Bira-Mikulicha Operation

Bier-Mikulicz operation is a surgical procedure that is used to treat breast cancer. It was developed by German surgeons Alfred C. Beer and Josef F. Mikulicz-Radetzky in the 1930s.

The operation consists of removing the breast tumor along with surrounding tissues and lymph nodes. Stitches are then placed on the wound. After surgery, the patient may be prescribed medications to reduce the risk of tumor recurrence.

Bir-Mikulich surgery is highly effective in treating breast cancer and allows you to save the breast. However, like any other surgery, it may have certain risks and complications such as bleeding, infection, nerve damage, etc. Therefore, before performing the operation, it is necessary to carefully assess the patient’s health condition and conduct the necessary examinations.

Currently, bira-Mikulic surgery is performed in most developed countries of the world and is one of the most common methods of treating breast cancer in advanced stages.