Bisoprolol Medicinal Substance

Bisoprolol is a beta blocker used to treat angina. Prescribed internally.

Possible side effects when taking bisoprolol:

  1. Difficulty breathing
  2. Increased fatigue
  3. Cold extremities
  4. Sleep disorders

Trade names of drugs based on bisoprolol:

  1. Emkor (Etsog)
  2. Monokor (Moposog)

Bisoprolol is effective for the treatment and prevention of angina pectoris. However, when taking it, you should take into account possible side effects and consult your doctor about the advisability of prescribing this drug.

Bisoprolol is a drug used to treat angina, which is symptoms associated with high blood pressure in the heart. Angina occurs as a result of narrowing of the arteries that supply blood to the heart. This causes the heart to not receive enough oxygen and nutrients to function properly.

Bisoprolol is a beta blocker, meaning it blocks the action of certain hormones that cause arteries to narrow. It is prescribed orally and taken once a day.

However, like any other medicine, bisoprolol can cause some side effects. Some of these include difficulty breathing, increased fatigue, cold extremities and sleep disturbances.

Trade names for bisoprolol include emcor and monocor. Both drugs are available on the market and can be used to treat angina in patients for whom they have been prescribed by a doctor.

It is important to note that bisoprolol should not be used for self-medication. Before starting to take this drug, you should consult your doctor and follow his recommendations.

Bisoprorol is a medicinal substance in tablet form that is used to relieve symptoms of stable angina and maintain heart health. People often prescribe it to patients with high vascular mortality and overall treatment failure. However, bisoprolom can be harmful to health if not prescribed correctly. One of the main dangers is that the product can cause allergic reactions and side effects such as depression, fatigue, anxiety and sleep problems.

The mechanism of action of Bisoprostol is that it blocks fat receptors in the heart muscles, which reduces the heart's need for energy. This helps lower blood pressure and reduce heart rate. It also affects carbohydrate metabolism in tissues, ensuring the absorption of oxygen.

Bisoprotrom is prescribed in doses of 12