White spot around a mole after sunbathing

Medical expert article

White spots around a mole appear quite often and many people do not pay attention to such pigmentation.

But such changes do not lead to anything good, since it is very important to monitor any transformations.

ICD-10 code

Causes of a white spot around a mole

When new nevi appear on the human body, this is associated with an increase in the amount of melanin in the cells. But what are the reasons for the appearance of white spots around moles?

  1. Heredity - if parents have developed white pigmentation around moles during their lifetime, most likely their children will also have such changes.
  2. Exposure to ultraviolet rays - if you often visit a solarium or sunbathe on the beach, be prepared for similar phenomena. Don't forget to protect your skin, always take sunscreen, wide-brimmed hats, and glasses with you.
  3. Hormonal imbalances - this usually occurs in teenagers, pregnant women, and during menopause. Doctors also include frequent stress and certain diseases in this category.

Remember that the appearance of a white spot around a nevus does not always indicate its degeneration into a malignant tumor. But, if you still have a white halo, you should immediately consult a dermatologist.

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First of all, you need to know that doctors identify several types of white halos, which can sometimes appear in every person near a nevus:

  1. Sutton's nevus is the most common mole, which is surrounded by a dark-colored area of ​​skin. Typically, such areas are irregular in shape. If moles are located very close to each other, then their halos are sometimes connected. Such pigmentations are not associated with melanoma, but there is always a certain percentage that they will develop into malignant formations. As a rule, such nevi appear in adolescents.
  2. Setton's nevus - despite the name being similar to the previous pigment spot, it looks completely different. Typically, such moles are surrounded by small “islands” of light skin. Their sizes are small (rarely exceed one centimeter). Such a mole may disappear on its own, but it must be carefully monitored.
  3. Vitiligo - often the concept of complete whitening of the skin is combined with the appearance of white spots around moles.

White spots around nevi appear gradually, so often the patient does not even notice this change. Sometimes the area begins to itch, so the skin near the mole may peel off. These symptoms alone should alert you and force you to make an appointment with a specialist. As a rule, this happens with those nevi that are located in problem areas (elbows, heels, shins, and so on).

If the appearance of white spots is associated with stressful situations, then sometimes they can darken again. Of course, this happens over time.

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Symptoms of a white spot around a mole

The most common symptoms of white spots around moles are:

  1. Constant itching that forces a person to scratch the affected area.
  2. Peeling of the skin around the nevus.
  3. Gradual disappearance of pigment around the mole.
  4. Sometimes pain may occur.

If the spot is completely flat, there is no need to worry. This indicates that the nevus has not degenerated into a malignant tumor. If the spot begins to change over time (grow, darken, swell), you should immediately undergo an examination.

White spot around a mole after sunbathing

Many of us know that sunbathing in the summer without special protective equipment is not worth it. Ultraviolet radiation can cause more new moles to appear on your body, as well as change existing ones.

White spots around the nevus often begin to develop after prolonged exposure to the sun or tanning bed. This is explained by the fact that ultraviolet radiation leads to a deterioration in the production of melanin by cells. That's why you should always try to protect areas with prominent or lightened moles with clothing, sprays or sunscreens.

White spot around the mole and itching

An itchy mole always indicates quite serious complications. And if the skin around the nevus also becomes lighter or whiter, then you should immediately contact a specialist who can make an accurate diagnosis. Itching is also unpleasant because it causes a person to constantly itch, the skin begins to peel off severely, and wounds, pinpoint hemorrhages and abrasions may appear.

In addition, it is worth noting that the appearance of itching and white spots around the birthmark indicate inflammation of the mole. To cure it, you can use various ointments with an anti-inflammatory effect (the composition may include salicylic acid, zinc, antibiotics, hormonal substances).

White spot around a child's mole

It is in children during adolescence that moles are most often surrounded by white spots. This is explained by the fact that a hormonal imbalance occurs in the child’s body. Changes in skin color can also occur for other reasons, most often hereditary. It is very important to carefully protect your baby's skin from exposure to sunlight.

Complications and consequences

Typically, such white spots do not mean that any serious changes are occurring in the human body. But you still need to show the mole, which has begun to lighten in a circle, to the doctor. If the structure of the nevus, its shape or size changes, this should alert the patient. This fact may indicate the development of melanoma.

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Diagnosis of a white spot around a mole

The most popular diagnostic method, which allows you to find out whether a mole has begun to degenerate into a malignant tumor, is histological analysis. To carry it out, the doctor takes a small amount of tissue around the nevus and sends it for examination. This method allows you to quickly find out whether a nevus is melanoma or not.

Instrumental diagnostics

The most common instrumental diagnostic method is dermatoscopy. This type of diagnosis does not involve surgical intervention. It can be used to diagnose melanoma in the early stages of its development. Through a special device (dermatoscope), the doctor can see all the main signs that are characteristic of malignant tumors.

[12], [13], [14]

Who to contact?

Treatment of a white spot around a mole

Today, treatment of white spots is only possible with the help of surgery, since it is only necessary if the nevus has begun to degenerate into melanoma.

  1. Removing a mole using a laser is a safe and virtually bloodless method that has almost no risk of complications.
  2. Exposure to heat - this method has a very important drawback: neighboring tissues can get quite severely burned.
  3. Removal by radio waves - the method involves evaporation of cellular structures.
  4. Surgery using cold nitrogen - ultra-low temperatures help completely destroy nevus tissue.
  5. Excision of a nevus with a scalpel - the disadvantage is the fact that a scar remains after the operation.

Traditional herbal treatment

  1. If the surface of a mole with a white halo is lubricated with garlic juice and then lemon juice, then over time the nevus will disappear, as will the light spot.
  2. Grind the celandine and add Vaseline to it. Apply the resulting mixture to the mole up to two times a day.
  3. Take half a glass of apple cider vinegar and add two garlic cloves to it. Leave for up to two weeks. Moisten a small amount of cotton cloth and apply to the nevus before going to bed. Repeat until the mole completely disappears.

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If you notice that the skin around a mole is starting to lighten, it is best to completely cover that part of the body before going out into the sun. Firstly, sun rays always have a negative effect on nevi. On the other hand, fair skin will immediately burn from their exposure.

Try to avoid stressful situations, emotional overload, watch your diet and weight.

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With timely treatment, the prognosis is favorable. In some cases, if a white spot around a mole appears due to stress, it may even go away on its own.

It is important to know!

If you notice that you have formed a nevus above your eye, it is recommended to immediately contact a specialist who can determine whether the age spot is a benign formation.

Doctors have nicknamed moles a kind of developmental defect, which, of course, sounds somewhat rude, but quite accurately reflects the essence of the so-called nevi. Often they do not cause any trouble to their owners and are considered benign manifestations, even adding piquancy to a person’s appearance in some cases. But sometimes it happens that a white spot forms around a mole, and this instantly raises questions, why and where did it come from?

What does this mean?

Firstly, this phenomenon should be associated with insufficient functioning of the skin cells that produce the melanin pigment. Typically, white spots that appear around a mole can vary in shape and size. Most often, they act as a subtype of moles and can appear above the skin, and after a while disappear without any effect on them.

The phenomenon of "Sutton's nevus"

What could be the white spot around a mole? This phenomenon, called Sutton's nevus, refers to ordinary moles that are surrounded by uncolored and completely devoid of pigment skin. Such white dots almost always have an irregular shape and merge with each other, spreading around. In most situations, the disease in question is absolutely not associated with the appearance of melanoma.

What basically happens is that the white spots disappear on their own. But there are also cases when such a nevus develops into a malignant form, which, in fact, is typical for any kind of mole. Sutton's nevus appears both single and multiple. It most often occurs during adolescence. A white spot may appear around the mole after sunbathing.

Another type of nevus

A nevus with a name that is almost consonant with the previous one looks a little different. These are pigment spots of a separate type, which are surrounded by small islands of white skin. They are small in size and usually reach up to one centimeter. Cases have been recorded when this kind of white spots surrounding a mole and diagnosed as Setton's nevus looked like pinpoint brown-white formations with protruding hairs from them. What to do if a white spot appears around a mole? Let's figure it out further.

Like all moles with white spots, this type of nevus can disappear on its own. Although it happens that he accompanies his owner throughout his life. As practice shows, treatment for Setton's nevus is not required. Doctors prescribe it only when the patient wants to get rid of an unpleasant piece of jewelry for cosmetic purposes. Multiple moles on the skin sometimes need to be closely monitored. What else could a white spot around a mole be?

Change in skin color

It happens that white circles around moles are associated with such a definition as vitiligo. It is understood as a radical change in skin color towards a bright pale shade. The reasons why a person suddenly encounters a similar phenomenon are currently unknown.

As a rule, something similar happens with nevi, which are located on parts of the body that are subject to various traumatic influences, for example, these could be knees, elbows, soles of the feet, and so on. If a mole on a person’s heel suddenly becomes a kind of island in the center of a white spot, then it is likely that this happened due to fast running or jumping from a great height.

Among the reasons for the appearance of vitiligo are the genetic predisposition of patients and problems with stress resistance. Of course, the frequently used phrase that supposedly all diseases occur solely due to nerves has a solid basis, but this question still remains open.

Sudden disappearance

As already noted, the white spot around the mole can disappear exactly the same way it appeared, that is, suddenly. With such a change, a normal area of ​​skin remains in this place. It should be noted that “suddenly” does not mean immediately. This means that the phenomenon disappears without any reason. What happens is that slowly, but surely, the skin gradually returns to its previous normal color. Taking into account the variant with stress resistance, we can say that this happens because negative experiences disappear from the patient’s life.

It also happens that the mole itself, which is surrounded by a ring that does not have pigmentation, completely disappears. Only a small circle remains. Sometimes it disappears, sometimes it doesn't. Often parents are concerned about a white spot around a child’s mole. The attending doctor will be able to give more accurate comments on this issue. Nowadays, medicine has such amazing technologies that cope with similar problems when an unwanted white spot begins to appear around a mole.

Treatment and prevention of vitiligo

Vitiligo is not considered a congenital disease at all; it is acquired during a person’s life or can be inherited. Statistics indicate that achromia, namely areas of unpigmented skin, is characteristic of young women. This happens because they are more often susceptible to stress, depression and diseases of the endocrine system compared to men. Why does a white spot form around a mole?

If a person goes to the beach and has moles on his skin that are surrounded by white spots, then it is advisable for him to try to cover them from any exposure to the sun. First of all, this will save the nevus itself from the negative influence, and will also protect against sunburn, because skin lacking pigment can get it instantly.

After sunbathing

Vitiligo usually appears immediately after a hot summer, as well as prolonged exposure to the sun. The functioning of the cells that produce pigment is disrupted or completely frozen, because ultraviolet radiation represents severe stress for the human body. Melanin is produced to protect our skin from harmful sun rays. If there is no melanin, there will be absolutely no protection.

If a white spot has formed around a mole, you should avoid unnecessary worries and learn to bring only peace and harmony into your life. It is important to carefully monitor your metabolism and regularly cleanse your entire body.

Photosensitizer course

Vitiligo is usually treated through the use of regular courses of photosensitizers. In addition, doctors recommend taking B vitamins. But even the best therapy may not have the desired effect due to lack of knowledge about this disease.

It is important to remember that ultraviolet radiation, especially during prolonged exposure, will not bring any benefit to the skin. She will simply age quickly. If a white spot appears on the back around a mole, then traditional methods can help.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine suggests the use of baths. This method is especially relevant for those who are worried about, for example, a mole on the heel. In this case, make a tincture on the roots of the blood-red variety of geranium. To do this, you need to grind fifty grams of roots, which are then poured with a liter of boiling water and left for about six hours. After some time, the resulting infusion is filtered and poured into a container.

Before going to bed, keep your foot in this solution, which is diluted with some water at a comfortable temperature. Such baths should be performed from ten to fifteen in one course of treatment. In cases where such a problematic mole is located not on the leg, but on some other part of the body, the above-described infusion is poured into the bath. There are other, more sophisticated treatment methods. For example, a technique borrowed from Cuba, in which they use an ordinary river or marsh plant - duckweed.

Amazing fact

The most surprising fact about moles, which are surrounded by a ring of white skin, is that this deviation can actually disappear after some time, as if dissolved. And such a phenomenon as achromia is only the first sign of such a process. Thus, when a mole begins to gradually lose its white color, becoming smaller and smaller, they are called halonevus from the Latin word “halo”, which means a circle.

Reason to see a doctor

To summarize, it should be emphasized that white spots on the skin around moles or direct changes in the skin itself should in no case be ignored by a person. If you notice anything unusual, you must immediately consult a doctor, take all the necessary tests, and undergo an examination. After all, there are several options for answering a question such as: why a mole on the right heel suddenly became surrounded by a white spot.

And if you are not a specialist, then, of course, you will not be able to establish a correct diagnosis or draw the right conclusions. It is best to seek answers to your questions in a medical institution. After all, various changes are possible around the mole, which may result from its degeneration into a malignant type, which will become an exacerbation of this skin disease, or will cause other dermatological abnormalities. It should also be remembered that the term “mole” itself is not at all medical; in its original form, it does not indicate the presence of any specific tumor formation of the skin.

Many people are accustomed to the presence of moles and increased pigmentation on the skin and this does not bother them much.

The situation is different when changes occur in the skin around the mole. The appearance of light or white halos in the area of ​​the nevus greatly alarms the patient and he goes to see a dermatologist.

Reasons for appearance

A white spot around a mole occurs for the following reasons:

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: Anastasia, an ordinary girl, not even a blogger, shared her secret against moles, papillomas and warts, read here.

  1. Genetic predisposition. If one or both parents have moles on their body surrounded by a white spot, then there is a high probability that their children will also develop just such dermatological problems.
  2. UV radiation. If the skin is often exposed to direct sunlight, then various pathological processes may begin to occur in it. A white spot in the area of ​​a mole quite often appears under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Such a spot after sunbathing is not a rare occurrence.
  3. Changes in hormonal levels. Moles with a white halo often occur against the background of hormonal changes that arise due to various processes occurring in the patient’s body. Teenagers, pregnant women, and women struggling with menopause suffer more. Frequent exposure to stress, long-term use of hormonal drugs, as well as serious illnesses significantly change the hormonal balance.
  4. Radioactive exposure. White spots in the area of ​​moles often occur in people who have received an impressive dose of radiation. Ionizing radiation can provoke the development of cancer pathologies. Therefore, if a white spot near a mole appears after a large dose of radiation, then most likely the process of malignancy has begun.
  5. Mechanical injuries. The appearance of a white spot is often explained by the impact of clothing on the wart. If it is often squeezed or rubbed, a light halo and other pathological symptoms may appear around it.

If the process of degeneration of a nevus into skin cancer has begun, then this is the most dangerous reason for the appearance of a halo in the area of ​​a dubious neoplasm.

In case of malignant degeneration, it is necessary to recognize the dangerous pathology in time and begin adequate therapy.


White halo around a mole

What skin phenomena can this indicate?

Light halos appear in the following dermatological pathologies:

  1. Halonevus (Nevus of Setton). This is a special type of benign mole (light pink or dark brown) with a rim of reddened skin. Over the course of several weeks, the rim lightens and soon becomes milky white, much lighter than the surrounding healthy tissue. Such formations often occur in adolescence in single or multiple forms. Her prognosis is good: melanoma does not threaten such patients, and halonevus may disappear over time.
  2. Vitiligo. With this genetic disease, the human body stops producing melanin in sufficient quantities, so white spots can appear not only in the area with nevi, but they also affect other parts of the body. The disease can be inherited. The problem occurs mainly in young people from 10 to 30 years old, although there are cases where vitiligo appeared during menopause.

White spots in the area of ​​nevi most often appear gradually. Patients may not pay attention to this. Over time, they begin to experience itching and peeling of the skin of the pathological element. This usually happens with moles located on the elbows, heels, knees or other problem areas. At this stage, patients already begin to worry and make an appointment with a dermatologist.

In some cases, neoplasm tissue may also have a reduced content of melanocytes. In such cases, white moles appear on the body. This is a separate pathology that also deserves special attention.

Is it dangerous

If a white halo is found around a mole, this is an ambiguous symptom. It may be harmless, or it may be a sign of malignancy (degeneration into a malignant formation), so you should not hesitate to visit a doctor. You should especially urgently visit a dermatologist if not only a white edging appears, but other symptoms also arise.

What symptoms should you consult a doctor for?

A mole with a white halo usually causes alarm and this is understandable. And if you have certain symptoms, you should consult a doctor without delay.

Here's what a simple girl who solved this problem says: Even pretty moles are dangerous: yes, my dears, it's a virus. More than 80% of the population is infected with it, not to mention warts and papillomas, the first thing you need to do is this. Read more.

The following signs are cause for concern:

  1. the shape and size of the mole changes dynamically;
  2. the edges of the pathological element become uneven;
  3. the surface of the nevus begins to crack, peel off, tubercles and nodules appear on it;
  4. the nevus is swollen, becomes hot to the touch, or other symptoms of inflammation appear;
  5. various manifestations of discomfort in the area of ​​the halo (itching, burning, pain);
  6. purulent discharge mixed with blood began to appear from the mole;
  7. the nevus changed color.

Symptoms can be pronounced or blurred. But it indicates that malignancy has begun, which must be diagnosed at an early stage.


If the doctor, examining the white spot around the mole, is confident that it is benign, then no further diagnosis is carried out. If he suspects the presence of cancer cells in the structure, the patient will be recommended additional diagnostics, based on the results of which a decision is made on the possibility of conservative treatment or the need for radical removal of the formation.

A thorough diagnosis may involve histological analysis
pre-selected fabrics. This method is characterized by speed of implementation, and it also allows you to determine with high probability what chances a pathological element has of degenerating into melanoma.

Another highly informative diagnostic method is dermatoscopy. It is performed using a special device that allows you to determine how dangerous a mole is without surgical intervention. Doubtful neoplasms are examined by magnifying the image of the mole tenfold.


Moles with a white spot are removed in the following ways:

  1. electrocoagulation (electric current therapy);
  2. cryodestruction (elimination of a pathological element using liquid nitrogen);
  3. laser method (resection of a questionable element using a laser);
  4. radio wave method (exposure to the nevus with high-frequency radio waves);
  5. surgical method (classical excision of a mole with a scalpel).

The most optimal method can be selected by the attending physician, taking into account the size of the nevus, its location, the degree of transformation, and the general health of the patient.

Doctors strongly warn against attempting to remove moles on your own.

To avoid the appearance of white spots in the area of ​​moles, it is useful to follow these recommendations:

  1. Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. People with sensitive skin or a large number of moles are not recommended to stay in the sun for a long time. If such a person relaxes at the seaside, then it is advisable for him to visit the beach before 11:00 or after 17:00. And before sunbathing, you should definitely apply sunscreen to your skin.
  2. If a white spot has already appeared around the mole, it is recommended to cover this area with clothing to protect it from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Parts of the body with fragments without pigmented areas of the skin burn especially badly in the sun.
  3. Be careful and do not injure questionable elements on the skin, since any mechanical damage can cause unwanted complications.

If a person discovers white spots in the area of ​​his nevus, this is not a reason to panic, but it is not advisable to leave such a manifestation without examination.

If a mole begins to cause inconvenience, it must be immediately examined in a trusted medical institution in order to detect a serious complication in time and not to trigger the disease.

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Did you know that papillomas, warts and moles can be caused by parasites in the body?

According to the latest WHO data, it is the numerous parasites that live in the human body that are the cause of almost all fatal human diseases, including the formation of cancerous tumors.

Statistics tell us that every 9 people get cancer with similar rashes:

  1. Papillomas..
  2. Unusual moles.
  3. Warts.
  4. Pimples.
  5. Unknown spots.
  6. Redness for no reason...

All this is possible from a weakened immune system, due to the fact that in the body parasites have appeared!.

But there is a medicine, and medicine is in no hurry to advertise the CORRECT methods of treatment, since it is not profitable for them. This is what the girl who coped with this illness says

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