Bleeding Arterial

Arterial bleeding: causes, symptoms and treatment

Arterial bleeding, also known as arterial hemorrhage, is a serious medical condition that requires immediate attention. This condition occurs when an artery, one of the large blood vessels, becomes damaged, resulting in continuous loss of blood. Arterial bleeding is extremely dangerous because the arteries carry blood under high pressure, which can lead to rapid and significant blood loss.

The causes of arterial bleeding can be different. In traumatology, the most common causes are injuries, accidents or injuries associated with sharp objects. In addition, arterial bleeding can be caused by damage to the arteries during surgery or certain medical procedures.

Symptoms of arterial bleeding are usually obvious and require immediate intervention. These include:

  1. Heavy and rapid bleeding with bright red blood.
  2. Inability to stop bleeding by simply applying pressure to the wound.
  3. Fast pulse and increased breathing rate.
  4. Pale skin.
  5. Dizziness, weakness or loss of consciousness.

In case of arterial bleeding, urgently call for medical help. However, before the ambulance arrives, some steps can be taken to temporarily stop the bleeding. Direct pressure should be applied to the wound using a clean cloth or hand. If special bandages or tourniquets are available, they should be used to stop bleeding. However, a tourniquet should only be used in extreme cases when bleeding cannot be controlled by other methods.

Treatment of arterial bleeding is carried out in a medical facility and may include surgery. Doctors may use various methods to stop bleeding, such as suturing or ligating the damaged artery, using special devices, or performing an endovascular procedure.

Arterial bleeding is a serious and dangerous condition that requires immediate treatment. At the first signs of arterial bleeding, you should seek medical help and take measures to temporarily stop the bleeding. Correct and timely assistance can save the life of the victim.