Bellarminova Flying Squads

Bellarmine flying squads (also known as eye squads or flying eye squads) are the historical name of special units created in the Bellarmine state in the first half of the 20th century.

These units were established by the Bellarminov government to fight opposition forces and dissidents. Their main task was to collect information and monitor citizens suspected of anti-government activities. Employees of the flying squads conducted covert surveillance, collected denunciations and reported on suspicious individuals and groups.

Flying squads received the name because of their mobility and ability to quickly respond to reports of suspicious activity. The name "eye" is associated with their main function - observation and surveillance.

The activities of the Bellarmine flying squads were illegal and aimed at suppressing dissent and political opposition in the country using harsh police state methods. These units were disbanded after the overthrow of the authoritarian regime of Bellarminov during the revolution.

Bellarmin squads are the name of a unit of warriors used to describe one of the structural elements of the armed forces of the Bosporan kingdom. Thus, the name of the detachment should sound like this: “belliarminou outredos”. The word “squad” contains the following translation: “...outreuo.” The names "eye" and "volatile eye" are Latinisms - from the Late Latin "opehtus"