Bepanten for the skin around the eyes

The drug Bepanten improves trophism and tissue regeneration and is used for external use.

It is produced by the famous German pharmaceutical company Bayer.

There are different release forms - ointment, cream, lotion.

Bepanten is not considered a cosmetic product, but recently it is increasingly used in cosmetology (to combat wrinkles, treat acne, pimples, peeling, etc.).

What is it and when is it used

The drug is not cheap, but is constantly in demand. This is due to its excellent regenerating and disinfecting properties. At the same time, it is completely safe.

The cream solves such medical problems:

  1. skin damage and irritation;
  2. cracks in the nipples in women during lactation;
  3. burns of any origin;
  4. cuts, cracks in the skin;
  5. diaper rash in children;
  6. inflammation and hyperemia of the skin (for example, after tattooing).

The drug does not contain hormones.

Is it effective in treating facial wrinkles?

As practice and customer reviews show, the cream has proven to be very effective for the face as a daily skin care and protection. It can be combined with other cosmetics.

Bepanten against wrinkles and for general improvement of facial skin condition is used both as a single drug and as part of masks. The effectiveness is due to the content of lanolin and almond oil.

It is necessary to apply the anti-wrinkle product according to your skin type. The ointment is ideal for dry skin. The moisturizing, nourishing and restorative properties of Bepanthen will help.

In addition, the product heals microcracks and wounds that often form on dry skin.

As for wrinkles around the eyes, these are age-related changes. Yes, sometimes they appear earlier as a result of lack of sleep, smoking, and stress. Bepanten is less effective in the eye area than on the face.

This is explained by the fact that the skin under the eyes is much thinner and itself dry, since there are few sebaceous glands.

The alcohols in Bepanthen may increase dryness under the eyes.. Therefore, the use of such a product in the fight against wrinkles under the eyes causes tightness and dryness for some.

Active and beneficial substances and their principle of action

Bepanthen’s good performance is due to its 3 components: dexpanthenol, lanolin and almond oil.

The active component of bepanthen is dexpanthenol, or provitamin B5.. The principle of action of the drug is based on the penetration of the active substance - dexpanthenol - into the skin structure.

As a result, it is converted into pantothenic acid in the epidermal cells.

It is a component of coenzyme A, which is responsible for the rapid restoration of damaged skin. This element ensures the regeneration of skin cells by starting the processes of restoration and renewal of the epithelium.

Pantothenic acid does not take part in cellular metabolism and is excreted from the body in its original form by the kidneys.

In addition, Bepanten contains lanolin and almond oil, which have long been known for their moisturizing properties.. Bepanten exhibits anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties due to the content of chlorhexidine.

Composition of the drug

Different release forms have the same composition, but differ in consistency; for example, the ointment has a fairly thick texture and leaves a greasy sheen on the skin.

The composition of Bepanten cream (in addition to the active substances listed above) is a complex of gentle non-hormonal components. The preparation contains liquid paraffin and purified water, cetyl and stearyl or cetearyl alcohol (fatty monohydric alcohols).

These natural substances are obtained from coconut and palm oils, as well as sperm whale fat. They have antibacterial and drying properties. Thanks to this, the substance successfully copes with skin inflammation.

Additional substances that improve the condition of the dermis include almond oil, beeswax, and lanolin (sheep fat).

Water moisturizes the skin, pantolactone is a skin conditioner.. Amphizole K is a mixture of cetyl alcohol and phosphoric acid esters, used as an emulsifier.

Propylene glycol protects cosmetics from pathogenic bacteria and prevents them from multiplying, and helps attract moisture from the air into skin cells.

Phenoxyethanol is a preservative, protegin X is a natural, non-toxic emulsifier consisting of petroleum jelly (refractory petroleum jelly), castor oil and a number of fatty acids.

All excipients are safe and contained in minute doses. Most of the drug is water. It is this that creates a light structure and promotes rapid absorption upon application.

Indications for use

All forms of Bepanthen are intended to eliminate skin problems. You can absolutely safely use Bepanten as an anti-wrinkle remedy. The only downside is that it won’t change very deep wrinkles much.

But, in fact, no one, even the most advertised product, has ever succeeded in doing this.

Bepanten is approved for use at any age, even pregnancy and lactation are not an obstacle.

Benefits of Bepanthen:

  1. The drug is universal, it helps with any skin irritation, scar defects and acne spots.
  2. High speed of action and stability of results.
  3. Availability - available without a prescription.
  4. Pronounced disinfecting and calming effect.
  5. Does not leave marks on clothes or bedding. Therefore, it can be used at night without any fear.
  6. Moisturizes the skin.
  7. Safety of use.

How to use?

The rules for treatment with Bepanten depend on the dermatological problem. It is always applied to previously cleansed skin.

Typically, Bepanten should be applied in a thin layer and lightly rubbed in. The product is absorbed into the skin quickly and does not leave an oily sheen.

Bepanthen can be applied to large areas of skin. The drug is safe and can be used for a long time.

There are no strict terms for using Bepanten; it is used until the existing problem is solved, and also as a prophylactic agent to protect the skin.

The cream perfectly protects women's faces not only against wrinkles, but also from UV rays, if applied half an hour before going outside. Bepanthen for wrinkles should be applied no more than 2 times a day for a month. Then you can take a break for 2 months and resume again.

An interesting fact noted by cosmetologists is that the skin of the face does not get used to Bepanten and the effect remains even after prolonged use. By the way, other creams cannot boast of such an effect.

At the same time, the cream is suitable for protection against flaking for oily and combination dermis. Using Bepanten ointment for wrinkles will have the opposite effect due to the density of its structure.

But for those with normal and dry skin, it is better to use ointment. The instructions say that Bepanten can be used without a doctor’s prescription. Effectiveness appears within 2-3 days.

Side effects

You should be aware that the ointment and cream contain comedogenic substances. Comedones are whitish papules on the skin, harbingers of acne..

Therefore, long-term use of Bepanten by people with oily skin can cause the formation of sebaceous plugs as a result of blockage of the glands.

This impairs skin nutrition, prevents it from breathing oxygen and leads to the appearance of new acne. In addition, such skin shows signs of early aging and new wrinkles appear faster.

Other side effects include dry skin, as the drug contains alcohols. Therefore, if you have dry skin, it must be additionally protected.

Other (rare) side effects include allergic manifestations: nettle rash, itching.

Possible contraindications

Contraindications include an allergy to vitamin B5, as well as individual intolerance to the active ingredients of the drug. But this happens extremely rarely.

Initially, Bepanten and its analogues were used in medicine as an effective healing and regenerating agent for the skin. In recent years, cosmetologists have increasingly begun to use Bepanten for wrinkles and other cosmetic problems. Let's try to understand the reasons for such demand for the drug for non-medical purposes.

Briefly about the drug

This is a product of the German pharmaceutical manufacturer BAYER, which appeared on the market back in the 19th century. Bepanten combines a number of medical products, the most common being cream.

Bepanten cream is a medicine that has pronounced healing and restorative properties. The main active ingredient in the composition is dexpanthenol - a B vitamin. It activates metabolic processes in the cells of the dermis and mucous membranes, promotes the production of collagen, and also increases the natural regenerative functions of cells. Other components provide an antibacterial effect, moisturize and nourish the skin.

In other words, the cream activates the metabolism of skin cells, moisturizes them, which leads to a refreshing result on the face. Cosmetic procedures are only one aspect of using the product. The spectrum of effects of Bepanten drugs is quite wide.

Indications for use

The ointment has a complex composition of predominantly natural ingredients, among which there are no hormonal substances. Due to this, Bepanten becomes an almost universal and harmless drug. It is prescribed by doctors of various profiles in the following cases:

  1. dry thin skin, peeling, microcracks;
  2. irritation due to allergies, dermatological diseases;
  3. shallow cuts and abrasions on the skin;
  4. acne scars;
  5. diaper rash, urticaria and other irritations in infants;
  6. cracked nipples in women during breastfeeding;
  7. burns of various types, including sunburn;
  8. bedsores;
  9. smoothing stretch marks;
  10. insect bites, etc.


Dexpanthenol, or provitamin B5, is the main component of Bepanten, providing its restorative abilities. Having penetrated the skin cells, it becomes pantothenic acid, which acts from the inside.

In addition to dexpanthenol, the ointment includes additional ingredients, including:

  1. lanolin – antibacterial effect, moisturizes the skin and prevents moisture loss;
  2. almond oil is a powerful antioxidant, refreshes the skin, slows down its aging;
  3. stearyl and cetyl alcohols are an emulsifier and thickener that soften dermal cells, making them more elastic.

The remaining components of the composition make the consistency of the ointment the correct structure and viscosity.

Line of drugs Bepanten

Initially, German factories produced only an ointment, which was used exclusively by doctors to treat skin diseases. Over time, the range expanded and a cream, lotion, and a special series of facial skin care products appeared.

  1. Ointment. It is in demand among young mothers, copes well with infant diaper dermatitis, and quickly heals cracked nipples. Dermatologists also advise using the ointment as a moisturizer for dry skin with flaking, chapping, cracks, as well as burns, abrasions and other damage.
  2. Cream. It has a softer consistency and better absorption compared to ointment, and does not leave a greasy residue. Widely used for cosmetic purposes. Promotes deep hydration and nutrition of the dermis, triggers cell regenerative processes, therefore it is used to combat wrinkles and other consequences of natural aging.
  3. Antiseptic cream Bepanten Plus. It contains an additional component - chlorhexidine, which has a disinfecting effect and also promotes rapid healing of damaged dermis. It helps well with burns, soothes pain. Suitable for wounds, cuts, for the treatment of boils, etc.
  4. Spray. Convenient for spraying on areas with burns or abrasions, reduces pain, prevents the spread of inflammation to adjacent areas of the skin, and is quickly absorbed.
  5. Bepanten Derma series. These are specially developed cosmetic preparations to improve the condition of dry skin. This includes nourishing and moisturizing lotions, restorative lip balm, hand balm, and foot cream.

Specialists from the BAYER company promised to consider creating a special cosmetic product for the face that would prevent early skin aging and wrinkles. Until this product appears, women use the existing products in the line, adding them to a variety of face masks.

Truths and misconceptions about Bepanten products

Despite the widespread use of German brand drugs and their practically harmless composition, we must not forget that this is a medical drug, and it must be used carefully and in consultation with a specialist.

Sometimes buyers purchase a product knowing about its positive effect, and use it thoughtlessly where it is not entirely effective or may even aggravate the situation. Let's consider the most common areas where treatment with Bepanten is possible, and the ratio of expected and obtained results.

Wrinkles on the face

After about 30 years, the repair mechanisms in skin cells slow down and collagen production decreases. The skin becomes less elastic, dry, thin, and wrinkles appear. The appearance of wrinkles can be caused not only by age, but also by external factors: active sun rays, wind, bad habits, unbalanced diet, insufficient water consumption, stress, fatigue, etc.

The use of Bepanten for wrinkles is practiced among many cosmetologists. Numerous reviews indicate a positive effect from use. Different forms of release of the product help to moisturize the skin, restore its freshness and velvety, and even help smooth out wrinkles.

Creams and lotions are most often used for these purposes, applying them 1-2 times a day to cleansed facial skin.

It is worth noting that this is not a cosmetic product, and it is not aimed specifically at smoothing facial wrinkles. And while light wrinkles may disappear due to hydration, this remedy is ineffective for deep age-related wrinkles.

The area around the eyes should be treated with particular care. Although Bepanten preparations do not prohibit any areas of application, nevertheless, some reviews indicate adverse reactions in the eye area. Apply the cream in a very thin layer only after testing on a small area.

It is also important to consider your skin type when choosing a product. For example, a viscous, oily ointment is not suitable for oily skin and can make the situation even worse by clogging the pores.

Pimples and acne

There is an opinion that Bepanten treats acne and helps get rid of acne. There is some truth in this, but the therapeutic effect for this problem should not be exaggerated.

Bepanten products help cope with minor rashes and single pimples when applied to the spot, especially if combined with other medicinal products. The line contains very little alcohol, so it does not dry out the skin like other similar products.

The big advantage of these drugs is their double action: they help heal problem areas and immediately smooth out pits and scars, which often leave behind problems with the sebaceous glands on the face.

It is worth considering that hormonal acne rashes in adolescence cannot be treated with Bepanthen alone. This requires a more serious integrated approach, and always under the supervision of a dermatologist. The same applies to advanced stages of acne. German brand ointments and creams can clog pores, causing inflammation. Therefore, it is better to choose other drugs specially designed for such problems.

Note: Those with oily skin should use Bepanten ointments and creams with caution, so as not to further aggravate the situation; for a safe effect, consult a dermatologist.

Dry skin and flaking

Dryness of the upper layers of the dermis can appear for various reasons: negative external factors, lack of drinking, nutrition, bad habits, etc. The natural components of the Bepanten series really have a beneficial effect on dry skin:

  1. moisturize the epithelium and help retain moisture in the cells;
  2. promote rapid exfoliation of keratinized scales;
  3. improve metabolic processes at the cellular level, which activates the growth of new cells.

Note: Long-term use can lead to the opposite result - peeling, since the process of cell renewal under the influence of the cream can occur too quickly.

Applying the product twice a day, it should be used for no more than 2-3 weeks, then you should take a break and evaluate the condition of the skin.

Manifestation of allergies on the face

Bepanten is an assistant in eliminating allergic rashes, but not the main medicine. It does not act on the causes of redness, but only eliminates the consequences: itching, irritation, peeling.

To treat allergies, it is necessary to use special drugs of a certain direction that act on the mechanism of the allergic reaction. Also avoid contact with allergens. Bepanten is used only as an adjuvant to eliminate the consequences.

Beginner mistakes

Bepanten is very popular among nursing mothers. Firstly, the product effectively copes with diaper dermatitis in newborns. Secondly, this same remedy quickly heals cracked nipples, which are often encountered by young women who are breastfeeding.

Fearing that during breastfeeding the baby will “eat” part of Bepanten, women carefully wash off the ointment with soap before each feeding. And there are usually several such applications per day. This leads to even more irritation and the healing process is delayed.

The packaging states that the composition is absolutely harmless to the baby, so there is no need to wash it off the breast. Numerous reviews confirm the safety of this use for children.

It is also worth warning those who purchase Bepanten to combat acne. Most often, this is an external manifestation of some kind of internal disease, it may be associated with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, hormonal imbalances, problems with the genitourinary system, etc. First, you need to find out the cause of the rash, treat it, and then remove the consequences, including , and with the help of drugs Bepanten.

Contraindications and consequences

According to the instructions, Bepanten is quite safe and harmless, there are no contraindications, and is even suitable for infants and pregnant women. It can be combined with other drugs without fear of adverse reactions.

Undesirable consequences can only appear if you have an individual intolerance to certain ingredients, but this happens quite rarely. To check the reaction, apply a little product to the skin of your hand and evaluate its condition for half an hour.

Note: Too frequent or prolonged use of Bepanten can lead to oversaturation with vitamin B, which is just as undesirable as its deficiency.


A couple of years ago I began to notice a deterioration in the condition of the skin on my face and neck. Dryness appeared, the skin became less elastic, and, worst of all, the first noticeable wrinkles were like a bell about the passing of carefree youth. Another vitamin-deficient spring manifested itself with increased dryness and even flaking in the cheeks, beard and forehead. My usual creams gave only a short-term effect. I came across a recommendation online for Bepanten anti-wrinkle cream. I heard only good reviews about it, that it is harmless, even approved for infants, so I decided to try it for my own purposes. The result pleased me. After a week of daily use, the condition of the skin has already noticeably improved, it has become more elastic and velvety, dryness and flaking have disappeared, and fine wrinkles have begun to smooth out. I know that long-term use is undesirable, so I plan to use it for another week, and then I’ll take a break and watch my skin. I recommend it to those who want to quickly refresh their face without expensive and painful procedures.

I have been working in the field of cosmetology for almost 10 years, and during this time I have tried many cosmetic and medicinal products with clients to combat dermatological problems. Bepanten has established itself as a good drug for skin restoration after various procedures. Hardware peeling, laser hair removal, tattooing and many other actions on the skin lead to irritation. My clients respond positively to Bepanten products: it relieves inflammation, reduces swelling, and heals scars. That is, it seems to continue and gently complete the effect of the procedure outside the beauty salon.

I, like many inexperienced young mothers, was faced with the problem of cracked nipples. Literally from the first days, my son tore them apart so much that the mere thought of feeding made me shudder internally. But I didn’t want to give it up either - it’s good for the child! The salvation for me then was Bepanten ointment, which could be used not only for diaper rash in a child, but also for the mother, which is very convenient. In just a couple of days the result became noticeable, and after 10 days the cracks were completely healed. Feeding finally began to bring pleasure to me, not just the baby! Now I recommend this miracle ointment to all the mothers I know.

Using Bepanten for the face, you can improve the condition of your skin, get rid of wrinkles, pimples and irritation. The pharmacological drug is intended for the treatment of burns, diaper rash, and dermatitis. But it contains ingredients that can eliminate any cosmetic defects of the skin. Ointment, cream, lotion are quickly absorbed by the epidermis, providing a healing effect in a few minutes.

Is it possible to smear Bepanten on your face?

The German manufacturer included cream, ointment and lotion in the Bepanten therapeutic line. All dosage forms are fairly safe drugs. After applying them to the skin, external signs of an allergic reaction rarely occur. And cases of negative systemic effects have not been described in the medical literature. The manufacturer mentions in the instructions that Bepanten does not contain preservatives. These chemicals are the cause of allergies in most cases. Therefore, Bepanten ointment and cream can be used to remove from the facial skin:

  1. small pimples;
  2. acne and the consequences of acne - dents, scars, cicatrices, red or blue spots;
  3. keratinized scales.

Bepanten is recommended to be used to preserve a woman’s beauty and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. The drug is used both as a preventive and therapeutic agent that restores the epidermis. When choosing a dosage form, it is better to prefer a cream. It is evenly distributed in the upper layers of the skin and exhibits therapeutic effectiveness for a long time.

Cosmetologists' opinion

Bepanten is used in cosmetology due to its lack of any toxic effect on the human body. Its active ingredient is dexpanthenol, a precursor of vitamin B5. After contact with human skin, it is converted into pantothenic acid, which has medicinal properties:

  1. accelerates metabolism and regeneration;
  2. stops inflammatory processes;
  3. retains moisture in cells and prevents its evaporation;
  4. promotes exfoliation of the keratinized epidermal layer;
  5. accelerates blood circulation in damaged tissues;
  6. saturates cells with nutrients and biologically active substances;
  7. normalizes the production of elastin and collagen.

Cosmetologists recommend paying attention to the Bepanten Derma cosmetic line. It contains moisturizing and nourishing agents to care for very dry skin.

Composition of the drug

The moisturizing and regenerating properties of Bepanten are provided by its active ingredient dexpanthenol. The ointment and cream base is formed from paraffin, water, wax, cetyl and stearyl alcohols, and mineral oil. The manufacturer enhanced and prolonged the therapeutic activity by adding almond oil to the composition. This component is characterized by the following medicinal properties:

  1. emollient;
  2. antiseptic;
  3. antioxidant;
  4. decongestant;
  5. disinfectant.

Another ingredient worth noting is lanolin. Previously, it was obtained by lengthy washing of sheep wool. In the modern pharmaceutical and cosmetology industries, synthetic lanolin is used. The thick brown mass with a very specific odor contains many useful substances. They have a pronounced antimicrobial and antimycotic effect. Therefore, when using Bepanten, you do not have to worry about bacterial and fungal skin infections.

Despite the high moisturizing activity, Bepanten should not be applied to the mucous membranes of the face. It is not used to relieve dry nose due to a runny nose, nor is it used to treat eye diseases.

How to use

When prescribing a drug, cosmetologists take into account its composition and the characteristics of its effect on the human body. The lotion is applied to eliminate minor cosmetic defects. It contains the lowest concentration of the active ingredient, but there is no fat base. Therefore, it is ideal for eliminating skin irritations after chapping or mild sunburn. The cream and ointment contain twice as much dexpanthenol. The drugs are used to treat microtraumas - cracks, scratches, wounds, diaper rash.

The instructions do not indicate that Bepanten should not be used on the skin around the eyes.

But, according to the description of side effects, allergies sometimes develop during treatment. And this can provoke the development of eye pathologies. Patients often ask cosmetologists whether it is possible to smear Bepanten on the skin around the eyes. This method of improving the condition of the epidermis is acceptable. But the drug should be applied under the eyes in a minimal amount.

For wrinkles

The use of Bepanten anti-wrinkle cream is actively practiced in cosmetology. Over time, collagen production in the body decreases, and voids form in the intercellular space. The skin sags, the skin texture changes, and the dermis becomes less elastic. Bepanten is used to eliminate facial wrinkles and smooth the surface of deep folds. Thanks to the acceleration of collagen production, skin elasticity increases, which leads to an improvement in its texture.

The cream is applied 1 to 2 times a day, easily tapping it in with your fingers. The duration of the therapeutic course is 3-4 weeks, followed by a month-long break. Bepanthen can be applied under the eyes, but this must be done with caution. If the skin becomes red or swollen, the drug should be discontinued immediately.

For acne

Using Bepanten for acne, you can cleanse your skin and at the same time not dry it out. The drug does not contain antibacterial components or glucocorticosteroids. It has a different effect on acne and comedones. Bepanten copes with acne on the face due to its ability to regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands. As a result, the amount of secretion produced decreases and the pores become narrower.

To eliminate rashes, the cream is used in its pure form, mixed with nutrients. But it is especially effective in combination with additional anti-inflammatory ingredients. Therefore, treatment of acne and post-acne is often carried out using therapeutic masks.

For allergies

Upon contact with any allergic agent, red spots and pimples appear on the face, and the skin swells. The pathological process is accompanied by itching, burning, and painful sensations. Bepanten will help minimize the effects of allergies on the face - redness, irritation, swelling. Dexpanthenol accelerates the removal of harmful substances from inflammatory foci, promoting the restoration of the epidermis.

Apply ointment or cream to cleansed skin 2-3 times in a thin layer, distributing them evenly.

But it should be borne in mind that the drug is used only as an adjuvant. To treat allergies, tablets and ointments with antihistamine action are used.

For dryness and flaking

Bepanten ointment is usually used for very dry facial skin, cream - for all types of epidermis. Dexpanthenol retains moisture and promotes its accumulation in tissues. By restoring the water-salt balance, it prevents excessive keratinization of the upper layer of the dermis. If scales have already formed, the drug will speed up their exfoliation. As a result of the formation of young and healthy tissue, the appearance of the skin is significantly improved.

Apply Bepanthen to the face daily, lightly rubbing it into areas with dry or flaky skin. For the best effect, the procedure is carried out in the evening before bedtime. As a rule, peeling of the skin stops after 2-3 applications of the drug.

For burns

The main pharmacological effect of the drug is stimulation of regenerative processes. The use of the drug is especially important for the treatment of thermal, chemical, and radiation burns of 1st and 2nd degree. Dexpanthenol quickly restores affected tissues, preventing the spread of inflammation to healthy areas. It eliminates pain, burning, swelling, making the victim feel better.

According to the instructions for use, Bepanten ointment and cream are used in the treatment of burns on the face. They are applied in a thin layer 2-4 times a day and left until completely absorbed by the skin.

For dermatitis

Due to stress, digestive disorders, and a sharp decrease in immunity, blisters form on the face. The skin becomes red, swollen, itchy and painful. Contact and atopic dermatitis are often complicated by bacterial or fungal infection. Dermatologists recommend using Bepanten to eliminate dryness and irritation of the face. It is applied to the area of ​​inflammation up to 4 times a day for a week. In the treatment of dermatitis, the drug must be combined with antiseptic and antihistamines.

For minor skin damage

Thanks to the stimulation of metabolism, Bepanten is used to remove scars, scars, and pits. These skin defects are usually the consequences of improper acne treatment. They form after squeezing out pimples, especially when a bacterial infection occurs. Bepanten is not able to completely rid a person of scars, but it will help make them less noticeable. To do this, the scars are lubricated with cream 1-2 times a day every day for several months. But the drug copes with cuts, wounds, cracks in 3-4 days.

Mask recipes

To moisturize and nourish the skin, Bepanten is used in its pure form and as part of masks. The medicinal properties of the drug are enhanced and prolonged by various clays, honey, essential and cosmetic oils.

After using the masks for 3-5 weeks, greasy shine, comedones, and expression lines disappear.

The skin is saturated with oxygen, water molecules and nutrients. You can use Bepanten as a face cream or add it to mask mixtures:

  1. regenerating. Mix a tablespoon of cream with 5 drops of jojoba cosmetic oil. Apply to cleansed face and neck, leave for 25-30 minutes. Rinse off and lubricate the skin with any nourishing cream. The mask is used to combat wrinkles, rashes, and excessive dryness 2-3 times a week;
  2. from facial and deep wrinkles. Grind a teaspoon of oat grains to flour, mix with the same amount of Bepanten. Add a teaspoon of wheat germ cosmetic oil. Apply for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. Use 3 times a week.

The mask mixtures contain many useful components necessary for all types of dermis. Regular use of the products helps maintain water and electrolyte balance at an optimal level.


Bepanten is characterized by a wide range of therapeutic effects. It is actively used in cosmetology, where its regenerating properties are used. It is not enough to eliminate skin defects; it is important to prevent their reappearance. Bepanten and its analogues Panthenol, Pantoderm, D-Panthenol successfully cope with this task. Medicines normalize metabolic processes, promoting the restoration of all tissues.

Doctors often find it difficult to answer the question of whether Bepanten helps get rid of acne. To combat inflammation, it is better to choose an ointment. Thanks to its less thick consistency, its components penetrate into the deepest layers of the epidermis. It is in them that the inflammatory process occurs, provoking the formation of a pimple.. But the drug is useless to eliminate rashes caused by pathologies. Before starting treatment, it is advisable to undergo a full examination.


The only contraindication to the use of the drug is hypersensitivity to active or auxiliary ingredients. When using Bepanten on the skin around the eyes, the likelihood of developing an allergy increases.


I used Bepanten Plus, which contains the antiseptic chlorhexidine, to treat acne. The cream did an excellent job even with large pimples, and then quickly restored the skin. There are no stains, pits, or scars left on it.

I have oily skin that also flakes. The cosmetologist recommended Bepanten, which I now use to save myself. I mix it with a nourishing and moisturizing cream and apply it 1-2 times a day. Now nothing reminds me of recent serious skin problems.