Biomass of Bifidobacteria Dry

Biomass of Bifidobacteria Dry: Normalization of Intestinal Microflora

Dry biomass of bifidobacteria is a medicinal product designed to normalize intestinal microflora. This product is produced at the enterprise for the production of bacterial preparations named after. Gabrichevsky in Russia.

Bifidobacteria are beneficial bacteria that live in the intestines and contribute to its normal functioning. They are involved in the digestion of food, support the body's immunity and protect against harmful microorganisms. However, certain factors such as stress, poor diet, antibiotics and others can disrupt the balance of intestinal microflora, which can lead to various diseases.

Dry biomass of bifidobacteria contains a high concentration of living bifidobacteria, which allows you to quickly restore the disturbed balance of intestinal microflora. This product is sold in powder form, which is odorless and tasteless. The dosage form of bifidobacteria biomass is dry - 300-330 g in a 500 ml bottle.

Dry biomass of bifidobacteria is recommended for use in various disorders of the intestinal microflora, such as dysbiosis, constipation, diarrhea, colitis and other diseases. Also, this remedy can be used to prevent these diseases.

Dry biomass of bifidobacteria is a safe and effective means for normalizing intestinal microflora. However, before using this drug, you should consult your doctor to rule out possible contraindications.

In conclusion, dry biomass of bifidobacteria is an important medicine that helps normalize the intestinal microflora and prevent the occurrence of many diseases. Its effectiveness and safety have been confirmed by many studies.