White mole on head

Moles (nevi) and birthmarks are benign neoplasms that can appear on any part of the body and in any quantity. In most cases, they are not dangerous to human health and life. A mole on the head can be dangerous when it is often injured or changes its color, shape, or size. In this case, you need to consult a doctor, undergo an examination and, possibly, remove the formation.

What does it look like

The appearance of the formation in the photo may vary. All of the following options are normal:

  1. The color is most often brown, but can be black, red and even purple. A white rim may appear around.
  2. They rise (convex) or do not rise (flat) above the skin level.
  3. The mole can be located on any part of the head: the scalp (back of the head, crown), face.
  4. The size ranges from a pinpoint to 5 cm or even more. Birthmarks are often larger in size.
  5. There are no additional symptoms. The patient should not be bothered by pain, numbness, or burning. The appearance of these symptoms most likely means that we are talking about another pathology.

Red mole on the head: is it dangerous?

In most cases, moles on the head are not dangerous and do not require diagnosis or treatment. However, there is caution associated with the likelihood of malignancy (malignancy) of such formations. Under the influence of various factors (damage, ultraviolet radiation), a mole can degenerate into melanoma. That is why every person should be able to distinguish a dangerous mole using special criteria.

Hazard criteria

Moles on the scalp require special attention, as they are often injured when combing or other manipulations. There are 5 criteria that help assess the danger of a nevus: asymmetry, edge, color, size, dynamics (abbreviated as ACORD).

If you draw a conditional line along the center of the formation, both halves should be identical, even, and symmetrical. Asymmetric halves of a nevus are one of the signs of danger.

Normally, the edge of the nevus is smooth and clear. Blurry edges, as well as jagged edges and deformation are a sign of danger.

The formation can have different colors: brown, black, red (all of these options are the norm). It is not the color itself that is important, but its uniformity. The presence of any inclusions, darkening, or blanching should alert the patient.

The larger the nevus, the higher the risk of malignancy. The diameter of a formation greater than 6 mm is an alarming sign.

It is very important to monitor the nevus over time. You should be wary of the appearance of roughness, ulceration, as well as the rapid growth of formation.

If the formation is localized on the head, it is not always possible to conduct a self-examination. It is better to ask someone close to you to examine hard-to-reach places (the back of the head, the crown of the head).

What should a patient do if the criteria exist?

If you identify at least one of the above criteria, you should definitely contact a dermatologist. This does not always indicate malignancy of the nevus, but it is better to be safe.

Who is at risk

There is a group of people who are especially at risk of nevus degeneration into melanoma. The risk group includes:

  1. men over 50 years old;
  2. persons with a family history (melanoma in relatives);
  3. persons with more than 100 moles;
  4. persons susceptible to sunburn;
  5. persons with fair skin, red hair, freckles.

Anyone who is at risk for melanoma should be regularly monitored by a dermatologist. The frequency of preventive examinations is once a year (even without dangerous signs).

How does an appointment with a doctor go?

The doctor will carefully examine the nevus, determine the presence of signs of malignancy, and collect an anamnesis of life and disease. An additional examination is prescribed, usually the consultation is limited to dermatoscopy. Dermatoscopy is a method of visual assessment of skin tumors. For the study, a dermatoscope is used, with which you can obtain an image magnified 10 times.

Dermatoscopy is a preliminary diagnostic method. It will not be possible to make a final diagnosis (benign or malignant formation, what type), this requires a histological examination.

Mole on the head in the hair: what causes the appearance

A mole is a collection of melanocytes that are located between the lower (dermis) and upper layers of the skin (epidermis). Melanocytes are skin cells that produce the pigment melanin. It is this pigment that causes the color of moles to change. Red formations represent proliferation of blood vessels.

Almost every person has birthmarks. They can be formed under the influence of various factors - genetic, hormonal, and the external environment.

One of the most common causes of the formation of nevi (both congenital and acquired) is genetic abnormalities. Hereditary predisposition is influenced by environmental factors.

Nevi grow under the influence of various hormones. For example, the number of moles increases during puberty and in women during pregnancy.

Sunlight triggers the production of melanin, which leads to the formation of moles.

Trauma, viruses, and radiation can trigger the movement of melanocytes to the epidermis.


Not all nevi can be removed. In most cases, it is enough to follow simple recommendations to prevent complications. If a mole is often injured or there are signs of malignant degeneration, such a formation must be removed.

What to do at home

All activities carried out at home are aimed at preventing complications. No home treatment can effectively remove the formation.

Care Tips:

  1. try to wash and comb your hair carefully so as not to damage the nevus;
  2. do not use scrubs and peels on the scalp;
  3. if the mole is localized on the open part of the head, cover it with a sun bandage.

Under no circumstances should you remove the formation yourself! Such an attempt at treatment can damage the nevus and provoke the development of complications (malignization, bleeding).

One of the most important things you can do at home is preventative checkups. It is necessary to regularly examine the nevus and evaluate it using the ACORD algorithm.


The final decision on the need to remove the nevus should be made by the patient together with the doctor after a complete examination. Surgical treatment is indicated for all patients with suspected melanoma. To remove the formation, different methods can be used - laser therapy, electrocoagulation, cryodestruction, surgical excision.

Description, advantages and disadvantages

Suitable for removing nevi, which are often injured (especially on open areas of the head). This is a modern treatment method that uses a laser to remove the formation. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia; no scars are left at the removal site. The main disadvantages include the high cost of treatment and the impossibility of removing malignant tumors.

The method is based on exposure to electric current. The nevus is cauterized, and after some time the necrotic tissue is rejected on its own. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

Exposure to liquid nitrogen is often used to remove small lesions. Freezing and subsequent destruction of the mole occurs. The procedure is painless, does not require anesthesia or local anesthesia, but is not suitable for removing large nevi. Sometimes several sessions are required for complete removal.

Surgical excision is the main treatment method for melanoma and large benign tumors. A scalpel is used for removal; the operation is performed under local or general anesthesia. After excision of the nevus or melanoma, the wound is sutured, and the formation is sent for histological examination.


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According to statistics, moles on the head occur in every 20 people on the planet. This is a common phenomenon, but not everyone knows what moles are, whether they are dangerous, how to care for them and whether they should be removed. You will find answers to all these questions in our article.

Why do moles appear?

A mole is the most common formation on the body; each person can have several dozen small and large nevi. Their appearance, including on the head under the hair, is possible for the following reasons:

— Incorrect division of epidermal cells during fetal development in the womb. In this case, the newborn may already have moles on his body.

- Excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays. This is one of the most common reasons for the appearance of moles, since many people like to vacation in hot countries and do not always take care of protecting their skin. Aggressive exposure to sunlight can lead to rapid growth of moles, especially in areas with delicate and thin skin.

— Heredity. Due to genetic characteristics, some moles that parents have can be passed on to their children. Most often, such nevi are congenital.

— Hormonal imbalance in the body. Moles on the head can appear during puberty, pregnancy or menopause. At this time, hormonal levels are disrupted and the body is rebuilt, which gives impetus to the emergence of new formations.

- Injuries. It is extremely rare, however, that damage to the skin on the body or head can cause a mole to appear in that area.

Most often, moles do not cause inconvenience and are benign. However, much may depend on their location.

Types of moles on the head

1. Large mole

Most often, this is a congenital neoplasm that grows with a person and in some cases can reach 10 cm. Such moles are not dangerous, but can cause discomfort. Therefore, experts recommend removing them.

2. Convex mole

It rises above the skin and may look like a small ball. Usually has a dark color from brown to black. They can reach 1.5 cm in size. Due to their shape, convex moles on the head can often be injured when combing and washing the hair. To prevent unpleasant consequences, it is better to remove such a nevus.

3. Flat mole

This is the most common type of mole on the head. In most cases, their size varies from 2 to 6 mm. These are pigmented growths, so they range in color from light brown to black. It is believed that brown moles on the head are the safest formations.

4. Blue mole

Blue or blue moles are unusual for us and in many cases they are confused with skin cancer. We talked in detail about skin cancer in the article “Skin cancer: melanoma.”. But don’t panic, first examine the new growth and if it has a uniform color, does not peel and does not hurt, then most likely it is a mole. For more information about why blue moles appear and when they should be removed, read the article “What is a blue nevus? Is this neoplasm dangerous?”

This is a vascular neoplasm that appears in both infants and adults. The cause is improper development of blood vessels. Hemangioma looks like a small nodular growth from light pink to dark burgundy. If you want to remove a hemangioma, first consult a doctor.

6. Red mole

Just like hemangioma, it has a reddish-burgundy color, but in appearance it is more similar to a flat or convex mole. Appears due to improper functioning of the subcutaneous capillaries. Red moles on the head under the hair can reach 2 cm in size. This type of moles tends to grow over the skin, then they form entire networks that can be easily injured on the head. You can learn more about the nature of red moles in the article “Red moles. What are they?”

There are a number of other growths on the head; you can read more about them in our special article “Growths on the head.”

What is the danger of moles on the head?

The peculiarity of such moles is their location on the scalp. They are not visible and therefore can be easily missed, the moment when a mole degenerates into a malignant tumor. In most cases this is facilitated by:

  1. frequent injury to the nevus (with combs, hands, hair jewelry, glasses);
  2. exposure to caustic cosmetics (paints, masks, peelings);
  3. long exposure to the sun without a hat;
  4. scalp diseases (dandruff, seborrhea).

The main signs of a dangerous mole on the head are:

  1. rapid growth of tumors;
  2. inflammation and redness of the mole;
  3. color changes;
  4. asymmetry and blurred boundaries;
  5. peeling and bleeding from the mole;
  6. itching;
  7. pain when pressed.

How to care for moles on the head?

Convex and large moles require special attention, since they are the easiest to injure. You must follow several doctor's recommendations:

  1. When washing your hair, do not rub the mole too hard;
  2. It is best to avoid masks and peelings for the scalp, or not to apply cosmetics to the mole area;
  3. choose hats and glasses carefully to avoid friction or pressure on the mole;
  4. When combing your hair, you should also be careful not to touch the nevus.

In most cases, raised moles under the hair should be removed. But do not self-medicate; be sure to seek help from a doctor who will choose the safest method for removing moles for you.

Mole removal methods

If you have a mole on your head and it grows quickly, hurts, itches or is often injured, then it must be removed. Today, modern medicine offers us a wide selection of methods for removing tumors. The most effective and proven ones include:

— Laser removal – this is the safest and fastest way to get rid of a nevus. The laser acts exclusively on the mole, vaporizing it, leaving only a blackened crust that will fall off in a few days. After removing a mole with a laser, there are no traces left on the skin. This procedure is common and widely used because it has a number of advantages:

  1. painlessness;
  2. bloodlessness;
  3. speed of implementation;
  4. no rehabilitation period;
  5. has no complications or side effects.

— Surgical removal - This is another way to remove a mole on the head. With this operation, not only the mole is removed, but also 3-5 mm of skin around it. The disadvantage of this method is the formation of a scar at the site of removal. However, if the mole on the head is large enough, then most often experts prescribe surgical excision.

— Cryodestruction - a method using liquid nitrogen, which freezes and destroys the tissue of the mole, which leads to the death of the neoplasm. The most obvious disadvantage of this method of removal is the scars and scars after the procedure.

— Electrocoagulation – here high-frequency current is used to remove moles. The tumor is literally burned out, leaving a wound after the procedure that requires healing. In most cases, electrocoagulation leaves a scar.

— Radio wave method - This is the use of high frequency radio waves. The procedure is similar to surgical excision, however, it is less traumatic for the tissues of the scalp.

The doctor chooses the method of removing a mole based on the individual characteristics of the patient, the shape and location of the mole.

A mole on the head, especially in the scalp, requires close attention and special care.

The danger of injury to her is too great, and the influence of cosmetics does not always have a beneficial effect on her condition.

Typically, moles (or nevi, as they are commonly called in medicine) cause little concern to their owners.

  1. All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
  2. Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS only DOCTOR!
  3. We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  4. Health to you and your loved ones!

But sometimes their location on the body can be called not entirely successful.

We are talking, among other things, about moles on the head, especially in the scalp.

The head, more than other parts of the body, is exposed to sunlight and various cosmetics, which do not always have a beneficial effect on nevi.

And combing your hair and wearing hats can injure moles. Sometimes they can even be damaged by the temples of glasses.

How dangerous is a mole on the head and whether it should be removed? Let’s take a closer look.

What are there

According to their structure, moles are:

  1. non-vascular - formed due to the accumulation of pigment cells (melanocytes), the more of them, the darker the color of the nevus, even black;
  2. vascular - sometimes vessels take part in the formation of a mole, which grow, forming nodules; such a mole is red, which is due to its structure.

Depending on the layer of skin in which moles form (epidermis or at the border of the epidermis and dermis), they can be:

  1. flat – they look like spots and do not protrude above the surface of the skin;
  2. convex - rise above the surface of the skin, can look like a hemisphere, sometimes resemble warts.

Nevi are also distinguished by size:

  1. small – up to 15 mm in diameter;
  2. medium - up to 10 cm;
  3. large – over 10 cm in diameter;
  4. giant - can occupy very large areas of the skin.

A mole can be congenital (already noticeable in the child at birth) or appear during life.

The appearance of new nevi most often occurs during adolescence and pregnancy, which is explained by the intense production of hormones.

Convex moles or large nevi require special attention, as well as those that form in places where there is a high risk of injury.

How to properly care for moles on the head

Usually, small flat moles that appear on the head do not require special attention.

But if a convex mole appears in the hair, it is dangerous due to injury.

In any case, you will need to consult a dermatologist, who will give his recommendations and perhaps recommend its removal.

Caring for such nevi should be more careful.

  1. Scrubs and peelings should not be used at the site of a mole.
  2. If the mole is located under the hair, be careful when combing, try to go around this area without touching the scalp in this place with the comb.
  3. Make sure that hats or glasses do not put pressure on the nevus.
  4. Observe the size, color and shape of the mole and consult a doctor if there are any changes.
  5. Do not try to remove a mole yourself, it is very dangerous.

A convex mole in the scalp or a large one under the hair most often needs to be removed, especially if it creates a visible cosmetic defect.

Some nevi have an increased risk of degeneration, so do not take any independent action before consulting a dermatologist.

And if he advises you to remove the nevus, contact a medical facility.

Signs of degeneration

The danger of injury to moles lies in their possible degeneration into melanoma.

Therefore, sometimes it is better to remove a nevus, especially in the hair, where it is more difficult to monitor changes, rather than expose yourself to such a risk.

The risk of a malignant formation exists at the site of any mole, but it is higher if the mole is large or exposed to trauma.

Photo: nevus subject to degeneration

The following signs should alert you and make you seek advice from a specialist:

  1. the mole has increased in size and acquired an asymmetrical shape;
  2. the surface of the mole has changed, flaky skin, bumps, and cracks have appeared on it;
  3. the mole has changed color, turned red or blackened, the skin around the nevus has become white;
  4. the mole hurts or itches.

Any dynamics in the condition of a mole should be a cause for concern.

In case of injury to the nevus, you should also consult a doctor.

Every person should know what to do if a mole that had not shown itself before became very painful.

Self-medication in this case can cause more harm, and this sign in itself is quite alarming.

A benign mole does not hurt and does not remind you of itself by other sensations.

Only a specialist can determine the status of a mole and prescribe its treatment.

How to care for the wound after mole removal? Read here.

Should I delete it?

Most often, moles on the head, especially in the scalp, must be removed.

There are several reasons for this:

  1. high risk of nevus injury;
  2. frequent exposure to cosmetics (soap, shampoo, facial skin care products, etc.);
  3. insufficient protection from ultraviolet radiation (moles on the head receive it in much higher doses than nevi on other parts of the body);
  4. large or raised moles create an aesthetic defect.

Your own feelings, of course, matter. Perhaps the mole does not bother you at all, you are accustomed to its presence and take sufficient care in relation to this area on the head.

But, in any case, consulting a specialist will not be superfluous. He will assess the potential danger of this nevus and tell you what is best in your case: regular observation or removal.

It is better to remove a mole under a child’s hair, especially if it protrudes above the surface of the skin.

Children are not yet responsible enough to exercise the required caution, so it is better to protect them from possible unpleasant consequences. Only on the recommendation of a dermatologist, of course.

Removal methods

Currently, 5 different methods are used in medicine to remove moles.

Photo: surgical removal

All of them are effective, but each has its own nuances:

  1. surgical method. The mole is cut out along with the tissues adjacent to it. The disadvantage of this method is the scar at the excision site. But the material can be sent for histological examination. This is the best way for a mole that has shown any changes in its condition, for example, growing;
  2. laser It is very common nowadays due to its low morbidity, painlessness, and safety. The laser beam has a bactericidal effect and stops bleeding, so complications do not arise. There are also no noticeable scars;
  3. cryodestruction. Destruction of nevus tissue with ultra-low temperature liquid nitrogen. Barely noticeable scars may remain. But there will be no material for histological analysis;
  4. electrocoagulation.Exposure to high-frequency current, burning out the mole. A scar may remain and some time (several days) will be required to restore the area of ​​skin where the intervention was performed;
  5. radio wave method. Cutting out a mole using high frequency radio waves. The method is similar to surgical excision, but is more gentle on tissue.

Usually a dermatologist will advise which method is best to use in your case. But the choice is yours.

How to remove without consequences

If there is a suspicion that the formation is malignant, then it is better to use a method of mole removal that allows for histological analysis of the tissue.

If the mole is benign, then, of course, it is better to choose the least painful method, after which the removal site will quickly heal and will not remind of the mole with scars or cicatrices.

Do moles fade with age? Read here.

What does a mole on the ring finger of your right hand mean? Read on.

The laser removal method has these advantages over others:

  1. under the influence of a laser beam, only nevus cells are removed, the surrounding tissues are not injured;
  2. there will be no scars or scars left after the procedure;
  3. the laser beam seals the vessels, so the operation takes place without blood;
  4. local anesthesia is used;
  5. if a mole in the hair is removed, there is no need to shave a large area;
  6. This way all types of moles are removed.

True, all these advantages of the method are guaranteed only if you contact a qualified specialist from a medical institution.

Video: “Mole removal: my experience”


Medicine denies any logic between the location of a mole and the character or fate of a person. However, among the people there are characteristics of moles depending on their formation on a certain area of ​​the body.

Thus, the meaning of moles on the head is determined by the specific area of ​​their location.

On the scalp

What does nevus in hair mean?

The meaning of a mole on the head under the hair is favorable.

  1. This is a sign of scientists, outstanding researchers. And the less noticeable it is, the better for its owner.
  2. A mole in a child’s hair can be a sign of giftedness and extraordinary thinking abilities. But if it is invisible to the eye, parents should be on their guard: their child will be very secretive and may have secrets from their parents even at a young age.


The temple area is very vulnerable, and a mole located here will reveal a vulnerable and sensitive person.

  1. It is not always possible to guess this, because the closer the nevus is to the hair, the more carefully a person hides his vulnerable nature.
  2. A mole on the right temple will reveal a special person, with developed intuition. He very subtly captures the mood of his interlocutor and delves into the true reasons for his actions. This allows him to quickly assess any situation and make the right decisions.

It is believed that a mole on the temple should be hidden from prying eyes, but many owners do this intuitively, covering it with hair.

Back of the head

A mole on the back of the head is inaccessible to the eyes of its owner, this says a lot.

  1. For example, that a person with such a mark will never flaunt his personal life. It is very difficult to have a conversation with such people, it usually ends with accusing them of arrogance.
  2. A person with a mole on the back of his head is very actively talking to you, but you will never guess about it, because it is an internal conversation. He is a very active thinker and could actually tell you a lot, but... he doesn’t consider it necessary to do so.
  3. The lower the mole is located in the back of the head, the more unusual its owner is. The insincerity of such people often prevents them from creating a strong family. They have to listen to accusations of possible infidelity or other unseemly acts, which, however, are not confirmed.

The crown is a special energy point, and the mark appears on it for a reason.

  1. Often such people are endowed with clairvoyance. Unfortunately, not everyone uses their potential without working to develop it.
  2. Many people would like their mole to be located on the top of their head; its meaning is very attractive. This mark promises wealth and success. And the darker the nevus, the more significant these benefits will be.

What does a mole on the right foot mean? Read on.

How to get rid of hanging moles under the arm? Find out here.

Front of the head

A mole on the upper part of the forehead denotes a brave and strong-willed person.

  1. Whatever field he chooses, he will definitely achieve success in it. His charisma subdues those around him who follow him. Such people make good commanders and politicians.
  2. But the lower the mole is located in the forehead area, the less strong a person’s character, even to the point of weak-willedness.

Wherever a mole is located on the head, it requires special care and observation by a specialist.

Too many risks await this nevus. This special mark not only emphasizes your individuality, but can also cause inconvenience and even cause serious problems. Therefore, it should become the object of your close attention.

Video: “Moles are spots of fate”