Bepanten for eyes and nose

Our readers successfully use Biorecin to eliminate wrinkles. Seeing how popular this product is, we decided to bring it to your attention.
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The formation of wrinkles on the face is an individual process. The more emotional a person is, the earlier facial folds appear on his skin. The formation of age-related wrinkles depends on the lifestyle and genetics of the individual. In any case, the first folds of skin are not the most pleasant news.

Expression wrinkles

The first facial wrinkles most often appear in a person by the age of 25. They form at the corners of the mouth, around the nose and on the forehead. The main reason for its appearance is the emotional factor. Perhaps the person has a habit of frowning. Expression wrinkles make the skin look older and the face look sad. If you don’t take action in time, they will only get worse and become deeper.

It is very important to provide the dermis with careful care at any age. At the first expression wrinkles, it is recommended to do facial exercises, moisturizing and nourishing masks (not store-bought, but prepared at home).

Age wrinkles

At what age a person’s first signs of sagging and aging of the dermis appear - it depends only on him. If an individual often drinks alcohol, eats poorly and drinks insufficient amounts of water per day, it should not be surprising that age-related wrinkles will “please” by the age of 30.

How to keep your dermis youthful: useful tips

  1. Regularly take care of your facial skin, use moisturizing creams and do preventive nourishing masks once a week.
  2. Eat right. Avoid fast foods and reduce your consumption of too spicy, overcooked and over-salted foods to a minimum.
  3. Drink at least 2 liters of clean still water per day.
  4. Do skin exercises regularly.
  5. Give up bad habits such as drinking alcohol and smoking.

The tips presented will help preserve the beauty, elasticity and youth of the dermis for as long as possible. The process of wrinkles cannot be prevented, but it can be significantly delayed.

  1. Warts
  2. Wrinkles
  3. Papillomas
  4. Pimples
  5. Stretch marks
  6. Scars

Bepanten gel and eye drops are used to moisturize and protect the eyes from external factors and mechanical damage when wearing contact lenses. The product contains components similar to those produced in the human body, as well as vitamins and macroelements that are beneficial for vision and eye tissue. They quickly relieve discomfort and can be used for a long time.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Even “neglected” vision can be cured at home, without surgery or hospitals. Just read what Yuri Astakhov says read the recommendation.

What is the composition and action?

The drug "Bepanten" for the eyes is available in the form of drops and gel. The active ingredients and their effect are the same, so the choice is up to the patient. The main component of the medicine is sodium hyauloronate; its action is similar to hyauuronic acid, which is produced in the body. On the mucous membrane of the eyes, this substance acts like a tear - it lubricates and moisturizes the cornea. The second important component is dexpanthenol. It has a regenerating, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. Together, these ingredients form an aqueous protective film on the cornea, which protects the eye while restoring the tissue and saturating it with beneficial vitamins. In addition to these substances, the drug contains:

  1. sodium chloride and phosphate;
  2. sodium monohydrogenphosphate;
  3. water.

The drops are transparent and odorless. Available in 10 ml bottles and 0.5 ml single packs. The latter are very convenient to take with you on a trip and not be afraid that they will get infected or the medicine will spill. The gel is produced in packages of 15 ml. The tubes are equipped with dispensers for convenient manipulation. They are sterile, so the tip of the pipette should not touch the conjunctiva of the eye, lens or other surface, so as not to cause infection.

Indications for use

It is recommended to use drops and eye ointment “Bepanten” if the following factors are present in the patient’s body:

Instructions for use

You can use Bepanten for the eyes up to 5 times a day. Instillations are carried out 2 drops into each eye or onto the inner surface of contact lenses. When using an ointment, the medicine is placed behind the conjunctival sac. After the manipulations, the patient should close his eyes for a while and then blink for a minute so that the medicine is evenly distributed over the surface of the cornea.

If you wear contact lenses, they must be removed before using the medication. When using the gel, you can reinsert the lenses 20 minutes after the procedure.


Instructions for use prohibit the use of Bepanten eye treatment products in the following cases:

Prescription of this drug is not practiced in pediatrics.

  1. the presence of an allergy to the constituent components of the drug;
  2. infectious and inflammatory eye diseases;
  3. mechanical damage and functional disorders of the cornea;
  4. age under 18 years;
  5. increased intraocular pressure;
  6. pregnancy and lactation period.

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Side effects

If Bepanten is used incorrectly or there is a hidden allergy to the substances in the solution, the patient may experience body reactions such as:

  1. redness and irritation of the conjunctiva;
  2. sensation of cutting and burning;
  3. rhinitis;
  4. rash on eyelids;
  5. lacrimation;
  6. dry mouth;
  7. photophobia;
  8. precipitation of calcium salts in the cornea;
  9. temporary deterioration in the quality of vision.

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Interactions with drugs

The use of Bepanten drops with other solutions is possible, but the interval between their instillations should be no more than 15 minutes. Medicines containing dexpanthenol should be used last. Do not use with vasoconstrictor medications for nasal therapy. You should be careful when using Bepanten and at the same time working with complex mechanisms or driving, as the drug can cause short-term vision loss.


If the rules specified in the instructions for use are not followed, the patient may experience an overdose of the drug and the development of side effects. If at least one symptom of a negative reaction of the body to the medicine, treatment with drops or gel appears, you should stop and tell your doctor about what happened. Adverse reactions disappear after discontinuation of the drug.

Analogues of the solution

If necessary, you can replace “Bepanten” with such products as “Hilo-kea”, “Pure Tear”, “Vizin”, “Hilo-Komod”, “Kationorm”, “Omk”, “Okutiarz”, “Renu”, “Avisor” " Before using any of the eye products, it is best to consult a doctor, because instructions for use cannot serve as an alternative to consultation, and self-medication will be harmful to health.


Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against blurred vision is not yet on your side.

Have you already thought about surgery? This is understandable, because the eyes are very important organs, and their proper functioning is the key to health and a comfortable life. Sharp pain in the eye, clouding, dark spots, sensation of a foreign body, dryness or, on the contrary, watery eyes. All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand.

But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause? We recommend reading the story of Yuri Astakhov, what he recommends doing. Read the article >>

The description is valid on 21.05.2014

  1. Latin name: Bepanthen
  2. ATX code: D03AX03
  3. Active substance: Dexpanthenol
  4. Manufacturer: Bayer Consumer Care AG (Switzerland)

Composition of Bepanten

Compound Bepanten ointments next: 1g of product contains 50mg dexpanthenol.

Compound Bepanten cream next: 1g of product contains 50mg dexpanthenol.

Compound lotion Bepanten next: 1g of product contains 25mg dexpanthenol.

In addition, all types of the drug contain a number of excipients: protegin X, stearyl alcohol, cetyl alcohol, white beeswax, lanolin (sheep fat), liquid paraffin, soft paraffin, almond oil, water.

Release form

Bepanten is available in the following forms:

  1. Bepanten ointment 5% is white to white-yellow in color. Homogeneous, homogeneous, soft mass, sold in tubes of 30g.
  2. Cream Bepanten 5% is sold in 30g tubes;
  3. Lotion Bepanten 2.5% is sold in 200 ml bottles.

pharmachologic effect

The active substance of the drug is dexpanthenol (dexpanthenol) — provitamin B5. It is freely adsorbed by human skin cells. After the substance enters the epithelial cells, dexpanthenol is transformed, as a result of which it turns into pantothenic acid.

The effect of Bepanten on the body is determined precisely by vitamin B5 . Pantothenic acid - this is part coenzyme A. It promotes the processes of regeneration of the skin of the mucous membranes, takes part in acetylation and the synthesis of acetylcholine. Under the influence of pantothenic acid, cell metabolism returns to normal, mitosis is activated, and collagen fibers are strengthened. The drug has a moisturizing, regenerating, and also some anti-inflammatory effect on the skin. Therefore, the use of ointment or other forms of medication is possible on any area of ​​the skin. It is used to treat exposed areas, weeping wounds, and areas of the skin that are covered with hair.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Bepanthen is absorbed very quickly, after which its active transformation occurs. As a result, stocks are replenished pantothenic acid. When pantothenic acid enters the blood, it binds to plasma proteins, mainly albumins And B-globulins. Pantothenic acid is excreted unchanged from the body in urine and feces.

Indications for use

The drug Bepanten is used to treat children and adults.

Bepanten is actively used for newborns in the process of regular skin care. Ointment for newborns is used for both prevention and treatment diaper dermatitis (treatment prickly heat in newborns), diaper rash, inflammatory processes of the skin.

It is used to care for a woman’s mammary glands during breastfeeding. Bepanten for nipples is used in the presence of irritation, cracks, etc.

The product is used to treat irritated and inflamed skin exposed to sunlight, chemicals, etc.

Used when burns for the purpose of healing skin damage from burns.

Used during treatment bedsores, chronic ulcers skin, anal fissures. The product is used to care for skin after transplantation, as well as for abrasions, scratches, cracks in order to accelerate regeneration processes.

Can be used for skin care allergies. In particular, Bepanten is sometimes used for children against acne, diathesis, from a rash on the palms, with atopic dermatitis, with insect bites.

The cream can be used as a skin care product after water procedures, after sunbathing. For irritated and inflamed skin, use instead of face cream.


Do not apply in the presence of individual manifestations of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Side effects

Rarely, when using the product, allergic reactions may occur, in particular hives, itching.

Instructions for use of Bepanten (Method and dosage)

The instructions for Bepanten ointment are as follows. Preventive care for newborns requires that the ointment be applied to clean and dry skin during each diaper or diaper change.

When treating wounds and skin lesions, a thin layer of ointment or cream is applied several times a day to the affected areas.

Instructions for use of Bepanten during treatment anal fissures And lesions of the cervical mucosa as follows: the product should be carefully applied to damaged areas once or twice a day. Sometimes, for such diseases, it is more advisable to use suppositories with a similar active ingredient.

For nursing mothers, cream or ointment is used if available. cracks ornipple irritation after each feeding. Women who are wondering whether Bepanten should be washed off before breastfeeding should not worry, since the product does not need to be removed. To make sure of this, you can check with your doctor whether you need to wash off the ointment before feeding.

The duration of treatment or use of the drug for preventive purposes is determined individually, depending on the disease or condition of the person. Also, individually, the patient determines for himself which is better - Bepanten cream or ointment. The main difference between these products is their consistency, so there is no need to find out how an ointment differs from a cream. However, when choosing the form of the drug, it is not advertising that should be taken into account, but the recommendations of a specialist.


An overdose of the drug when used locally is impossible.


Cases of interaction between Bepanten and other drugs have not been described.

Terms of sale

The drug can be purchased in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

Storage conditions

The ointment or cream should be stored in a dry place, and the air temperature should not exceed 30 degrees Celsius.

Best before date

The drug can be stored for 3 years.

Bepanten's analogs

Analogues of this drug should be considered those drugs whose active ingredient is dexpanthenol. Also, analogs of Bepanthet that are cheaper than this drug may be based on other substances, but have a similar effect on the body.

The price of analogues of Bepanten ointment may be lower due to the fact that their manufacturers are domestic companies. A cheaper analogue that can be used for children is a remedy D-panthenol, which has a similar active substance. Also an analogue of the drug is a spray Panthenol, which comes in a convenient form.

In drugs Dexpanthenol And Bepanten There are also practically no differences. In addition to the listed products, when caring for baby’s skin, products are used Sudocrem, Desitin and etc.

If you compare the means Bepanten And Bepanten Plus, the differences between them are as follows: the latter drug, due to the presence of additional substances in the composition, has a pronounced antibacterial effect.

Which is better: Bepanten or D-panthenol?

AND Bepanten, And D-panthenol have similar indications for use and have an antibacterial, regenerating and moisturizing effect on the skin. However, Depanthenol is produced by a domestic manufacturer, so its cost is slightly lower.

Bepanten or Purelan - which is better?

Purelan can be used like Bepanten, for lubricating the mammary glands during lactation, as well as for caring for the baby’s skin. This product contains highly purified lanolin, which does not provoke allergic reactions. Purelan is a more expensive product, moreover, it is not always suitable for daily skin care.


For children

The drug can be used to treat any area of ​​skin in children.


Used to prevent skin problems and treat skin diseases in newborns.

During pregnancy

Bepanten can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Pregnancy is not a contraindication for this treatment, since the active substance does not pose a threat to the fetus or newborn.

Reviews about Bepanten

Reviews of Bepanten ointment are in most cases positive, since this ointment is suitable for newborns and helps prevent diaper rash and skin irritation. The reviews also note that using ointment or cream for 1-2 weeks can effectively get rid of acne.

The cream is also often used on the face if there is skin irritation and inflammation. In addition, in some cases, Bepanten ointment is used for stretch marks. Reviews indicate that the emulsion against stretch marks helps prevent the occurrence of striae during pregnancy, as well as reduce the severity of existing stretch marks. However, the reviews note that to obtain such results, the cream must be used regularly and for a long time.

The effectiveness of ointments and creams for healing cracked nipples is also noted, with diathesis and other side effects do not appear when using cream and ointment.

Bepanten price, where to buy

The price of Bepanten ointment 30 g is approximately 280-340 rubles. You can buy ointment in Ukraine for 75-90 UAH. for 30 g. You can find out exactly how much Bepanten ointment costs at specific sales points. The price of Bepanten candles can be found at the places where they are sold. Cost of Bepanten cream 100 gr. averages 520-550 rubles.