Pregnancy Ectopic

Ectopic pregnancy is a pathological condition in which fertilization occurred outside the body of the uterus (ectopic). This can lead to serious complications and even death.

How the ectopic process develops The development of ectopia can occur in various parts of the abdominal cavity, but most often it affects the uterine appendages - the fallopian tubes and ovaries. It can also sometimes be observed in the abdominal pockets where the ovaries are located - deep or shallow pelvic folds. In addition, ectopia occurs in the pelvic organs - the cervix, tunica vaginalis and rectouterine cavity.

Measuring blood glucose levels in pregnant women to assess the condition of the fetus and prevent gestational diabetes\n Pregnancy is a unique period in a woman’s life when the body undergoes significant changes in order to ensure the development and gestation of the fetus. From the moment of conception, the production of progesterone and estrogen increases, which can lead to changes in maternal and fetal metabolism, as well as weight gain. This is especially important to consider in women who were overweight before pregnancy. Of course, glucose levels should be monitored to diagnose and treat gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). However, determining glucose levels is not only a diagnostic test in the case of GDM, but also a measure of early assessment of the condition of the expectant mother, fetus and prediction of the development of possible complications.

A woman of any age or health status should measure her fasting glucose level at least 3 times during pregnancy to determine gestational glycemia (GG). Even if a woman reaches normal values ​​during pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy in which implantation of the fertilized egg occurs outside the uterine cavity. This happens in less than 0.1% of women, but is one of the most dangerous types of ectopic pregnancy. Possible complications during it include: bleeding, rupture of the abdominal wall or ovary, infection of the pelvic organs and other serious conditions.