods are aimed at destroying the abnormal, pigmented area in the tumor tissue. Moreover, some of these methods are also