White skin after burn

I burned my hand while taking the pie out of the oven, a blister formed, it healed hypertrophically, the scar protruded above the skin, I smoothed it out with a brush, but there was a white spot left that really upsets me. Melanin is not produced in this area. Is it possible with the help of a laser or other cosmos. procedures to completely restore skin color in this area? or that's it, come to terms

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These are the little things in life. do not mind it

My burn disappeared after 3 years. In reality, these are the little things in life

Once I spilled a cup of boiling water on my bare legs, there were also stains, but they washed away after about a year, I didn’t do anything special. It will go away even faster on the arm; going to the laser for that is nonsense. You're getting carried away over nothing

It’s not a trifle, five years have passed and it still remains white, with a very visible place on the wrist. sometimes they ask if it was opened. in summer this spot becomes covered with a dark ring, pigmentation, which makes it even more noticeable, 2 cm in length and 2 cm in width. will this really remain for the rest of my life?(((

if there was a collagen scar, it could remain for life. I began to tan a little after 30 years)))

I burned my hand while taking the pie out of the oven, a blister formed, it healed hypertrophically, the scar protruded above the skin, I smoothed it out with a brush, but there was a white spot left that really upsets me. Melanin is not produced in this area. Is it possible with the help of a laser or other cosmos. procedures to completely restore skin color in this area? or that's it, come to terms

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As a rule, this cannot be removed

Tell me, please, how did you level the protruding scar with a badyagi?? I also need. Mine, however, is in such a place that it is not visible under clothes, so the color is not important. Otherwise, you need to call any clinic that works with lasers, I think they will answer you right away. I had laser manipulation done at a Moscow clinic, and they answered the phone quite adequately.

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Blisters after a burn are common and require special treatment. Blisters after a burn not only cause severe pain, but they can also become infected and take a long time to heal. In addition, spots may appear after burns.

Blisters after a burn

If blisters form on the affected skin after a burn, then, as a rule, this is a sign of a second-degree burn, and recovery of the skin after a burn in this case will require at least 1-2 weeks with proper, thorough and careful treatment. When a blister appears after a burn, this means that the keratinizing epithelium has been damaged down to the germinal layer. Consequently, the blister after a burn heals due to the complex process of regeneration of the remaining part of the germ layer. In order for regeneration to begin and successfully complete after such a burn, special care is required. After a burn, special products must be applied to the skin to accelerate regeneration, protect the “surviving” dermal cells and ensure the absence of bacteria in the wound with a blister. Blisters after a burn can be single or multiple. The affected area becomes red, there is pain, a burning sensation that intensifies when touching the affected area, and swelling appears. As a rule, the blister after a burn contains a clear liquid, which becomes yellowish and cloudy over time.

Treatment after a burn

Treatment of blisters after a burn is necessary in order to:

  1. prevent infection of the bladder;
  2. enhance skin regeneration in the bladder area;
  3. protect the blister from opening;
  4. protect the blister that has opened after a burn from infection and drying out.

In most cases, blisters that occur after burns can be treated at home, since the drugs and principles of treatment after a burn are the same both in a clinic and at home. But sometimes there is a need for surgical treatment when it is necessary to remove pus and dead tissue, adhering foreign particles (for example, pieces of clothing). Of course, it is better that the drug for treatment in any case is prescribed by a doctor after examining the burn itself.

Burn spots

After a burn, stains may remain. To avoid their appearance, it is necessary to properly treat the spots: they must be dried to protect them from infection, it is necessary to relieve the inflammatory process, and regular and timely lubrication with ointments created for this purpose. Thus, during the recovery period after a burn, the cells will be constantly renewed, and the burn spots will disappear on their own.

To eliminate burn stains faster, it is necessary to protect the damaged area from the influence of sunlight, for which purpose, before leaving the house, the stain must be lubricated using a special sun cream. In addition, visiting a solarium or sunbathing is not recommended.

To prevent white spots from remaining after a burn, you can use folk remedies. For example, grate potatoes and wipe the damaged area with the resulting gruel. You can use aloe, which needs to be peeled and applied to the skin with this side. Wipe the area where the burn occurred using the juice of this plant.

To avoid pigmentation after a burn, you can add lemon juice to the cream and cover the skin thickly with it. It will be even better if you can use a specialized mask, for which you mix a little beeswax and butter, taken in a 1:2 ratio, heat the resulting mixture in a water bath, cool and add lemon juice. With this product, the skin will become softer. It perfectly nourishes the skin and is characterized by its whitening effect. Fresh cucumber also has a whitening effect, a slice of which can be applied to the damaged area.

For a month, the burn site should be smeared with sea buckthorn oil. It is believed that it also has a positive effect on old spots after burns. In addition, you can use pharmacological agents - serums and creams that have a peeling and whitening effect.

Traces from thermal or chemical burns, as well as radiation burns, do not cause any pain. However, such spots look very unattractive and therefore belong to the category of cosmetic defects.

Photo 1: Severe burns can leave blisters and spots on the skin. Source: Flickr (Arsie Jiwajinda)

Causes of burn marks

Thermal and chemical burns heal rather slowly, and spots and scars are more pronounced, which is due to:

  1. protein coagulation under the influence of high temperatures and chemical reagents. In this case, the curled up cells are naturally removed, and the depressions formed in their place are very difficult to smooth out;
  2. fibrin formation. Connective tissues are stiffer and rougher, formed very unevenly, which causes the appearance of unevenness or very noticeable roughness;
  3. the appearance of keloid-type formations. In the process of accumulation of collagen fibers, active growth of scar tissue occurs, which is very well nourished by blood vessels;
  4. atrophy of the skin. The result of disruption of metabolic processes is the formation of translucent, thinned skin, which has the appearance of a characteristic post-burn spot.

Note! The size and appearance of the post-burn spot directly depend on the degree of damage and the correctness of the therapeutic measures taken. If the treatment regimen is violated and prevention is not properly organized, the risk of a difficult-to-remove stain or scar increases significantly.

How to remove a burn mark

The problems of post-burn scar changes, accompanied by active tissue growths and the appearance of spots, can be solved in several ways:

  1. laser resurfacing. The procedure is based on the effect of a laser beam on the spots and scars left after a burn. Polishing is indicated for removing burns on the face, where it is highly effective;
  2. deep peeling. As a rule, it is carried out with fruit acids of organic origin. Such compositions are repeatedly applied to skin defects and make their relief less noticeable;
  3. cryodestruction. This method of getting rid of post-burn marks uses liquid nitrogen, which helps exfoliate scar tissue, improves the general condition of the skin and accelerates tissue regeneration;
  4. phototherapy. A feature of the modern procedure is the targeted effect of light rays of a certain wavelength on small burn spots. The result of herbal treatment is the acceleration of skin regeneration and active tissue renewal.

A relatively new method is collotherapy, which is based on injections of collagen, which can easily fill all the voids formed in scar changes.

Note! The presence of rapidly growing keloid changes requires the use of aesthetic medicine methods, which involve excision of scar tissue followed by laser resurfacing.


Despite the emergence of new and modern methods, the most accessible way to make post-burn spots less pronounced is still the use of time-tested and well-proven medications.


The cream is used to remove scars and burn marks in patients of all ages, due to its composition based on natural plant components, as well as natural beeswax. A drug helps to significantly improve blood circulation, due to which damaged skin becomes lighter and smoother.


The ointment has a softening and moisturizing effect, which significantly improves skin elasticity and eliminates discomfort, itching or tightness. During the formation of medicinal silicone film, inhibits the growth of scars and the entry of pathogenic microflora under the skin. The course of treatment is, on average, from two months to six months.


Injectable glucocorticoid drug, not recommended for use if there is a history of pathologies such as liver cirrhosis, renal failure, HIV infection, arterial hypertension, thrombophlebitis and osteoporosis, neurosis, and various fungal infections. In case of cicatricial skin changes caused by a burn, the drug prevents the proliferation of soft tissues and inhibits metabolic processes within the formations, eliminating inflammation.


Urea-based ointment Helps soften and moisturize scar tissue, and also smoothes damaged skin. The main advantages of this drug are the absence of contraindications and side effects. The applied medicinal composition is easily absorbed and goes well with moisturizing night compresses.

Folk remedies

All known folk remedies are very accessible, and therefore are objectively in demand for getting rid of redness caused by sun or mild thermal and chemical burns.

Regular treatment of red spots with sea ​​buckthorn oil, freshly squeezed aloe juice or parsley, gruel from crushed raw potatoes or fresh cucumber, helps whiten scars or spots, as well as effectively moisturize the skin.

Photo 2. Cucumber has long been used in cosmetology as a moisturizer and whitening agent. Source: Flickr (Nguyen Thi Minh Nguyet).

Popular and publicly available means can also be considered honey and cinnamon mixture, tomato-cucumber paste, solution based bicarbonate sodium and a mask from badyagi.

Note! Essential camphor, peppermint and rosemary oils promote rapid tissue regeneration and can also make relief burn surfaces as smooth and least noticeable as possible.

Preventing stains

Burn marks and scars often pose very serious problems, and not only in aesthetic terms. The skin after healing of a burn may be too wrinkled, dull and lifeless, with complete or partial loss of elasticity. In these areas, superficial or deep cracks are noted, causing discomfort, represented by a feeling of tightness or tingling. Very dry skin, as a rule, is hypersensitive to external influences.

To prevent the appearance of spots and scars on burn healing sites, it is necessary use special emollients, which form a protective microemulsion on the healed surface.

A good effect is achieved by using a modern dermatological emulsion for preventive purposes. OILATUM, which has a pronounced soothing and softening effect on the skin, and also restores the necessary moisture levels in regenerated tissues.

Among other things, it is important competently approach the prescription of treatment regimens burns of any etiology and the choice of anti-burn drugs to prevent such skin defects. To do this, it is important not to self-medicate, but to seek medical help.