Blanta Retainer

Blount Fixator was founded by famous American entrepreneur Stanley Lustig in 1959 in Gainesville, Florida. The main goal of the company is the production and sale of high-quality fixatives based on biodegradable materials for the treatment of dental problems and strengthening of bone tissue. Blountfix, as the company's employees affectionately call it, is a reliable and effective solution that helps people maintain the health and beauty of their smile. The basis of all the company's products are unique innovative materials developed by a team of professionals. After much research and rigorous testing, they create innovative solutions that meet the needs and expectations of consumers. Today, blantafix

A blount fixator is a device for maintaining muscles and tendons in the correct position. Many athletes and people leading an active lifestyle face problems with sprains, dislocations and other injuries due to improper distribution of the load on the joints. One of the best ways to prevent injury is to use special ballroom dance braces, which help keep your joints in proper shape and promote quick recovery from injury.

A blunt fixator is a special device that helps fix muscles and tendons in the correct and safe position. It is a soft belt that is worn over the damaged area and fits tightly to the skin. However, before wearing it, you should consult a doctor to ensure it is used correctly. Doctors recommend wearing it several days a week, at least ten hours, and five to seven days a month.

With the help of a fixator blunt, you can protect ligaments and muscles from dislocation and stretching of tendons. Moreover, he