False Pregnancy (Pseudocyesis, Phantom Pregnancy, False Pregnancy)

False pregnancy (Pseudocyesis, Phantom Pregnancy, False Pregnancy) is a rare but well-known condition in which a woman feels pregnant and shows all the signs of pregnancy, although in fact she is not.

Signs of pregnancy such as an enlarged belly, weight gain, morning sickness and missed periods can be very realistic and make a woman believe that she is actually pregnant. However, with a thorough examination by doctors, it is not possible to detect either the fertilized egg or the fetal heartbeat.

The causes of false pregnancy can be different. One of the most common reasons is the emotional state of a woman. The desire to become a mother, fear of pregnancy or the desire to please a partner can cause a woman to begin to show signs of pregnancy.

False pregnancy can also be caused by physical reasons, such as hormonal imbalance, ovarian or thyroid tumors. In rare cases, it may also be associated with the presence of mental illnesses such as schizophrenia or depression.

Diagnosing a false pregnancy can be difficult because a woman may have almost all the signs of pregnancy. However, a thorough examination by doctors may reveal that there are no physical signs of pregnancy, such as an enlarged uterus or the presence of a fertilized egg.

Treatment of false pregnancy consists of a thorough examination and psychotherapy. Doctors must reassure a woman that she is not pregnant and help her cope with the emotional problems that may cause the condition. Psychotherapy can help a woman understand her emotional problems and learn to cope with them.

In conclusion, false pregnancy is a rare but quite serious condition that can cause a lot of problems and anxiety in women. If you experience signs of pregnancy, you should consult a doctor and get qualified help.

Be healthy !

False pregnancy is a medical term that refers to a condition where a woman with normal fertility experiences symptoms of pregnancy without the actual presence of an embryo. It can be caused by stress, emotional states, or certain medical conditions and medications, but most often it is a subjective symptom—a woman's perception of an unhealthy or healthier condition (eg, increased appetite, breast changes). Most often, this problem is treated by a gynecologist, as it is related to the woman’s health. On the other hand, there are observations that a false pregnancy can be a triggering factor for the development of a real pregnancy, if there is the ability to conceive. Therefore, observation by a gynecologist should be in any case.

Pregnancy is a wonderful process, but sometimes false signs of pregnancy occur, which is called “false pregnancy” or “false pregnancy.” This condition is characterized by the appearance of physical and emotional symptoms that are usually associated with the presence of pregnancy in a woman's body, although there is no actual pregnancy.


The most common causes of false pregnancy are emotional factors such as stress, anxiety and even fear. In some cases, false-pregnant women are convinced that they are pregnant, even though they are not. Other causes may include jet lag, extreme fatigue, lack of sleep, hormonal changes, or medications that can cause cycle disruption. Pregnancy is a difficult period in the life of every woman, and it often causes strong reactions in girls, especially if they are afraid of childbirth or worried about financial problems or illness. *Psychosomatic causes* This means that people react to physiological processes with stress or fatigue. In addition, psychological phenomena, including anxiety, depression and autism spectrum pathology, are associated with disorders of the autonomic nervous system, psychogenic factors and pathology of the endocrine system.