Bi2Up Rose Hip Alpha

Bi2AP Rose Hip Alpha: review of a popular dietary supplement for women

Bi2AP Rose Hip Alpha is a dietary supplement with a general strengthening effect, created for women. It is produced by the Japanese company Good One Co, Ltd and is popular among women all over the world. In this article we will look at the features of this dietary supplement and its use.

Composition and action

Bi2AP Rose Hip Alpha contains many beneficial components, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes and plant extracts. One of the key ingredients is rose extract, which gives the drink a special aroma and taste.

Bi2AP Rose Hip Alpha helps strengthen the immune system, increase energy levels, improve cardiovascular function and normalize digestion. This dietary supplement is also useful for skin, hair and nails, improving their condition.

Application and dosage

Bi2AP Rose Hip Alpha is recommended to take one sachet per day, diluting it in a glass of water. It is advisable to take the drink in the morning to get maximum effect. The course of treatment lasts from several weeks to several months.

Synonyms and manufacturers

Bi2AP Rose Hip alpha is also known by other names such as Bi2AP, Bi2AP 35, Bi2AP Natural Drink, Bi2AP Pur 100 and Bi2AP Rose Flavored Tea. The manufacturer of this dietary supplement is the Japanese company Good One Co, Ltd.


Bi2AP Rose Hip Alpha is a popular dietary supplement that helps strengthen the body of women, improve their health and beauty. Its regular use can become one of the components of a healthy lifestyle. However, before starting to take a dietary supplement, you should always consult your doctor.