Pregnancy And Herpes

ike this does not mean that every child born to a woman with herpes will be sick. The risk of inheriting the virus from mother to child is low - about 3%, but if the virus is activated during pregnancy, especially in the third trimester, the risk increases to 30%. Therefore, it is important to take measures to prevent the activation of herpes during pregnancy.

What measures need to be taken? First of all, you should take care of your health and maintain your immunity. It is recommended to eat more fruits and vegetables, vitamins and minerals, as well as exercise and avoid stress.

If herpes has already appeared, then you need to consult a doctor and undergo treatment. You should not use self-medication, as this can lead to negative consequences for the unborn baby. The doctor may prescribe special medications that will help reduce the activity of the virus and prevent its transmission to the child.

It is also important to avoid contact with infected people and follow hygiene rules. It is necessary to wash your hands frequently with soap, avoid sharing utensils and personal items, and also avoid kissing and intimate contact during an exacerbation period.

Finally, it is important to follow your doctor's recommendations during pregnancy and undergo regular examinations to monitor your health. If herpes appears during childbirth, the doctor may recommend a cesarean section to prevent transmission of the infection to the baby.

In conclusion, pregnancy and herpes are a serious problem, but it can be solved with proper treatment and prevention. It is important to take care of your health and follow your doctor's recommendations to give birth to a healthy baby.