White swollen spots on the skin

A change in color of even a small area of ​​skin should always alert a person. In the absence of external influences leading to the appearance of white spots on the skin, it is necessary to consult a doctor and determine the cause and type of pathology. In most cases, this does not mean anything serious, but there are situations in which timely examination can save a person's life.

The reason for the appearance of light spots on human skin

The main reason for the appearance of white spots on human skin is a decrease in the amount or complete absence of the intracellular pigment melanin. It is this substance that is responsible for the coloring of the skin. In places where it is most concentrated, well-known moles appear.
Under some circumstances, the cellular pigment is destroyed, which leads to a change in the color of the skin in a given place towards its clearing. With insufficient pigment synthesis, white spots also appear on the skin.

It has been established that a decrease in melanin production is preceded by a decrease in the production of a certain type of amino acid - tyrosine. This condition is observed in autoimmune processes in the body, some skin mycoses, and malignant tumors. The appearance of white spots on the skin under the same pathological conditions is facilitated by the process of destruction of melanin inside the cells.

Vitiligo may appear as white patches on the body

It manifests itself by the appearance of white spots on the skin of the hands, feet, abdomen, back, neck, in places of physiological folds or even on the head. The reason for the destruction of melanin in cells in vitiligo is unknown. The development of this pigmentary disease against the background of neuro-emotional stress and hormonal imbalance cannot be ruled out. There are known family cases of the development of the disease, which does not exclude the possibility of inheritance of this disease.

There is no specific treatment for vitiligo. Among the symptomatic remedies, vitamin therapy is used, which strengthens the body’s immune properties and increases resistance to stress reactions. Hormonal drugs are used for physiotherapeutic procedures for white spots on the skin with vitiligo for phonophoresis or electrophoresis.

Course mesotherapy procedures are used as cosmetic procedures for white areas on the face.

Small light spots as one of the symptoms of pityriasis mycosis

White spots on the body of small sizes, located in the form of rashes on the skin of the torso, limbs, face, slightly rising above the surrounding areas of the skin and having an uneven surface are considered a skin lesion of fungal etiology. This mycosis is accompanied by inflammatory damage to regional lymph nodes and ducts, which is a distinctive feature of this depigmentation from other pathologies associated with the destruction of melanin cells. Areas of pityriasis versicolor are clearly limited, round, and rarely merge with each other. During the cold season, areas of mycotic depigmentation become brown, and increased formation of scales appears on their surface, which is accompanied by itching.

Pityriasis versicolor is transmitted from person to person through the use of shared hygiene items, clothing, and bedding. Children can become infected in unorganized groups, and parents can become infected from their children. A detailed guide on how to treat ringworm at home can be found here.

Treatment of pityriasis mycosis should be systemic and not limited to personal hygiene. The prescription of antifungal drugs with a fungicidal effect begins immediately upon diagnosis. The fungal nature of the white areas on the skin can be clarified by laboratory examination of particles of scales from the surface of the rash element, as well as by examining the patient under an ultraviolet fluorescent lamp (pityriasis versicolor has a certain glow in ultraviolet rays).

Pigmentless melanoma is one of the causes of skin lightening

The most dangerous reason for the appearance of light areas on the skin. While regular melanoma is a deep black color and its growth is noticeable, non-pigmented skin cancer may be slightly lighter than normal skin. Because of this, it is almost impossible to identify this type of tumor in the initial stages, especially if it is localized in areas of the body that are inaccessible for free visual detection.

Amelanoma is localized anywhere in the body. In appearance, it consists of irregularly shaped white spots on the body with clear boundaries, which are either slightly discolored (slightly different from normal skin) or completely depigmented, similar to those observed in albinos. Hair located in the tumor area discolors the same color as it.

Treatment for amelanotic melanoma depends on the stage of the process at which it is detected. At the initial and non-advanced stages of the process in terms of metastases, complex treatment is used - surgical removal of the tumor and radiation or chemotherapy. In later stages, when melanoma begins to metastasize to internal organs, specific treatment is no longer effective. Patients receive symptomatic syndromic therapy. This tumor process is considered one of the most malignant and is capable of rapid metastasis. Therefore, if light spots are found on the skin of any location, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor to exclude a cancerous process.

The appearance of white spots on the skin of an adult or child is not always a sign of a disorder of skin pigmentation (vitiligo). The disease is not life-threatening, but it is difficult to cure. A cosmetic defect often signals a disruption in the coordinated functioning of internal organs.

What diseases are confused with vitiligo

White spots should be shown to a doctor. The earlier, the more successful the treatment.

Pityriasis versicolor – the cause of light spots on the body. Affects the surface of the body, hair. Fungal enzymes interfere with the production of melanin. First, the skin turns pink, then it is replaced by a characteristic whiteness. For treatment, the doctor prescribes antifungal drugs.

Ringworm causes itching, forms a skin ridge, scales. Fungal disease is detected by appropriate research. A non-contagious form of lichen is often confused with vitiligo. For treatment, the doctor prescribes medications.

Leucoderma. The so-called “necklace of Venus” is a manifestation of secondary syphilis. It is found on the arms, under the arms, on the back. Light areas up to a centimeter in diameter do not cause physical discomfort and do not go away for several years. Antibiotic treatment is prescribed by a venereologist.

Traces of abrasions, cuts, burns may raise suspicion of a skin disease. Restoring pigmentation takes several months.

What is vitiligo

Manifestations of the disease are white spots on the skin of a round or oval shape. Lightening is associated with the cessation of the synthesis of melanin pigment, which protects against sunburn from ultraviolet radiation.

Pink or milky white areas appear throughout the body. But more often on the face, arms, groin, elbow bends. They are more noticeable on dark skin, especially in summer against a tanned background. The soles and palms are not affected by the disease - there is no discoloration.

The disease is localized if vitiligo pigment spots are found in a specific area of ​​the body. Or generalized, when they are combined and the depigmented area has covered a significant area.

The disease is most pronounced when the skin is completely discolored, like an albino. The skin remains sensitive, there is no pain.

If the white spot affects the scalp, the hair also loses color. If sebaceous secretion, sweating, and skin sensitivity are impaired, solar dermatitis is diagnosed.

The disease is autoimmune in nature, it affects the age group from 10 to 30 years, and does not occur in the elderly. Vitiligo affects 1-2% of the population. Men and women get sick equally often. The chances of passing it on by inheritance are 1 in 10.

Sometimes vitiligo accompanies skin diseases: lichen planus, focal baldness, psoriasis.

Causes of white spots on the skin

The exact cause of vitiligo is unknown. Factors have been identified that increase the likelihood of spots appearing on the body:

  1. liver dysfunction;
  2. ill health of the endocrine system and thyroid gland;
  3. abnormalities of the pituitary gland;
  4. kidney and adrenal diseases;
  5. gastrointestinal diseases;
  6. immune failure when the body destroys melanocytes - melanin-producing cells;
  7. infectious diseases;
  8. stress;
  9. pregnancy;
  10. physical trauma;
  11. imbalance of vitamins and microelements;
  12. regular contact of the skin with specific types of synthetic fabrics, personal hygiene products, detergents;
  13. sunburn;
  14. hereditary predisposition.

When assessing the danger of vitiligo, it is assumed that the lightening of areas of the skin is a consequence of impaired health of organs and systems.

On the other hand, it is dangerous to stop the production of melanin, which protects the skin from sunburn. It is the lack of melanin that causes white spots.

Vitiligo is not contagious because it is not caused by an infection.

Preventing the formation of white spots

If one of your relatives suffered from the disease, simple preventive measures can help prevent vitiligo. Especially in spring and summer, when there are more favorable factors.

  1. sunbathing, if the body is sweaty, be sure to wipe off the sweat;
  2. expose the skin to intense wind blowing;
  3. expose the skin to high air humidity.

Some are convinced that excess vitamin C interferes with the formation of melanin. In fact, insufficient melanin production is a consequence of the disease, not its cause.

Therefore, you should not exclude foods containing vitamin C and vitamin complexes from your diet. Although it is also not necessary to artificially increase its supply.

Skin Spot Removal Nutrition

To prevent cosmetic defects and improve your health, avoid spicy foods: raw onions, ginger, garlic, pepper.

Melanin production is promoted by foods rich in copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe).

These elements are antagonists. Excess supply of one is the cause of deficiency of others. Therefore, pharmacy vitamin complexes are taken in separate courses with a mandatory interval between them.


Sufficient intake has a beneficial anti-inflammatory effect and slows down the aging process. Copper promotes the absorption of iron, improves the condition of hair and skin, eliminates the white spots of vitiligo, and restores body mobility and flexibility.

Copper deficiency disrupts the synthesis of the thyroid hormone thyroxine, hematopoietic function, and weakens bone and connective tissue. Fatigue sets in faster.

Products rich in copper: cucumbers, pork liver, hazelnuts, cocoa, brewer's yeast, cheese, rose hips.


The element is involved in the production of enzymes and is necessary for the functioning of body cells.

Deficiency is the cause of decreased appetite, weight loss, hyperactivity, dermatitis, and hair loss. Lack of zinc weakens the immune system, impairs wound healing and recovery from injuries.

There is a lot of zinc in oysters, brewer's yeast, mushrooms, pumpkin seeds, sunflowers, blueberries, lentils, and nuts.


Sufficient intake supports cellular respiration, the main participant of which is red blood cells (erythrocytes). They deliver oxygen to tissues and remove carbon dioxide using hemoglobin. Iron is also needed by the blood cells of the immune system and lymphocytes.

Iron deficiency is the cause of anemia (anemia), a decrease in hemoglobin levels in the blood. Symptoms: fatigue in adults, delayed growth and mental development in children. Deficiency affects the skin and mucous membranes, causing dermatitis and other skin diseases.

Hemoglobin contains so-called heme iron. It contains meat, kidneys, and liver. The body completely absorbs it.

Non-heme iron is found in plant foods. To convert iron into an absorbable form, include foods rich in vitamin C in your diet.

Raspberries, pork and beef liver, eggs, beans, peas, spinach, buckwheat, wheat bran, oatmeal, prunes, rose hips, brewer's yeast, cocoa are rich in iron.

Treatment of vitiligo

Complete cure is possible if concomitant diseases are eliminated. The dermatologist chooses an individual treatment regimen in each specific case. Takes into account the form of the disease, the presence of melanocytes in the white spot, other factors, and performs research.

If the cause of health problems is identified, treatment begins. It can be complex, when skin therapy is simultaneously prescribed to quickly restore the appearance of the skin.

There are many methods of treating vitiligo, and new ones are constantly being invented. Sometimes white spots on the skin disappear spontaneously or with the treatment of concomitant diseases.

The drug Melagenin Plus

Contains alcohol extract of human placenta and calcium chloride. The effect is noticeable within a week. After six months of treatment for vitiligo, you can hope for significant progress.

Apply to depigmented spots, do not rub, let absorb. The drug is suitable for combined use with cosmetics.

Photochemotherapy (PUVA therapy)

This method of removing white spots on the body is still used:

  1. The patient takes a photosensitizing agent that increases the skin's sensitivity to light (Psoralen, Puvalen, Methoxalen, Oxoralen, Melagenin, Psoberan).
  2. The skin of the body is exposed to ultraviolet radiation.

Photochemotherapy is effective for dark skin. Treatment of white spots is successful in half of the cases. The procedures are taken every other day for two months. If improvements are noticeable, therapy is repeated after three months. Achieving results requires 3-4 courses.

Phototherapy is not addictive and can be used repeatedly.

The side effects of photosensitizing drugs force the use of narrow-spectrum radiation for the treatment of vitiligo, in which the use of these drugs is not necessary.

The method is used to completely stop the formation of new white spots on the skin. It is important to accurately select the radiation dose.

Treatment of vitiligo with laser

The use of a helium-neon laser significantly reduces the duration of treatment for vitiligo. The approach used is similar to PUVA therapy, but the radiation is stronger and more accurately dosed. The laser helps remove years of light spots on the body.

The disadvantage of this method is the risk of burns and the high cost of treatment.

In the treatment of vitiligo with preservation of the melanocytic layer, excimer laser therapy is indicated.

Skin graft

The method is used to treat small white spots - healthy skin is transplanted onto depigmented areas. The method gives quick results. It is used after unsuccessful treatment of vitiligo by other methods.

To prevent the donor tissue from losing its pigment, it is first subjected to PUVA therapy, which also improves engraftment and stimulates the production of melanin.

In case of deficiency, the doctor prescribes a course of copper, zinc, vitamins C, B9, B12, E. To speed up the recovery of melanocytes - immunostimulants.

Whitening healthy skin

If 70% of the body surface has become light, and the treatment has not produced results, the skin is completely bleached - the remaining healthy pigment cells are destroyed.

Cytotoxic drugs are used for treatment, which trigger a program of self-destruction of melanocytes.

As a rule, it is impossible to hide a large lightened area with cosmetics. This method allows you to restore a uniform shade of the entire body.

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3 answers

Yes, this is an allergic reaction similar to urticaria to insect bites.
Most likely bedbugs.

It may appear from a few minutes to several hours after the bite.
- Tab. Desloratadine - 1 tablet. In the evening up to 10 days.
— Hyoxysone ointment — apply a thin layer daily, 2 times a day for up to 10 days.
Don't rub or comb.
Look for the culprits and destroy them.

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