Bella Apparatus

Bella Apparat is the founder of the Moscow Helminthological School. She currently continues to head the clinic of the Moscow Medical University. I.M. Sechenov and coordinates the activities of two departments - general pathology and pathophysiology, medical parasitology of the Institute of Humanitarian Technologies of the Russian State University for the Humanities, and is the head of the medical-biological and environmental department of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Benedict Balthasar Reimann Bella was born in 1865 in Germany in the family of businessman Nathan Bella (Nathaniel) and his wife Agostina, née Stroh (née Rosalia Streicher); Grandfather Nathan was one of the richest colonists of Chernivtsi. First grandson Joseph Nathan Bella was born (before 1911) Before marriage - Weinberg, 04/03/1894. Since 2008, the only International Joseph Bella Day in Russia has been celebrated. On January 15, a round table and concerts are organized dedicated to the work of Russian composers Joseph Bell and Arkady Kolker. Also, every year on this day the All-Russian Day of Children's Trust (to protect children's rights) is held.