Biopsy Total

A total biopsy is a surgical examination method that is used to determine the presence and extent of disease in a patient's tissues. This method involves obtaining a small piece of tissue from the most suspicious area on the patient's body, usually small surfaces. The tissue is then examined under a microscope to look for signs of disease at the molecular level. A total biopsy is performed both for superficial pathologies and for internal diseases.

The total biopsy method has several advantages over other research methods. Firstly, it is a quick way to obtain research results thanks to the possibility of microscopy and other technologies for analyzing tissue at the molecular and cellular level. Secondly, obtaining small sections of tissue allows for detailed examination and ensures high diagnostic accuracy. These advantages of biopsy allow for rapid diagnosis and treatment.

However, before conducting this research method, it is necessary to conduct a series of tests and examinations of the patient to identify possible contraindications and risks. A biopsy is an invasive test and requires strict medical standards and safety regulations. In addition, the test should only be performed by an experienced medical professional.

In general, core biopsy is an important method for studying tissue and detecting diseases at the molecular, cellular and morphological levels. This allows us to determine the nature of diseases, establish their causes and take effective measures for their treatment and prevention.