Benzoic Acid Radioactive

**Benzoic acids are radioactive.**

Introduction Radiopharmaceuticals are substances or complexes of substances that are radioactive and create radioactive radiation when interacting with a living substance. The drugs are used in medicine to diagnose cancer, treat cancer processes and improve blood supply and lymphatic drainage. Comprehensive biopsies can be used to diagnose the extent of the lesion. The technique is practically painless, but is not suitable for all cases. Some drugs help diagnose the presence of infections, cysts, and parasites. But this method of research is relatively inaccurate.

History Treatment of oncology is a complex task that requires an integrated approach. One of the modern methods of how to get rid of cancer is oncopharmacology. Pharmacology is a branch of medicine that deals with the development of ways to increase the effectiveness of treatment using medications. Oncopharmacology is a branch of pharmacology that consists of the study, development, synthesis and use of drugs to combat malignant tumors, or oncological processes. Such agents are chemotherapeutic agents. RFPs contain radioactive sodium iodide. Its effect is identical to iodine tincture. Of these drugs, the following types exist: * Ofloxacin in combination with the artificial antibiotic mitomycin C is the basis of complex therapy against cancer of the stomach, intestines and lungs. * Deoxyuridine in tablet form acts on bacterial infection cells susceptible to radiation. * Uridinium iodide is prescribed for late stages of sarcoma and recurrent leukomyeloid leukemia. The drug affects the functioning of cells, helps to recover in the terminal stage of chronic renal failure.

The substance has an immunosuppressive effect and requires combined systemic use with other drugs. Oncology patients undergo courses of treatment with a radioactive drug under