Delirium tremens

Delirium tremens. Delirium

How does alcohol affect the human brain? What is the mechanism of delirium? Why do people lose touch with reality? Let's understand these issues with the help of a psychological analysis of such a phenomenon as delirium tremens - alcoholic delirium.

**Delirium or mental disorder?** ***Delirium*** (translated from Latin dementia - oblivion) ​​is nothing more than a violation of the cognitive functions that occur in our consciousness, as well as the autonomic and psychomotor functions of a person. Those. *delirium is impaired thinking, perception of the world, distorted speech and behavior.*

_**Delirium tremens or delirium tremens**_ is essentially a fairly severe mental disorder, manifested in the form of mental disorders. Thus, a disease in which a person risks losing touch with society, due to a refusal to think, perceive reality and even motor skills, occurs in a person in the last stages of severe alcoholism. As a rule, the consequences of prolonged drunkenness overtake themselves after the bottle of alcohol is abruptly canceled. **Symptoms of a condition such as **delirium tremens **are fraught with social and even medical complications. In most cases, after such a binge, a man develops:** * disorientation in time and space; * violation of the perception of reality, refusal of it; * confused thinking with chaotic phrases or even shouting curses; * hallucinations

Such symptoms often cause a person’s regret and despair, but only some people at this moment begin to search for sources to get out of delirium. What are the risks of treating delirium tremens? Unsafe delirium threatens with serious complications, so you can’t do without a doctor: * mental disorders, which will subsequently lead to irreversible consequences and significantly reduce the level of a person’s adaptation in society, may require treatment and forced hospitalization; * oxygen deficiency; * pulmonary edema * heart attack, strokes

And this is only a small part of the possible health problems that occur as a result of the development of delirium tremens. The final outcome of recovery is also unpredictable. To date, no methods have been developed to combat diseases characteristic of long-term alcohol binge drinking. At any moment, the patient can expect loss of contact with the outside world, followed by coma and death. Therefore, if you experience a hangover or enter the stage of alcohol withdrawal syndrome, you must immediately