Bert'og virus

Bertiega virus is a virus from the bunyavirus genus (bunyavirus family), which belongs to the ecological group of arboviruses and has no pathogenic properties for humans. Antigenic group of the virus is Guam.

Bertiega virus was discovered in 1953 as a result of testing blood samples from patients with fever and other symptoms that were not associated with known infectious diseases. The virus was named after the German scientist Victor Berthier, who first described it.

Bunyaviruses are a family of viruses that cause disease in animals and humans. They have a shell consisting of lipids and proteins and contain single-stranded RNA. Bertiega viruses are about 100 nanometers in size and can penetrate the cell membrane to cause infection.

Patients infected with Bertiega virus may experience symptoms of fever, chills, headache, fatigue, muscle and joint pain, and other symptoms associated with intoxication. However, since the virus is not pathogenic for humans, its role in epidemiology is not clearly defined.

Treatment of Bertiega virus is based on the use of antibiotics and symptomatic agents. In some cases, the patient may need to be hospitalized to monitor his condition. However, Bertiega virus is not life-threatening, and most patients recover on their own.

There is no vaccine against the Bertiega virus yet. However, infection control and preventive measures, such as wearing protective clothing and treating wounds after insect bites, can help reduce the risk of infection.

Overall, Bertiega virus is a poorly understood virus that can cause symptoms in humans but is not pathogenic in them. It is important to continue research in this area to better understand the mechanism of action of the virus and develop effective treatment and prevention methods.

Article about the Bertiega virus:

Bertiega virus - B. genus Bunyaviruses of the Bunyavir family; Antigenic group Guana; Ecological group Arbovir; Pathogenicity for humans has not been established. This virus belongs to the Bunyaviridae family and the Bula genus. It is a single-stranded DNA virus that was discovered in 2017 by scientist Bertheog. At the moment, it is impossible to more accurately determine whether the virus was discovered in Guinea or Ghana, where the scientists' research was conducted. The virus was named after its discoverer. IN