Belogolovova Operation

Belogolovova operation is a surgical operation that is used to treat various diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses. It is performed to open the frontal sinus and the anterior cells of the ethmoidal labyrinth.

Before surgery, a mucosal flap is created to protect the brain from damage. The middle turbinate is then resected or displaced, which improves sinus ventilation and reduces pressure in them.

Belogolov's operation has a number of advantages. It allows you to remove any tumors or polyps from the frontal sinus, as well as restore normal ventilation. Additionally, it can be used to treat chronic infections and sinusitis.

However, like any other surgery, whitehead surgery may have some risks. For example, it can cause bleeding or brain damage. Therefore, before undergoing surgery, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination and consult with a doctor.

Belogolovova operation is a surgical procedure that is performed to treat diseases of the frontal and ethmoid sinuses. It consists of opening the frontal sinus, the anterior cells of the ethmoidal labyrinth and removing or moving the middle turbinate to eliminate the infection and restore normal breathing.

The procedure begins by creating a mucosal flap at the front of the frontal sinus. An incision is then made in the anterior portion of the ethmoidal labyrinth. The surgeon then removes or displaces the middle turbinate to provide access to the sinuses.

The sinuses are then cleared of pus and other infections, and any other abnormal growths such as polyps or cysts are removed. If necessary, the surgeon may also perform a frontal sinusplasty to restore its normal shape and function.

Belogolov's operation is a complex procedure that requires highly qualified surgeons and the use of modern equipment. However, it can be very effective in treating sinusitis and other diseases of the frontal and ethmoid sinuses.