Blaškovica Tweezers

Blaskovics - Tweezers (L. Blaskovics), 2008

**Length**: 37-43 cm, **weight**: up to 2 kg. Like all other tree perches, it likes to stay in groups of several individuals. Females lay eggs in May and June in sand, pebbles at the bottom, or in soft ridges on rocks with ledges. The diameter of the masonry is about 55 mm. Incubation lasts 2-2.5 months. The annual life cycle consists of two generations, born in the summer, and a winter, appearing in the spring.

First of all, you need to understand that Blashkovich is a type of fish, and Tweezers are a way of catching them or attaching gear. Otherwise there is no difference. Among fishermen there are those who agree with the abbreviation of the name and call this lure any fish whose name begins with the letter “B”. So I don't quite understand your request for a distinction. I can only give information about what kind of fish it is.

However, I consider it my duty to remind everyone about wild nature and the absence of the need to fish on the streets of Moscow or St. Petersburg. I can’t praise it because some fishing methods may look inadequate and even cruel, so I’ll just give general information. If you really want to study the culture and intricacies of fishing, then it is better to look for information in specialized publications. Let me remind you that in Moscow and St. Petersburg there are places where you can spend time in the wild with a fishing rod, hunting for live fish. I advise you to choose just such a place and go there with friends to organize joint fishing and a friendly holiday away from the bustle of the city.