Biovipe biowipe lifting anti-wrinkle serum reviews

Women who take care of their appearance are constantly fighting against facial wrinkles and age-related folds. Unfortunately, it is impossible and quite difficult to completely stop their appearance. Age takes its toll, and the skin of the face begins to fade and succumb to some changes. But thanks to the modern development of cosmetology, it is still possible to reduce such manifestations of senile signs. And for this you don’t have to visit a plastic surgeon or inject yourself with Botox injections.

BioVipe – a scam or not?

The presented lifting serum truly has amazing properties and has an incredible effect on the skin surface of the face. And many women who took part in the large-scale study have already been able to verify this. For a whole month, every representative of the fairer sex had to use this product without resorting to other cosmetic products. Then the results were summed up, which exceeded all expectations not only of the participants themselves, but also of the specialists. The skin surface has acquired elasticity, the elasticity of the epidermis has increased, and existing wrinkles have become almost invisible. Every woman was able to lose several years with the help of this lifting serum. So there is no need to doubt the effectiveness and efficiency of such a tool. This experiment only confirms the fact that BioVipe cannot be a scam.

The cost of this amazing lifting serum is simply ridiculous and is only 990 Russian rubles. It will definitely not be possible to find a similar product with the same amazing and extensive effect. Similar cosmetics (creams, lotions), which have much less anti-aging properties, will cost several times more. Therefore, purchasing BioVipe can be an excellent investment in your beauty and long youth.

Benefits of BioVipe serum

The undoubted advantages of such a tool include the following:

  1. does not provoke addiction during prolonged use and does not create a mask of a frozen face;
  2. the composition does not contain any coloring or harmful substances;
  3. can be used not only on the face and neck, but also in the décolleté area, which also needs special care;
  4. does not cause allergic or adverse reactions;
  5. ideal for home use and recreates the result of hardware cosmetology;
  6. helps women of all ages fight aging and fading of their faces;
  7. has a very attractive price;
  8. can replace a whole cosmetic bag of auxiliary products and thereby save the family budget.

BioVipe can have the following effects:

  1. smoothes deep wrinkles and reduces the number of facial folds;
  2. enhances the elasticity of the skin and gives it additional elasticity;
  3. enriches the subcutaneous layers with minerals and vitamins;
  4. activates collagen production;
  5. launches rejuvenating cellular processes and stops aging at the physiological level;
  6. creates a facelift effect;
  7. has a moisturizing and caring effect;
  8. gives the skin softness and smoothness.

Due to these properties, a woman’s appearance becomes fresh, rested, young and transformed.


The variety of components included in the presented lifting serum is simply amazing. Its most active ingredients are:

  1. blueberry extract. Relaxes tense facial muscles. Eliminates existing wrinkles, accelerates the production of internal collagen in the deep layers of the epidermis. Protects the surface from stretching, tightens sagging and decrepit soft tissues, which allows you to get rid of a double chin.
  2. Elastin hydrolyzate. Restores lost elasticity and lost firmness of soft tissues. Helps retain the required amount of moisture in the subcutaneous layers. Triggers cellular rejuvenation.
  3. A peptide that is an analogue of snake venom. Thanks to this component, an effect is achieved that can be compared to the effects of Botox. As a result, a woman’s face becomes several years younger in a short period of time.
  4. Aloe juice. It has a healing effect, neutralizes all ongoing inflammatory processes, and fights signs of premature aging.
  5. Oligopeptide. Accelerates the synthesis of elastin, reduces the depth of senile wrinkles and facial folds, especially in the forehead and mouth.
  6. Hyaluronic acid. Has a positive effect on the structure of the epidermis. Stimulates cell regeneration, which leads to external transformation. Gives the skin smoothness, softness and tenderness. Slows down aging.
  7. Chamomile extract. Has soothing and anti-allergenic properties. Perfectly cares for the sensitive and vulnerable surface of the face.
  8. Argireline. Another peptide that helps reduce wrinkles and resists their new formation.
  9. Grape seed extract. Enriches the deep layers of the skin with essential antioxidants and resists the action of free radicals. Increases the production of elastin and collagen, which maintain youth and beauty of the face.
  10. Coconut oil. Perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the surface. Protects the skin from harmful and negative external influences. Eliminates age spots and helps retain moisture in cells, without which physiological aging accelerates.
  11. Tetrapeptide-7. Slows down the external aging of the skin surface. Stimulates internal regenerating processes occurring in the layers of the epidermis. Gives elasticity to the most problematic areas, cheeks and lower chin. Strengthens the connective tissues of the face and neck.
  12. Olive oil. Supplies the skin with nutrients and beneficial microelements. Softens the surface, minimizes the number of existing wrinkles, and reduces premature aging.

Operating principle

The presented lifting serum works in several directions at once, which allows you to achieve incredible results at home. Thanks to its diverse and excellent composition, it suppresses the contraction of facial muscles, thereby stopping the appearance of facial wrinkles and age-related wrinkles. Some ingredients in BioVipe cosmetics have an effect that can be compared to Botox injections. As a result, nerve impulses that accelerate the formation of folds are blocked. The skin begins to recover, its elasticity and firmness returns. Due to this, the surface of the face is smoothed, rejuvenated and transformed. And the woman enjoys the result for a long time.

Instructions for proper use

Using Biowipe lifting serum is easy and pleasant. Apply 4 tablespoons of it to the entire face area, including the skin of the neck and décolleté. This can be done using your own fingers, which additionally make light rubbing movements. After this, you need to wait about 10 minutes so that all the active components have time to be absorbed into the epidermis, after which the composition of the product can be washed off with warm water. It is recommended to carry out such a caring home procedure once every 2 days. It is better to do this in the evening to allow your face and its muscles to relax. It is also worth noting that the skin is pre-prepared and all decorative cosmetics are removed from it.

The entire course, which helps you achieve a truly impressive result, takes 4 weeks. Then the break lasts for 2 months, and the course is repeated again.

Available contraindications

Despite the large number of components included in the BioVipe lifting serum, it does not cause any harm and does not provoke side or negative effects. Every ingredient is completely safe. Therefore, all women can use this product, even if their skin is hypersensitive and prone to allergic reactions. He has no contraindications.

Result and conclusion

Everyone wants to remain a young and attractive woman. But age takes its toll, and the face begins to become covered with small folds and even deep wrinkles. The skin loses its elasticity, the cheeks sag, a double chin appears, and crow's feet form around the eyes.

It is important for women to look beautiful at any age, therefore, when the first age-related changes in the skin appear, they launch an active fight against wrinkles, folds, aging and other signs of aging. A variety of means are used - from anti-aging creams and folk recipes to more serious cosmetic procedures or even plastic surgery. True, some of these methods give a short-term (or mild) effect, others are painful, others have contraindications, others are not available to everyone because of their high cost, etc.

However, modern cosmetology does not stand still! Cosmetics manufacturers are constantly developing new products, improving ready-made products, introducing innovative technologies, thanks to which women can achieve an incredible anti-aging effect without visiting a cosmetology office and without spending a lot of time and effort. One of these products is Biovipe lifting anti-wrinkle serum with Botox effect.


Among the main properties of Biovipe serum:

  1. smoothes facial wrinkles, deep ones gradually become less pronounced;
  2. increases skin elasticity, tightens facial contours;
  3. saturates the skin with beneficial microelements and other essential substances;
  4. stimulates the natural production of collagen and elastin;
  5. has a powerful regenerating effect, stimulates cell renewal processes, slows down aging;
  6. moisturizes the skin well and retains moisture for a long time;
  7. evens out the skin texture - it becomes smooth and soft.

Biovipe lifting serum acts comprehensively, solving not just one age-related problem, but several at once. The components that make up the product not only saturate adult skin with the microelements and nutrients it needs, they force it to produce collagen on its own, and also have a relaxing effect on the facial muscles, due to which the process of developing new wrinkles stops, and gradual smoothing occurs already available.

Product benefits

In addition to the pronounced rejuvenation effect, Biowipe serum has the following advantages:

  1. is not addictive;
  2. does not disrupt the natural mobility of the facial muscles (does not create a mask effect);
  3. does not contain artificial dyes, parabens, or other harmful substances;
  4. does not provoke the appearance of allergic reactions, has no side effects;
  5. equally well suited for restoring skin in different areas - face, neck, décolleté;
  6. ease of use - can be easily used at home;
  7. Anyone can buy a bottle of Biovipe serum (it is not expensive, delivery can be ordered to any corner of Russia);
  8. will help save your budget, since the effect of one Biovipe serum replaces an entire line of other anti-aging products, which means you don’t have to buy them.

What does it contain?

The Biovipe product, reviews of which confirm its unique properties, contains only the most effective components:

  1. Blueberry extract. Helps relax facial muscles, helps get rid of wrinkles. In addition, blueberry extract stimulates the production of collagen by skin cells, increases firmness and elasticity, and helps tighten the oval of the face.
  2. Elastin hydrolyzate. The main purpose is to restore lost elasticity to the skin, launch rejuvenation processes at the cellular level, and maintain a normal level of moisture.
  3. SYN-AKE (peptide similar to snake venom). It also acts as botulinum toxin - it removes hypertonicity of the facial muscles, which is the main cause of wrinkles, and teaches the muscles not to tense.
  4. Argireline. It is also an analogue of botulinum toxin.
  5. Aloe juice. It has a wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effect, helps accelerate cell regeneration.
  6. Oligopeptide. A substance that accelerates the synthesis of natural elastin. With its help, wrinkles become less deep.
  7. Hyaluronic acid. A substance known to every woman who monitors her skin health. In addition to deep hydration, hyaluronic acid is involved in cell renewal, improves the overall condition of the skin, and prevents aging.
  8. Tetrapeptide-7. Eliminates signs of premature aging, gives skin elasticity, and helps strengthen connective tissues.
  9. Chamomile extract. Known for its mild calming effect, prevents allergic reactions, and heals microtraumas. Indispensable for the care of hypersensitive skin prone to irritation.
  10. Grape seed extract. Source of nutrients, minerals and antioxidants. Protects against free radicals, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin.
  11. Olive oil. Source of nutrients. Helps reduce signs of premature aging, participates in the fight against wrinkles.
  12. Coconut oil. Acts as a protective barrier between the skin and environmental factors, helps remove increased pigmentation, and retains moisture.

Despite such a multi-component composition, Biovipe serum has no contraindications. Absolutely all ingredients are safe for human health, do not cause addiction, allergic reactions or skin irritation. The product is suitable for use by all women, regardless of age, health or skin type.

How to use the product correctly?

The method of using Biovipe serum, which every woman can buy, is very simple. All you need to do is apply the product to previously cleansed skin of the face, neck, and décolleté. Pay special attention to problem areas (forehead, corners of the eyes, nasolabial folds), leave the product on the skin for at least 10-15 minutes so that all the active substances have time to penetrate deep into the epidermis, carefully rinse off the excess with plain warm water.

It is recommended to perform the procedure 3 times a week for a month. If your age-related changes are not very pronounced, the procedures can be done less often. After completing the course, you need to take a break for a couple of months, then, if necessary, the course can be repeated.


Every woman dreams of preserving youth and beauty. But despite the fact that the years do not pass without a trace, leaving their imprints on the face in the form of wrinkles and folds, loss of elasticity and deterioration in the general condition of the skin, there are means that help stop time. One of them is the BioVipe lifting serum, which won’t be difficult to buy today!

Thanks to its balanced composition, this product helps fight all signs of facial skin aging and is suitable for any skin, regardless of age or condition. After using BioVipe, your skin will become young, smooth, soft, toned, radiant, beautiful and healthy! Reviews from thousands of women who have tried the serum on themselves confirm this! Try it too!

What would you say if you found out that you can rejuvenate your facial skin without resorting to expensive operations, painful injections of synthetic substances (Botox), and that the effect would be “minus 15 years”? Some will say: this is impossible, this is fiction, a farce, do not rush to think so, because the modern innovative development of BioVipe lifting anti-wrinkle serum has burst onto the market of cosmetic products.

What is BioVipe serum?

Over the course of decades, thousands of tests and failures, scientific cosmetologists, in collaboration with fellow dermatologists, still managed to accomplish the impossible and create a truly effective product - BioVipe, which contains exclusively natural ingredients that help smooth out wrinkles and tone the face without using painful cosmetic procedures. operations.

What does the manufacturer guarantee to the buyer?

Thanks to numerous tests, the product has established itself as a truly effective remedy, capable of demonstrating rejuvenation results from the first weeks of use, maintaining the effect for a long time.

By purchasing BioVipe, you receive a 100% natural product that contains only natural ingredients and minerals that help to even out wrinkles and improve facial tone.

Serum composition, properties of components

The main components of the serum are natural substances that promote rejuvenation and smooth out wrinkles caused by nerve contractions.

The composition of the drug includes:

  1. Syn-Ake - a peptide substance that is similar in chemical composition to snake venom. An excellent and in many ways superior analogue of Botox with anti-aging effects.
  2. Tetrapeptide-7 — significantly slows down the aging effect, improving skin elasticity.
  3. Substance oligopeptide - allows you to reduce the depth of existing wrinkles by stimulating the production of elastin by fibroblasts.
  4. Blueberry extracts - enhances collagen production and acetylcholine release. As a result, the skin is smoothed out and sagging is removed.
  5. Olive and coconut oil — provides protection from ultraviolet rays, moisturizes the skin, increases skin regeneration rates.
  6. Extract of chamomile and other flowers - has antiallergenic properties for the skin.
  7. Grape seed extract - blocks free radicals and is also the strongest natural antioxidant.
  8. Elastin hydrolyzate - stimulates skin elasticity, retains moisture in the skin.

In addition to the above components, the serum contains many other useful components aimed at rejuvenating the skin, smoothing it out and giving a healthy appearance (tone).

Mode of application

Due to the presence of natural components and the absence of adverse reactions, BioVipe has a very simple method of use that does not require extensive knowledge. It is only important to avoid contact of the product with the mucous surfaces of the eyes and mouth.

BioVipe application consists of the following steps:

  1. First, you need to cleanse your face by washing with mild soap.
  2. Dry your face after pre-washing.
  3. Apply the serum to the surface of the skin of the face and neck using circular movements to achieve even application.
  4. Remove unabsorbed liquid using a paper napkin or a cosmetic cotton swab “sponge”.
  5. After the substance is completely absorbed, you can begin applying makeup.

All stages can be performed at home yourself, without the help of a specialist.

Beneficial features

Due to the presence of natural components, the drug does not cause allergic skin reactions and is safe to use.

The beneficial properties of BioVipe serum include:

  1. No effect of paralysis (immobility) of the skin at the application sites.
  2. Possibility of application to areas of the skin previously inaccessible for injections: eyelids, lip area, décolleté, neck.
  3. Has no age restrictions.
  4. There is no addictive effect.
  5. Low cost, unlike other expensive cosmetic products.

An important fact worth mentioning is its versatility of use, regardless of age and skin type. It is perfect for both women and girls.

Experts' opinions

Leading myrrh cosmetologists, dermatologists and makeup artists talk about the success and effectiveness of the BioVipe serum.

According to them, the test results and visual results demonstrate a high rate of smoothing and rejuvenation of the skin, which no other cosmetic product can boast of.

During the entire period of cosmetic procedures with serum for smoothing wrinkles, no allergic or dermatological consequences were identified, which in turn demonstrates the high quality of production.

Customer reviews about the action of the serum

After analyzing the numerous positive reviews available, as well as photographic material confirming the effectiveness, we can safely say that the drug works.

Many users have already appreciated this product and recommend its use to their family and friends, isn’t this an indicator?

BioVipe — divorce or justice?

We encounter such questions almost every day and we can say with confidence that the drug works.

Doctors, cosmetologists, satisfied clients - these are real facts confirming the opinion that there is currently no better remedy for fighting wrinkles at home than BioVipe.

Is BioVipe worth buying?

Summing up all the results, summing up the advantages, features, natural ingredients, we can safely say that today. BioVipe is a leader among cosmetic preparations for the fight against wrinkles.

Having started the course, you can confidently be confident in the effectiveness and high results from the first weeks of admission. Minus 15 years is a worthy result; in your 40s you will confidently give odds to 30-year-old girls.