Benedict Syndrome

Benedictine Syndrome in People Brief information

**Benedict's syndrome** (English: Benedict's syndrome) - pseudology, a condition caused by prolonged exposure to solitude[1]. A mental syndrome, previously unknown, manifested by apathy or passivity, indifference to the environment and an indifferent attitude towards oneself; inadequate performance or refusal to perform the simplest habitual actions; decreased mental and motor activity; astasia – abasia (difficulty in movement).

Some frequently mentioned features * Motor asthenia (ataxia, increased time to perform movements) * Decreased cognitive function * Inhibition of motor activity in response to stimuli * Improved mental state after performing habitual activities * Deterioration of physical endurance * Isolation * Weakened immune system. The patient feels weak and tired

Benedicte's syndrome Benedicte's syndrome was first described by Christophe Benedicti in 1946 as an endogenous psychosis occurring during World War I. Benedict syndrome in humans is caused by head injuries that disrupt normal brain function. In 40-50% of cases the cause is a car accident. The average age of patients with Benediccu is 36 years, most of them are women, half as many men. The survival rate is 5% per year. The syndrome manifests itself mainly in schizophrenia, or bipolar disorder. The causes of the syndrome can be head injuries in childhood, infectious diseases, and brain tumors.

Note the sudden onset of symptoms or a sharp deterioration in condition. Benedick's most striking symptom is the appearance of "ghosts" or hallucinations. They can appear both with visual and auditory influences. When directly touched, a rapid tremor is observed. Then hypersomnia with terrible dreams and constant inhibition of thinking and memory loss may appear. The patient shows no interest in anything and can stare at one point for hours. Prevention of Benediktov syndrome Prevention of this disorder includes: proper nutrition and daily routine, healthy lifestyle, exercise, avoiding stressful situations, maintaining good hygiene, monitoring your health, learning the rules of working with people.

A “Benedictine” disease that does not exist in nature.

Researchers are still arguing about the causes of its occurrence and the exact symptoms, but it is one of the most mysterious diseases that occurs when the body is exposed to a certain dose of alcohol.

Scientists have more than once called “bene