What is Bepanten used for?

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

basic information

Bepanten is a medicine that normalizes metabolism in the skin and its integrity. It is effective and practically harmless, so it began to be used to care for the skin of infants, as well as to treat cracked nipples during breastfeeding.

Bepanten (active component - dexpanthenol) is a medicine for external use, which is produced by the German company Bayer in the form of ointment, cream and lotion.

Bepanten plus is also produced, which, in addition to dexpanthenol, includes chlorhexidine dihydrochloride. The cream is not greasy, destroys bacteria on the surface of the skin or wound. Also, due to its cooling effect, it has some analgesic effect. When treating a wound, it prevents infection, promoting healing.

Dosage form

Pharmacological properties

Dexpanthenol is the active component of Bepanten cream and ointment; it quickly breaks down in cells to vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid). Dexpanthenol is better than vitamin B5, absorbed when applied topically. Vitamin B5 is a component of coenzyme A. Coenzyme A, in turn, participates in the metabolic processes of all cells of the body. Thanks to improved metabolism, the process of tissue regeneration is activated. Vitamin B activity5 consists of optimizing metabolism in skin cells, which leads to strengthening of collagen fibers (they are located in the middle layer of the skin and maintain its strength) and has some anti-inflammatory effect. For tissue damage, vitamin B intake5 increases sharply, it takes part in a number of biochemical reactions, and, being a catalyst, accelerates tissue healing. Vitamin B5 activates the growth of the epidermis and the regeneration of the mucous membrane. Bepanten eliminates skin irritations.

Dexpanthenol is quickly absorbed by the skin. It is then broken down into vitamin B5 and accumulates in the body.

Vitamin B in the blood5 captured by plasma proteins (mainly albumin and beta globulins). In an adult without pathologies, the pantothenic content is 0.5-1 mg in 1 liter of blood. Vitamin B5 is not broken down in the body and is excreted in its primary form. After oral administration, more than a third of the active substance is excreted in the urine, and a third in feces.


Bepanthen cream used to treat mild abrasions, sunburn, erythema, skin irritations.
Bepanten cream is also used for the prevention and treatment of dry and cracked skin (including breasts during breastfeeding).

Bepanten ointment used for the prevention and treatment of dry skin when it is damaged, damage to the skin of the breast during breastfeeding, and diaper rash in newborns.

Accelerates healing for minor damage to the skin, local first-degree burns, abrasions, skin irritations, prickly heat, non-healing ulcers, bedsores, cracks, skin grafts and cervical ectopia.

Lotion Bepanten designed to treat skin irritation and redness, as well as dryness.
It is also used to accelerate healing in case of skin damage without tearing it (for example, during light therapy or exposure to ultraviolet radiation).

Bepanten plus intended for the treatment of minor wounds at risk of infection, infected superficial skin lesions, as well as chronic skin lesions (non-healing leg ulcers, bedsores, wounds after operations).


Intolerance to the components of the medication.

Bepanten plus

  1. intolerance to the components of the medication;
  2. for the treatment of ear diseases;
  3. infected contaminated wounds (surgery required).

Pregnancy and lactation

Side effects


Directions for use and doses

special instructions

Storage conditions


Irina, 32 years old, Moscow
In our country, Bepanten is recommended for mothers in labor to protect their nipples. Almost every mother suffers from cracked nipples, because the baby begins to suck from birth, and milk is not produced on the first day, only colostrum, and the baby can suck continuously - so cracks appear. All women in labor were given a trial tube of Bepanten. I noticed that the cream is quickly absorbed by the skin, softens and restores its integrity. Plus, it does not cause allergies in the baby, unlike honey, which relatives advised to treat cracks with. And when I bought a package of Bepanten, I read in the appendix that the main component is dexpanthenol. After asking the pharmacist at the pharmacy, I found out that Dexpanthenol ointment exists and costs several times less. Therefore, I see no point in buying an expensive imported drug when the domestic one acts similarly.

Svetlana, 28 years old, St. Petersburg
At the maternity hospital, the doctor recommended Bepanten for nipple care. And in general, she said, it helps with many problems. Helps both mother and child with various troubles (diaper rash, rash, dry skin, burns, etc.). Then I remembered this recommendation, and when my cracks began to appear, I immediately purchased Bepanten ointment. I've been using it for several months. And when my son started teething at 8 months, unsightly cracks appeared. This caused trouble for my son; he slept poorly and was capricious. We had to sleep together, he nursed all night to calm down. Every day I applied Bepanten, after each feeding. But then severe itching began in the mammary glands. Not only did the nipples not heal completely, they were red and swollen and small spots appeared on the surface of the breast. Therefore, be careful, and this side effect is indicated in the annotation, but I did not pay attention...

Anastasia, 52 years old, Samara
I've heard a lot about Bepanten as an ointment for nipple care. I readily believe, but in addition, this remedy is excellent for treating burns and regenerating the skin. In May, I visited a cosmetologist to remove varicose veins on my legs. The procedure was done with a laser - it is not surprising that after this there were burns. The doctor advised treatment with either Bepanten or Rescuer. I purchased both drugs and they worked great. After burns (this was in the summer), the skin itches and seems to be inflamed, unpleasant sensations and dryness appear. I treat my burns with Bepanten and forget about everything for a few hours. Before going out and in the evening before bed, regularly. The skin recovered over time. There are, however, some disadvantages - it is quite greasy, but in principle this is tolerable. There is also an aluminum tube - I kept the ointment in my bag - later the tube cracked and the ointment spilled out a little. As for the effect, I recommend it, an excellent remedy for many troubles.

Tatyana, 29 years old, Astrakhan
The cream helps a lot. Like most breastfeeding mothers, I discovered cracked nipples almost on the second day of breastfeeding. The pharmacist recommended this cream to me at the pharmacy. I applied the cream after each feeding, and in a matter of days the cracks disappeared. Back then I didn’t know that it had other uses. And recently we changed the type of diapers. They look the same, but once the baby woke up in the morning, he had five red spots on his thigh that looked like they had been rubbed off. I applied baby cream, but on the same day I discovered that it was something like a rash... and the affected area expanded. We started taking baths with chamomile. Then I decided to look for something on the Internet. According to reviews, many recommended Bepanten. I bought a whole tube at the pharmacy. I started applying it 2 times a day and there are already improvements. Thanks to everyone who is willing to share their experience.

Olga, 28 years old, Smolensk
I have become so accustomed to using Bepanten that I no longer know what I will do without it. The first time I found out about it was in the maternity hospital - the nurse recommended buying a tube of cream for nipple care, because... The baby bit them well, bleeding and pain appeared. As a result, feeding turned into torture. But after applying the cream just once, I felt a clear improvement. The cream cools and relieves pain, and is also odorless. How surprised I was when I discovered the next day that all the cracks had healed. In the evening we fed normally, and I didn’t have to hold back my cries of pain.
Later, the baby began to often develop a rash from diathesis on his arms and legs. After 2-3 applications of Bepanten cream, there was no trace of irritation. Also great for eliminating and preventing diaper irritation. Only later, from the pharmacist, did I find out that Bepanten ointment is also sold - its effect is stronger, so it must be used with caution. But the cream is enough for me and my kids - it just saves me. Now I recommend it to all young mothers I know.

Kristina, 37 years old, Novosibirsk
This cream was given to me during pregnancy. The period was short, the stretch marks lengthened... In short, at first I applied it to the stretch marks.
My husband and eldest son often had chapped skin on their hands. I applied it to chapped areas before going to bed, and in the morning all the skin was restored. The youngest son was born. When he was about 5 months old, I decided to smear Bepanten on his butt - he started fidgeting and crying - in general, he didn’t like it. I took off the diaper, and then the irritation got even worse! I washed off all the cream, and in the end it healed on its own.

The cream is still lying unused, only now, with the cold weather, they began to use it for chapped hands. True, he also has shortcomings. It is too greasy - when I apply it to my husband and son’s hands, then I wash it off my hands for a long time. The smell is also not the most pleasant. But it is used slowly, the tube lasts for months. We've had it for about two years now, we only use it in the winter - we haven't run out yet. It costs about 300 rubles - this is not much for such a miracle. I also learned from the instructions that it promotes the healing of burns, is suitable for the treatment and prevention of cracked nipples, as well as for the prevention of skin diseases.
When I applied it to the stretch marks, it is unclear whether there was an effect or not, but it seems to me there were few of them, and they did not cause discomfort.

Svetlana, 29 years old, Volgograd
I bought this cream on the recommendation of a relative, so it was already prepared with the things I packed for the maternity hospital. And I did the right thing, because 2 days after giving birth my nipples became so bad that a simple touch already caused pain. I found this cream, applied it properly - and, to my surprise, after 2-3 hours it became much easier.
It does not need to be washed off - when the baby is very small, he needs to feed 2-3 times an hour.
After 3 months, lactation returned to normal, the nipples recovered, but Bepanten saved us every time a rash, diaper rash, etc. appeared.
We are now 1 year and 2 months old, and just recently we removed the irritation on our cheek - again with the same cream. It costs a fair amount, but one tube lasts for a very long time (it can last for 1-3 years, depending on consumption).
I recommend it to all expectant and established mothers - an absolutely irreplaceable thing.

Yulia, 32 years old, Moscow
I often see advertisements for this ointment. It was recommended to me by a mother I know who already has a two-year-old child. I decided to stock up for future use and bought a tube, because according to the instructions, this ointment is simply irreplaceable for mother and child. The active component of the ointment - dexpanthenol - has a pronounced healing effect and activates tissue regeneration. But I didn’t find these properties in this ointment.
Nursing mothers are advised to apply ointment to their nipples. I started getting cracks, they were very large, and the ointment didn’t help with them. Of course, after the large cracks had healed, the small ones were treated with Bepanten. But it only softened the skin and did not provide other effects.
This ointment is indicated for children for diaper rash, redness, etc. I had a tube of ointment. But it seemed too oily and was not absorbed into the skin for a long time. To combat diaper rash, they need to be dried, but this ointment only softened the skin, and even remained on the skin for a long time in the form of a greasy film.
As a result, no matter how I used it, I never saw a positive effect. This is the case when it is better to have several more specific drugs than one universal one. Half the tube is still lying idle.
I emphasize that I am writing specifically about Bepanten ointment. Its active component, dexpanthenol, has come to the rescue more than once in other medicines.

Alina, 33 years old, Saratov
I'm surprised that someone didn't like this cream. Its main component is dexpanthenol, an effective restorative agent, non-hormonal, with virtually no side effects. It does not treat an allergic rash unless the cause of the allergy is addressed. And it quickly saves from skin irritations, diaper rash, wounds and cracks, minor burns, etc.
I became acquainted with this ointment, like many others, in the maternity hospital. But I learned about its main advantages much later, when they started feeding my daughter, she was growing, they changed the types and sizes of diapers - and not always favorably, a rash often appeared on her face, irritation on her bottom. Then, having tried less expensive remedies, I bought Bepanten - it helped the best. When the baby managed to knock over a cup of hot coffee and received a small burn on her leg, she applied the ointment 3-4 times a day - everything healed very quickly, and most importantly, the ointment gave an analgesic effect. One day I had to walk around the city for a long time in the heat, and the girl developed severe redness on her shoulders. I was afraid that it was a sunburn, and after washing it with cool water, I applied Bepanten, and again the next morning. The redness quickly passed, leaving no traces.
I recommend it to everyone, you won't regret it.

Elena, 29 years old, Ivanovo
I bought this ointment even before I got to the maternity hospital, because... My friends are already mothers with experience - they advised me to definitely take it. As a result, I used it even before giving birth.
I emphasize that I bought the ointment, and not the Bepanten cream. The ointment is more concentrated and leaves in smaller quantities. The cream, in my opinion, has too thin a consistency.
First, I treated mosquito bites, irritation on my cheeks, especially when I had a cold, and rubbed my nose heavily with napkins. I smeared Bepanten before bed, and in the morning the irritation completely disappeared.
Many people prefer to test any drug first on themselves, and then on children. Therefore, I am confident about Bepanten, and I am not afraid to take care of my child with it. On top of that, I have allergic reactions. The allergic rash was also treated, the condition improved.
A very effective and convenient product, I recommend it to everyone!

Author: Sorokachuk K.G. Content Project Coordinator.

Bepanten is an ointment or cream for application to the skin that improves the restoration and healing of the skin.

The active ingredient - dexpanthenol (provitamin B5) - is actively adsorbed by skin cells. When it enters epithelial cells, it is transformed to form pantothenic acid. It is vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) that determines the effect of Bepanten ointment/cream.

Pantothenic acid is an integral part of coenzyme A and is actively involved in the processes of acetylation, acetylcholine synthesis, stimulates the regeneration of skin and mucous membranes, normalizes cellular metabolism, accelerates mitosis, and increases the strength of collagen fibers.

Bepanten cream and ointment is quickly absorbed and transformed in the body, replenishing endogenous reserves of pantothenic acid. It has a regenerating, moisturizing and mild anti-inflammatory effect on the skin.

The cream can be used on any area of ​​the skin, including to treat weeping wounds, unprotected areas of the skin (for example, facial skin) and areas covered with hair. The ointment can be used under bandages and on dry areas of the skin.

When released into the blood, pantothenic acid binds to plasma proteins, mainly albumins and B-globulins.

Release form and composition of Bepanten:

  1. Cream for external use 5%: soft, homogeneous, has a slight specific odor, white or white with a yellowish tint (in aluminum tubes of 3.5 g, 30 g, 100 g);
  2. Ointment for external use 5%: opaque, elastic, pale yellow in color, with a faint odor of lanolin (in aluminum tubes of 3.5 g, 30 g, 100 g).

Active substance – Dexpanthenol – in 1 g of cream and 1 g of ointment – ​​50 mg.

Bepanten ointment or cream – which is better to choose?

The main difference between an ointment and a cream is the “fat content” of the base. The cream is lighter, it is quickly absorbed and leaves no residue. Suitable for preventing or eliminating minor injuries, allergies, etc.

Unlike cream, Bepanten ointment has a fatty base and stays on the skin longer - it has a stronger and deeper effect. Suitable for application under a bandage, but not for use on wet areas.

To put it simply, in most cases an ointment is suitable as a treatment, and a cream as a preventive option.

Indications for use

What does Bepanten help with? According to the instructions, the drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  1. for microdamages (scratches, minor burns) to accelerate skin healing;
  2. for bedsores;
  3. chronic skin ulcers;
  4. skin irritations (for example, due to photo-, radiotherapy, ultraviolet irradiation);
  5. for cervical erosions;
  6. anal fissures;
  7. after skin grafting.

Cream and ointment are used to treat the skin during and after topical application of glucocorticosteroids.

Bepanten cream can be recommended as a means of preventive care for the mammary glands in women who are breastfeeding, as well as for healing cracks and eliminating nipple irritation.

Ointment and cream are used in infants for the prevention and treatment of diaper dermatitis.

Instructions for use Bepanten, dosage

The drug is used externally, lightly rubbing the ointment/cream up to 2 times a day into the affected or inflamed areas. If you have deep, punctured, heavily contaminated or large wounds, you should consult a doctor before using the drug (due to the risk of developing tetanus).

Instructions for use of ointment and cream Bepanten recommends the following methods of use:

  1. For preventive care of a newborn, the ointment is applied to the baby’s dry, clean skin with each diaper change;
  2. For irritation and cracked nipples during lactation, the cream is applied to the damaged areas after each feeding. Before the next feeding, the nipple is washed;
  3. When treating defects in the mucous membrane of the cervix and anal fissures, ointment or cream is applied to the damaged areas 1-2 times a day;
  4. To treat wounds and skin lesions, Bepanten ointment and cream are applied several times a day in a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin.

During application, you must be careful and avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. In case of an overdose, no undesirable reactions from the vital systems of the body occur.

The duration of treatment is determined individually depending on the severity of the skin lesions.

If wounds treated with Bepanten ointment or cream do not heal within 2 weeks, or if swelling, severe pain and fever occur, you should consult a doctor.

Side effects

The instructions warn about the possibility of developing the following side effects when prescribing Bepanten:

  1. in the presence of hypersensitivity to the components included in the composition, minor allergic reactions may occur, manifested mainly in the form of itching and urticaria.

In most cases, there are no side effects.


Bepanten is contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

The drug is approved for use by pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.

If the cream is used to treat cracked nipples during lactation, the drug should be washed off before feeding the baby.


There have been no reports of cases of overdose to date. Cases of hypervitaminosis are unknown. Even in very high doses, dexpanthenol is well tolerated and does not cause the development of any unwanted reactions.

Analogues of Bepanten, price in pharmacies

If necessary, you can replace Bepanten with an analogue of the active substance - these are the following drugs:

When choosing analogues, it is important to understand that the instructions for use of Bepanten, the price and reviews of drugs with similar effects do not apply. It is important to consult a doctor and not change the drug yourself.

Price in Russian pharmacies: Bepanten ointment 5% 30 g – from 414 to 439 rubles, cream 30 g – from 423 to 438 rubles, Bepanten Derma cream-restorer for feet 100 ml tube – from 440 rubles, according to 692 pharmacies.

Storage temperature should not exceed 25 °C. Keep the drug away from children. Shelf life – 3 years. Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies - without a prescription.

What do the reviews say?

Almost all reviews from people who have used Bepenten cream or ointment are positive. The drug quickly and effectively helps with irritation and diaper rash in a child, cracked nipples in nursing mothers, chapping and dry skin, abrasions and minor injuries.

The cream and ointment can be used by pregnant women, as well as for the treatment and prevention of dermatitis in children from birth. Bepenten is well tolerated and does not cause side effects.

6 reviews for “Bepanten”

I bought Bepanten cream for a child, but in the end we use it with the whole family if necessary. Heals well.

Bepanten saved me after peeling, I smeared it on my face for 2 days and there was no peeling or redness.

I definitely recommend taking Bepanten with you to the maternity hospital. Perfectly heals cracked nipples after childbirth, just a couple of days, and everything is fine! Another plus is that you don’t have to wash it off before feeding, there will be no harm to the baby. And then you can also smear the baby’s bottom for diaper rash. All in all. a necessary thing at home.

Must be washed off before feeding.

Why did you decide that it won’t harm the child if you don’t wash it off? Have you done any tests? Or did you create this cream? Maybe you have an exception, but this is the first time I’ve heard (read) that cracks in the nipples appear immediately after childbirth,

Bepanten ointment is an over-the-counter drug that is widely used for a number of pathologies in which there is a violation of the integrity of the skin.

The drug has a mild effect and is approved for use even in infants. This product is an analogue of the well-known drug panthenol, a spray that, when sprayed, forms a rich white foam on the affected area of ​​the skin.

Release form and composition of the ointment

The drug Bepanten is available in the form of ointment and cream. The concentration of the active substance is 5% in both forms of the drug, and therefore the choice of product depends mainly on how important the lack of fat content is. You can also find bepanthen lotion on sale.

The ointment is white and less often whitish-yellowish. Its structure is homogeneous. The smell is slight, but very specific. The texture of the cream is lighter than that of the ointment, so it is more convenient to use it on open areas of the skin.

The main active substance in the drug is dexpanthenol 50 mg, which starts the process of active tissue restoration. The drug also contains chlorhexidine, which produces a strong antiseptic effect necessary in the treatment of various injuries. In addition, it also has a slight anesthetic effect.

Additional substances in the composition are necessary to ensure its texture and uniform distribution of the active ingredients over the skin. Provitamin B5 in Bepanthen ensures the cleansing of tissue cells from toxins and decay substances, which helps speed up the healing process. This substance, upon contact with the skin, quickly turns into pantothenic acid, which actively acts on tissue cells and improves metabolic processes in them.

The action of the drug is aimed at rapid restoration of the skin and overall improvement of its condition. The ointment not only triggers regeneration, but also actively nourishes and moisturizes the skin. The product also has a mild anti-inflammatory effect, which is why it can be used to treat acne.

The presence of an antiseptic in the composition allows Bepanthen to be applied to minor scratches, abrasions and cuts without pre-treatment. In case of serious injuries, the composition cannot be used in this way, since it does not penetrate very deeply into the tissue and there is a risk that some of the pathogenic bacteria will remain. In such a situation, only timely use of antiseptics prevents inflammation due to infection.

Indications for use

Indications for use of the product are quite varied. Bepanthen is the best medicine for many skin problems. For children under one year old, use an adult ointment or a special product “bepanthen for child care”.

The main indications for the use of the composition in the care of infants are:

  1. diaper rash – ointment and cream quickly restores the baby’s skin and, after the first use, relieves the child of unpleasant sensations that can greatly torment and bother him;
  2. various cracks and scratches on the skin - they most often appear in children older than 3 months, when the period of active movement begins, and they can be injured by objects, or by accidentally hitting themselves with a nail;
  3. diaper dermatitis - bepanten is often used as the main drug for therapy;
  4. Miliaria of newborns - the drug is included in complex therapy.

For adults, there are certain indications for the use of bepanten:

  1. prevention of cracks and inflammation of the nipples during breastfeeding - the ointment does not penetrate into the milk and does not pose a danger to the baby. With regular use, the product can completely prevent the occurrence of a problem that is very common;
  2. sunburn - use the product if there are no blisters;
  3. treatment of irritated and inflamed skin, when the disorder appears after swimming in open water, working in dust, or staying in damp, sweaty clothes for a long time;
  4. thermal burns – the drug helps to cure injuries of varying degrees;
  5. hemorrhoids - ointment is used in complex therapy to accelerate tissue restoration and relieve discomfort in the problem area;
  6. cracks in the anus - the use of ointment is carried out in complex therapy to accelerate the tissue healing process and relieve pain;
  7. for the face for skin problems, including for the treatment of acne - the cream can be used as needed or as a means for regular skin care if it is very dry and often cracks;
  8. accelerating the healing of postoperative sutures, especially in cases of skin grafting.

It is also useful to have a remedy for treating various household skin injuries, as well as water calluses. You can lubricate the composition with very itchy insect bites; the discomfort and redness will go away very quickly. The ointment will be useful for herpes, the healing of which it accelerates, increased dryness of the lips, and cracks in the heels.

Instructions for use of ointment

The instructions for use of bepanten indicate in detail how to use the medicine for a particular problem. The manufacturer characterizes the product as universal, used for comprehensive skin care and treatment of various skin damage. Doctors agree on the safety of the ointment and the ability to use it at any age. The product can be used without fear during pregnancy and breastfeeding, which is especially important, since many drugs are completely prohibited at this time.

A whole line of Bepanten products is produced for various uses. So, when you need to eliminate dry lips and heal cracks in them, you should use a special balm, Bepanthen. It has an increased rate of penetration into tissues and therefore manages to have a therapeutic effect before it is licked off. The same ointment is good to apply to fresh wounds that have arisen due to the tearing of a piece of skin. In this case, the drug produced in the form for application to the lips will have the fastest pain-relieving effect.

Apply the ointment in small quantities several times a day until the skin is completely restored. There should be no burning or other unpleasant sensations from the composition.

For acne

For acne, the medicine helps in a short time and quickly eliminates the problem. The ointment is also effective against inflamed rashes, which without treatment leave deep scars. Traces left after acne are also removed with the help of bepanthen, if they are not very old.

The presence of an antiseptic in the composition of the ointment allows, when using it, to avoid infection of opened pimples, due to which healing occurs in 1-2 days. The improvement is noticeable after the first use of the ointment.

Apply the medicine 2-3 times a day in a thin layer to the entire facial skin. The ointment should not be washed off after this. It is unacceptable to apply the drug to the skin around the eyes. Treatment is carried out until all acne is eliminated.

How to use for wrinkles

According to reviews, Bepanthen helps against wrinkles very effectively. This is due to the fact that bepanthen nourishes and moisturizes the skin, and also triggers the process of production of cologen by cells, without which it is impossible to maintain skin elasticity. To combat wrinkles, the ointment should be used daily, applying it every evening, having first cleansed your face of cosmetics. The composition is distributed in a thin layer on the skin (not around the eyes) and rubbed in with massaging movements. The positive results from this use of the product are noticeable after several weeks of application. The improvement of the appearance of the skin occurs faster.

For cracked nipples

Bepanten for the treatment of cracked nipples during lactation is used very widely and is prescribed by doctors in the first place. Many factors can provoke the problem, and therefore such damage occurs in more than half of women. The cracks cause severe pain, from which feeding turns into torture, which even makes you think about stopping lactation and transferring the child to an artificial formula.

To heal cracks, you need to apply the ointment 3 times a day, carefully rubbing it in with soft circular movements. Before feeding your baby, be sure to wash the nipple so that the ointment does not get into his mouth. There will be no harm from this, but due to the unpleasant new taste, he may refuse to latch on to the breast, which will significantly complicate the process of feeding the baby.

For bruises

When bruises appear due to contusions, using ointment helps to quickly remove their external manifestations. The affected area will still hurt for 5-7 days. Bepanthen should be applied no sooner than 60 minutes after the damage occurs. This is necessary so that bleeding in the tissues stops completely.

The composition, penetrating deep, significantly accelerates metabolic processes. Thanks to this, active resorption of the blood clot occurs, causing the hematoma and signs of bruising on the skin to disappear completely within 2-3 days. Bruises on the face disappear especially quickly, since the skin there is much thinner and the maximum active components reach the site of injury without getting lost along the way. Apply the medicine to the affected area 3 times a day.

For burns

Various burns (thermal, chemical or solar) occur repeatedly in everyone throughout life. Bepanten for burns is often used. If you have a medicine on hand, you can deal with them much faster. Applying the ointment speeds up healing, prevents infection and prevents the development of intense traumatic inflammation, which causes severe scarring. The affected area should be lubricated with the drug every 8 hours. If the damage is deep, then, in addition to applying bepanthen, it is also necessary to use antibiotics. Without them, the problem cannot be resolved.

From diathesis

Diathesis causes severe itching in the child, which is why the baby constantly experiences significant discomfort, cries a lot and loses appetite. Applying an ointment or cream allows you to relieve inflammation, itching and redness in a minimum period of time. For very severe diathesis, the medicine is used in parallel with classical anti-inflammatory compounds. Bepanten should be applied 3 times a day, after the skin has been wiped with an antiseptic composition. It is necessary to ensure that the baby does not wash the medicine off the skin until it has been on for at least 15 minutes.

For diaper rash and heat rash in newborns

Bepanten can be used for these purposes for children from birth. To eliminate the problem, after bathing the baby, apply a thin layer of ointment to the problem area. After this, you need to leave the baby without swaddling it so that the ointment does not roll off or rub off. It takes 10 minutes for the medicine to be absorbed. Bepanten can be used after each diaper change not only to treat the problem, but also to prevent it.

Bepanten for stretch marks during pregnancy and lactation

The medicine Bepanten is also used to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, as it has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. To prevent streaks from forming, you need to lubricate your skin with ointment every morning and evening. It is useful to apply the ointment not only to the stomach, but also to the chest, since the skin on it, when stretched due to the arrival of milk, can also burst, which is what causes streaks to form. Before applying the ointment, the skin must be cleansed, and therefore it is better to carry out treatment after water procedures. After childbirth, the composition continues to be applied in the same way to speed up the process of tissue restoration.

For the treatment of hemorrhoids

In the treatment of hemorrhoids, the drug is used as part of a complex treatment. Ointment cannot be the main medicine to get rid of the problem due to the fact that it does not act on the venous walls.

With the help of the drug, it is possible to get rid of cracks and wounds in a short time, as well as relieve inflammation and acute pain in the bumps. Processing can be carried out according to two schemes. In the first case, the ointment is applied in the morning and evening, after first washing the anal area and wiping it dry. The treatment should be carried out in a lying position. You should also not get up for 15 minutes after the ointment has been applied. This is necessary so that the drug is absorbed and does not stick together into pellets.

The second treatment option is to treat the diseased area every time after a bowel movement occurs. How to treat the diseased area is decided by the patient himself, depending on the conditions. If a person works, then he is unlikely to be able to treat hemorrhoids during the daytime, and, of course, the first treatment regimen is more convenient. Therapy in both cases is carried out until the unpleasant manifestations of the disease are completely eliminated.

Use for allergies

The drug is useful for applying to the affected surface and for treating allergic skin rashes. All manifestations of a negative reaction of the body when using bepanthen pass quickly. If there is itching against the background of the rash, it disappears immediately. The drug can be applied once every 4 hours. This treatment lasts until the allergy goes away.

For dermatitis

You can use ointment and cream against different types of diseases, including the use of Bepanthen gels for atopic dermatitis. The drug is suitable even for children who have just been born. To get a positive result, using the ointment 2 times a day is enough. The skin must be cleansed before applying the medicine. Improvement in the condition is observed after 2 days.

Bepanten is used in a similar way for trophic ulcers on the legs that have formed due to diabetes mellitus or varicose veins. Such wounds, thanks to the product, heal within 5-10 days, depending on their stage and size.

Contraindications and side effects

There are very few restrictions on the use of the product. At the same time, they must be strictly observed so as not to cause harm to your body instead of benefit. Do not apply the ointment if there is an allergic reaction to it, or the body reacts negatively to the drug with burning and itching.

Also, a limitation to therapy using bepanten is the need to treat injuries in the eye area. If the product gets on the mucous membrane of the eye, it is necessary to immediately rinse it with running cool water. If the burning sensation does not go away within 10-15 minutes, then medical attention will be required.

When Bepanthen is used for the first time, you must first conduct a sensitivity test to it. To do this, apply a small amount of ointment to the elbow area and leave for 3 hours. If during this time no discomfort, redness or rashes appear at the site of application of the composition, then Bepanthen can be used for medicinal purposes and for regular skin care.

special instructions

The ointment can only be used externally. Getting it into the eyes is dangerous, and therefore after applying the composition you should wash your hands well so as not to accidentally transfer the product to your mucous membranes.

If the wound is deep, of significant size and already infected, then a preliminary visit to the doctor is required. This is due to the fact that in such a situation, without the use of systemic antibiotics, there is a high risk of developing sepsis, which poses a serious threat to the patient’s life. Self-treatment of such injuries is impossible. If, after examination by a doctor, permission is given to use Bepanten for treatment, then it must be applied strictly following the specialist’s recommendations.

It is important to monitor the healing process of wounds during treatment with ointment for various injuries. If recovery does not occur within 14 days, a mandatory visit to the doctor is required. In such a situation, more complex treatment may be needed.

The cost of the drug depends on the manufacturer. If the chosen product is produced in Russia, then you will need to pay an average of 450 rubles for it per 30 g package. If you purchase an imported analogue, then you will need to pay about 700 rubles for the same packaging. The drug is available over-the-counter at any pharmacy. Bepanten in the form of a cream can also be found in stores among skin care cosmetics.

What is the difference between Bepanthen cream and ointment, and which is better?

There are no fundamental differences between one composition and another, but there are several not very serious ones.

  1. Due to the increased content of fatty substances, the ointment has a longer absorption time, as well as the period of active action, than the cream. Also, the components from its composition will penetrate into deeper layers of tissue.
  2. When using the cream, there is no greasy residue left on the skin like an ointment.
  3. If dermatitis or wounds are wet, it is not advisable to apply fats to them and therefore a cream is used to treat the damage.
  4. If it is necessary to use a product under a bandage, an ointment must be used, since the cream is completely unsuitable for this due to its low fat content.

There are no other noteworthy differences.

Cheap analogues of Bepanthen ointment

There are analogues of the drug that are much cheaper, but still have a fairly strong effect. The following compositions can be used instead of bepanthen:

  1. Pentekrem is a very effective product and has an even wider spectrum of action. However, it has more contraindications and a higher risk of negative reactions during treatment;
  2. D-panthenol - the drugs are almost the same, so you can use the analogue in the same way.
  3. HappyDerm Forte - this analogue is produced in the form of an aerosol (spray). The composition tightens the skin well and accelerates its healing.

The choice of which product to use remains with the consumer.


Reviews of Bepanten ointment are mostly positive, not only from consumers, but also from doctors.
Bepanthen is an excellent medicine for eliminating skin problems. To care for a child, you can take it to the maternity hospital, since it is approved for use from the very first days.