Beginning of Childbirth


Childbirth is one of the most important and significant moments in a woman’s life. This is the time when she becomes a mother, when the first cry of her child will sound loudly and a new chapter in the life of the whole family will begin. However, before this happens, the mother faces an equally important task - to prepare for childbirth and know what to expect. In this article we will look at how the onset of labor occurs and what the expectant mother needs to know at this stage.

Start of labor:

Contractions are the first sign of the onset of labor. They begin with irregular contractions that can last several hours or days. They are not very strong and not too painful, but this is not real labor. At this time, the woman should rest well and gain strength, and also write down the duration and intervals between contractions to later show the doctor.

When contractions become stronger and more regular, it means labor has begun. At this moment, the woman should try to relax and not tense, not clench her teeth or clench her body muscles, especially her face. This will help speed up the process of cervical dilatation and make labor easier.

Breaking of water:

When labor begins, a woman's amniotic fluid may break. This occurs when the membrane surrounding the baby ruptures and water leaks from the mouth of the uterus. This is normal and can happen either early or mid-labor. It is important to know that the color of the water may indicate problems with the child. Clear or whitish waters are normal. However, if the waters are green, it may mean that the baby is experiencing hypoxia and needs medical attention. If there is bright blood in the waters, it may be a sign of placental abruption and the woman should see a doctor immediately.

Bath, shower:

Water can help a woman cope with pain during childbirth. You can take a bath at an early stage of labor, when contractions last no more than 20 minutes and if the woman is going to go to the maternity hospital. You can also take a bath at home in the later stages of labor. Showering can also help relieve pain during contractions, especially if you direct the stream to the sacrum or lower back.


The onset of labor is an important moment in a woman's life, and preparation for it must be thorough. Contractions, breaking of water and a bath or shower are all signs of the onset of labor that a woman should know and be able to recognize. It is important to remember that childbirth is a natural process, and a woman should try to relax and not tense up during contractions. If any problems or unusual symptoms occur, you should contact your doctor immediately. But overall, proper preparation and knowing what to expect will help a woman navigate the beginning of labor with minimal pain and safely deliver a healthy baby into the world.