Blastomycosis North American

North American blastomycosis (lat. Blastomyces dermatitidis) is a fungal disease characterized by clinical manifestations in the form of erythematous spots, papules and pustules on the face, scalp, forearms and legs, although any area of ​​the skin and mucous membranes can be affected. The causative agent of blastomycosis belongs to the blastospore group.

Unwelcomeness can have several explanations and reasons. Some may be related to personal or interpersonal relationships, while others may have more serious causes, such as environmental or living conditions. In this case, North American blastomycosis can explain the reluctance to welcome and search for alternative ways of communication and interaction with the outside world.

Blastomycosis is a fungal infectious disease with a questionable etiological explanation. Caused by protozoan microorganisms belonging to the class of protists, the genus Blastomyces. Human infection occurs directly from sick people or animal carriers through the use of infected household items. If a dispute occurs, signs of illness may not appear for 4 months. They are distributed in heated, damp rooms, both residential and public, warehouses, vegetable stores, cars, and food equipment. Diagnosis is made visually using a light microscope or using test strips. Treatment is carried out with internal and external antifungal drugs for a short time. There is also a need to carry out disinfection measures related to the treatment of the contaminated item and wet cleaning of the entire room. Due to its dubious origin, the ability of the pathogen to form an amoebo or sporocyst, and difficult to control reproduction, it is worth paying special attention to the prevention of the disease. For workers who require frequent contact with animals, mandatory testing is required after 6 months over time. Entry into the premises is limited to persons with dermatitis, psoriasis, and dermatitis. Those working with animals undergo inpatient examination every 3 months. It is practiced to disinfect wet laundry for washing indoors for 30 minutes in a 2.5% chloramine solution. Ventilate the room with wet cleaning. For watering plants, water is tested using the Kluwer-Trousseau test. For drinking water use bottled water.