Belt (Wnule, Tonuld)

In anatomy, the zonule (Wnule, Tonuld) is a small cord or zone surrounding a structure. One of the most famous examples of a zonule is the zonule of Zinn, also known as the zonula ciliaris. The ligament of Zinn is the suspensory ligament of the lens of the eye and is extremely important for the proper functioning of the eye.

The ligament of Zinn consists of thin fibers that run from the center of the pupil to the membrane of the eye's lens. These fibers form a ring structure that holds the lens in the correct position and allows it to focus light onto the retina.

Zonular is an adjective that refers to a belt. The zonular ligaments play an important role in the anatomy of not only the eye, but also other organs and tissues in the body.

For example, inside the ear there are zonular ligaments that hold the inner ear in its correct position. Similar ligaments are also present in the pelvic bones, where they hold the bones together and maintain the correct position of the pelvic organs.

Overall, the girdle (Wnule, Tonuld) is an important element of anatomy that provides support and stability to various tissues and organs in the body. Without the zonular ligaments, many organs would not function properly, highlighting the need for the study of this important tissue in medical education and practice.

A zonule is a small band or zone that surrounds some other structure, such as the ciliary zonule that surrounds the lens of the eye or the ligament of Zinn that supports the lens.

The belt can be of various shapes and sizes, depending on its function. For example, the ciliary band is ring-shaped and surrounds the lens, maintaining its shape and ensuring its mobility. The ligament of Zinn is a thin cord that runs the length of the lens, providing stability and allowing it to move as the eye focuses.

In addition, the girdle may play an important role in transmitting signals between different structures. For example, the ciliary bands transmit signals between the cilia and the lens, and the zonule of Zinn transmits signals between the lens and the retina.

In general, the zonules are important elements in the functioning of the visual system and play a key role in maintaining the stability and mobility of the ocular structures.