Blepharogel 2 for wrinkles around the eyes reviews

Proper facial skin care is an important factor in maintaining beauty. Various cosmetic masks and store-bought creams, homemade recipes - everything is used to preserve beauty and get rid of wrinkles. Blefarogel is another miracle remedy that will become an indispensable assistant in the eternal women’s struggle to prolong youth.

Composition and properties of drugs

Blepharogel is an ophthalmic agent that is used in medicine to treat various eye diseases of an infectious, mechanical or allergic nature; for blepharitis, conjunctivitis and demodicosis of the eyelids.

The drug is produced in two types - Blefarogel 1 and Blefarogel 2. One of them is aimed at combating infectious inflammation of the eyes, the other is designed to relieve fatigue, dryness, burning sensation and sand in the eyes.

In the unbridled pursuit of youth and beauty, women very often use this drug for cosmetic purposes. To understand whether it really has a miraculous effect, you should study the chemical composition, beneficial properties, application features and precautions.

Blefarogel 1

The first drug helps relieve irritation, itching and swelling of the eyelids, relieves eyes from fatigue and strain. It is often used as a preventive agent for eye hygiene, cleanses the skin of crusts and dead cells. It is recommended for use by people who work a lot at the computer to relieve stress.

  1. hyaluronic acid;
  2. glycerol;
  3. Aloe Vera juice;
  4. propylene glycol;
  5. propylparaben;
  6. methylparaben;
  7. carbomer;
  8. deionized water.

Hyaluronic acid, which is part of the gel, perfectly cleanses, helps retain moisture, increases tone and promotes rapid skin regeneration, and eliminates fine wrinkles.

Aloe Vera juice is famous for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, relieves irritation, improves metabolic processes, saturates cells with vitamins and microelements, and prevents aging and premature fading of delicate skin.

Blefarogel 2

The composition of the second product differs only in the presence of sulfur, which cleanses the eyelids, has an antimicrobial and bactericidal effect, and promotes the normal secretion of clean tears.

Blefarogel 2 is usually used against demodicosis (a disease caused by subcutaneous mites) and blepharitis. The product is also effective in treating styes.

Benefits of Blefarogel 1 and 2

Due to the high content of biologically active substances, the drug has a wide range of beneficial properties for the eyes and delicate skin of the eyelids.

  1. moisturizes and softens the skin;
  2. protects against the effects of aggressive environmental factors;
  3. has a rejuvenating effect, increases the firmness and elasticity of the delicate skin around the eyes;
  4. saturates with vitamins and amino acids;
  5. has a strong bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect;
  6. relieves swelling and helps get rid of bags under the eyes;
  7. Helps cleanse the skin of dead cells and promote the growth of new ones.

Indications for use

For medical purposes, the drug is popular as an anti-inflammatory, decongestant and bactericidal agent.

Indications for use:

  1. blepharitis of various etiologies;
  2. treatment of demodicosis of the eyelids;
  3. prevention of recurrence of barley;
  4. excessive dry eyes;
  5. swelling of the eyelids;
  6. allergic reactions, itching and irritation;
  7. disruption of the normal functioning of the glands;
  8. Elimination of eye fatigue due to heavy visual loads and overstrain.

Use of Blepharogel for cosmetic purposes

Due to its bioactive composition, it has gained great popularity not only as a medicine, but also as a home remedy for wrinkles. Using the drug helps restore the sensitive skin around the eyes to a fresh look and elasticity, as well as eliminate fine wrinkles.

Blefarogel 1 is often used for cosmetic purposes.

In order not to harm your health and achieve results, before using Blefarogel you must carefully study the instructions, become familiar with the side effects and contraindications. You should also be sure to test for allergies to the components of the drug.

  1. Before using the gel, be sure to remove contact lenses. You can put them on 20–30 minutes after using Blefarogel.
  2. Before starting the procedure, the skin should be thoroughly cleaned of cosmetics and impurities. This can be done with a regular cleanser or just warm water.
  3. After applying the gel, a burning sensation may occur, which should subside within a minute. If the discomfort does not go away, the drug should be removed immediately.
  4. Squeeze a little gel onto a cotton pad and gently wipe the eyelids, grabbing the roots of the eyelashes.
  5. Take a drop of the drug on your fingertips and perform a small massage on the eyelids. The session duration is usually two minutes.
  6. For medicinal purposes, it is recommended to use the drug 2 times a day: morning and evening.
  7. To prevent eye diseases and maintain the beauty and health of the eyelid skin, it is enough to apply the gel once at night.

Video: caring for the skin around the eyes using Blefarogel


There are no special contraindications to the use of Blefarogel. But each person is individual, so before using the drug you must make sure there is no allergic reaction to the product.


Reviews about the use of the drug are positive. Mainly noted is the pronounced anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory effect of Blefarogel, as well as an improvement in the general condition of the skin of the eyelids. Cosmetologists are still not so optimistic; they advise using the drug for its intended purpose - for medicinal purposes.

I've been applying it in the morning for a year now. No wrinkles. It seems to me that it should save not from crow’s feet, but from small wrinkles under the eyes, and strengthen skin turgor. Which is what he does.


I started using it as soon as barely noticeable crow's feet appeared. There are no bruises under the eyes precisely because I regularly (at night) use Blefarogel-1. In general, in the evening after removing eye makeup (I use pencil and mascara), this product simply “revives” the sensations. Relieves fatigue. Of course, I was not able to completely avoid the “paw”. And after stress or a sleepless night, the “paws” are even more pronounced. But it feels easier after Blefarogel. I like him. I am often allergic to mascara and eye creams. Only Blefarogel saves. In general, no complaints)))


This gel was recommended to me by my mother, positioning it as relieving swelling. I started using it, but to be honest, I didn’t notice any special changes regarding swelling, but as for the skin around the eyes, it became smoother and more elastic, small wrinkles were smoothed out. Of course, the composition is impressive. Of the well-known components, these are: hyaluronic acid, aloe vera juice, glycerin... A small drop is enough not only for the lower and upper eyelids, but also for the cheek, on the one hand, for the whole face, 2-3 drops are needed. In general, over time, I began to apply it instead of face cream, but not every day, but two to three times a week.


Blefarogel 1 and 2 are simply irreplaceable for those who suffer from constant irritation, inflammation, a feeling of pain and “sand” in the eyes. And for those who care about preserving and prolonging the beauty and youth of their skin, this product will be a wonderful helper. But still, do not forget that Blepharogel is not cosmetic, but a medicinal product, so before using it you should definitely consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

The organs of vision are given to people not only to see, but also to show emotions and feelings. Because of this, age-related changes appear on the skin of the eyelids more than anywhere else. In order not to start these processes, all women at some point begin to think about using effective anti-aging substances. But unfortunately, not all cosmetics give good results in the endless fight against wrinkles around the eyes. In addition, most products force girls to use them regularly because they cause the skin to become addicted to certain components. You should take note of reviews of Blepharogel for wrinkles around the eyes. Manufacturers position the drug as a pharmaceutical medicinal product that has all the necessary properties to help get rid of wrinkles on the eyelids.

Why Blefarogel helps against wrinkles and swelling

Professional cosmetologists use Blefarogel to combat the formation of wrinkles around the eyes, less often for application to the entire facial area. The drug is widely used due to its wide range of positive effects. Blepharogel supplies the thin skin around the eyes with all useful components and nutrients, perfectly moisturizes dry epidermis, making it soft, firm and elastic. It is also perfect for problematic oily skin - the gel normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, evens out the skin texture, eliminates areas of inflammation and acne. Blepharogel smoothes out fine expression wrinkles by accelerating metabolism and blood flow, and activating collagen production.

In an endless quest to look younger and more beautiful, many girls use this gel for cosmetic purposes. To find out whether it will actually provide the desired effect, you need to familiarize yourself with the chemical composition, its beneficial properties, application features and existing contraindications.

Composition and release forms

Blepharogel looks like a transparent substance in the form of a gel. The medicine is sold in 15 ml plastic packaging. The gel is packaged in a cardboard package, with instructions for use also included. One bottle is enough for a whole course.

Blefarogel 2 differs from Blefarogel 1 in that the second contains sulfur. This component gives the drug healing properties. It is prescribed for lesions of the epidermis by mites (demodex) and for bilateral inflammation of the eyes (blepharitis). The drug is unique in that when it is used on the skin there is practically no harmful effect. To remove wrinkles, it is recommended to use Blepharogel 1, because this gel is better suited for prevention purposes and has a gentle effect on the folds of the eyes.

Blefarogel includes the following active components:

  1. Aloe juice. This component soothes the skin and prevents the development of inflammatory processes. In addition, it improves the healing of epidermal cells.
  2. Hyaluronic acid. It is because of it that the rejuvenation effect occurs; it also has antibacterial properties. It retains water in the skin of the eyelids around the eyes, making it look more elastic and wrinkles are smoothed out.
  3. Glycerin is a substance that moisturizes and nourishes the skin around the eyes.

Indications for use

Blepharogel 1 is recommended to be used for the following changes in the skin of the eyes:

  1. dryness and tightness, which is caused by a lack of vitamins;
  2. the appearance of shallow wrinkles around the eyes;
  3. acne often forms.

The gel is widely used as a preventive measure to slow down the aging process and prevent the appearance of wrinkles on the eyes.

Application of Blepharogel for the skin around the eyes

To get rid of facial wrinkles around the eyes, you should carry out the procedure at least 2 times a day. You need to apply the product generously, in a thick layer, for a month, after this period you will need to take a break for 3 weeks. To maintain the elasticity and firmness of the skin, you should use Blepharogel under the eyes against wrinkles regularly; you need to do the procedure once a day in the evening.

It is recommended to use the following tips:

  1. Before applying the product, it is advisable to clean and steam your face. This way the drug will penetrate deeper into the layers of the epidermis.
  2. Before using the drug, you must remove contact lenses. You can put them on half an hour after applying Blefarogel.
  3. After applying the gel, do not use decorative cosmetics.
  4. If after applying the ointment the skin around the eyes begins to itch, you should wash it off immediately. These symptoms are a consequence of allergies; with such manifestations, you cannot use the product.
  5. It is not recommended to use the product right before going to bed, because it is completely absorbed, and swelling appears in the morning.
  6. Before using the drug, do not rub other cosmetics on your face.
  7. In order for Blepharogel to help get rid of puffiness under the eyes, you need to make gentle massage movements, but you can only tap with your fingertips so as not to damage the skin around the eyes.
  8. This product should not be used with similar medications that are used to eliminate wrinkles around the eyes.
  9. You should not use Blepharogel if its expiration date has expired, if storage conditions have not been met, or if damage to the integrity of the packaging is noticed.

In addition to using Blefarogel under the eyes for wrinkles, it is worth listening to the positive reviews of people who were able to stop the aging process of the dermis. Many of them were helped by simple advice from professional cosmetologists:

  1. You need to take care of the skin around your eyes regularly, don’t forget about cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing it.
  2. It will not be superfluous to use natural masks; they perfectly help smooth out wrinkles.
  3. It is recommended to refrain from using “heavy” decorative cosmetics, namely powder and foundation. They dry out the dermis greatly, causing the skin around the eyes to become wrinkled faster.
  4. Your sleep and rest patterns affect your appearance, so be sure to go to bed on time.
  5. You should not get carried away with alcoholic drinks and smoking, this has a bad effect on the skin around the eyes: it loses a lot of water, the complexion becomes gray, and wrinkles appear.
  6. It is not recommended to sunbathe a lot.

It is necessary to eat only healthy foods, because this is how the skin around the eyes receives all the necessary microelements.

Contraindications and possible side effects

According to reviews of the use of Blefarogel around the eyes for wrinkles, it is well tolerated by the body and practically does not cause adverse reactions. Only in 3% of cases was the development of allergic symptoms in the form of swelling of the eyelids, itching and redness of the eyes. For these reasons, dermatologists have identified a number of contraindications:

  1. allergic reactions to individual components of the product;
  2. excessively dry and sensitive skin in the eye area;
  3. weak immunity;
  4. open damage;
  5. dermatitis;
  6. purulent rashes in the eye area.

Persons under 25 years of age should not use the product. Pregnant and lactating women can use the drug only after consultation with a dermatologist.

To do this, apply a little gel to the surface of the wrist and carefully monitor the condition of the skin for at least a day. If there is no itching, redness or swelling, the product can be used without fear.


The product can be bought at almost any pharmacy; its average price is 300 rubles. This is a fairly small price, considering that one package is enough for 1 course.


Reviews of Blefarogel for wrinkles around the eyes show that the use of the drug for cosmetic purposes is effective. Many girls were satisfied with the result; only a small percentage of women did not notice the effect of its use. It is important to remember about possible side effects; the product should not come into contact with the cornea of ​​the eye. You will need to give up bad habits and start eating right to provide your eye skin with the necessary microelements.

The eyes are given to a person not only to see, but also to express an emotional state, therefore this area is one of the first to experience age-related changes.

To stop this process and rejuvenate the skin, every woman sooner or later thinks about buying an effective anti-aging product. However, not all drugs are of equal quality and effective in eliminating wrinkles and folds.

Moreover, many products doom the fair sex to systematic use, as they cause habituation (addiction of the skin to certain components of the product).

Modern women are increasingly supplementing their arsenal of favorite cosmetics with Blefarogel. The product is a pharmaceutical medicinal product with therapeutic, hygienic and cosmetic properties.

In the article we will look at the capabilities of the drug Blefarogel 1 and 2, and also verify the effectiveness of its use against bags under the eyes and facial wrinkles.

The content of the article:

Difference in composition

The first and second preparations contain the same ingredients, with the exception of sulfur:

Hyaluronic acid. This substance tops the list of composition of both drugs. It is this synthetic polysaccharide that provides the skin with youth and elasticity.

Hyaluronic acid is designed to maintain normal water balance in cellular structures, and its effectiveness in improving the condition of the dermis has been confirmed by laboratory studies.

Today, doctors and cosmetologists call the component “hyaluronic acid” and widely use it to solve age-related and dermatological skin problems.

The polysaccharide creates a kind of film on the surface of the epidermis, forming protection against destructive attacks from the atmosphere, and controls the level of moisture in the cells.

The acid also serves as a filler for unevenness and folds, including senile and expression wrinkles, has wound-healing properties, and prevents the formation of scar tissue and acne.
Aloe vera. The preparation contains pure juice of this unique plant, which has beneficial and healing properties. In common people, aloe is considered a panacea not only for health problems, but also for skin problems, which is why its juice is found in many cosmetics.

The plant is considered universal and suitable for any skin type. Its task is to moisturize, slow down the aging process, reduce the functionality of the sebaceous glands, restore skin structure, vitaminize, relieve inflammation and activate collagen production.
Glycerol. Included in most facial skin care creams. It serves as an excellent humidifier as it has the ability to absorb the necessary moisture from the air.

In addition, its main purpose is to actively nourish dry skin, ensure smoothness and elasticity, fight acne, and cleanse the epidermis.
Propylene glycol. This substance is obtained as a result of the synthesis of petroleum products, which raises a lot of questions about its destructive effect on the human body.

In fact, the colorless substance serves as an excellent humectant and absorbent. Propylene glycol is able to bind moisture and retain it in the skin structure, thereby providing it with youth and beauty. In combination with other products, the substance has a cooling effect.

Carbomer. In the gel, the substance acts as a thickener. The substance has a moisturizing effect and soothes the dermis. Methylparaben. The most common preservative. The product prevents the formation of microbes in the gel, thereby extending its shelf life. Deionized water. This type of water has undergone thorough purification, due to which it is freed from ions.

As a rule, it is called dead water and is used to heal wounds, accelerate the phase of cell division in the skin structure, and slow down the formation of wrinkles. With regular use, the skin rejuvenates and improves its overall condition.
Sulfur.Included in Blefarogel 2. Today, the substance has gained popularity in facial skin care.

It effectively maintains the balance of oxygen in the subcutaneous layers, provides the dermis with elasticity, has an antiseptic effect, fights demodicosis of the eyelids, and eliminates fatty deposits in the pores.

Release form

Blefarogel is a hygienic and cosmetic gel-like substance for eyelid care.

The drug is available in a 15 ml plastic bottle. The cardboard packaging includes the product itself and instructions for use. One tube of the drug is enough for one course of therapy.


As mentioned above, the drug Blefarogel 2 differs from its predecessor in the presence of sulfur in the composition. This substance gives the drug medicinal properties.

Let's look at the indications for use of both gels in more detail.

Blefarogel 1

This product is used for the treatment and prevention of the following conditions:

  1. eyelid diseases, including blepharitis of various etiologies;
  2. violation of corneal hydration (dry eye syndrome);
  3. asthenopia (eye fatigue), due to prolonged eye fatigue during visual work;
  4. lachrymation disorder when using contact lenses;
  5. staphylococcal inflammatory process inside the ciliary sac (stye).

In addition to its main purpose, Blepharogel 1 helps a woman achieve the following cosmetic results:

  1. eliminate facial and age wrinkles, including “crow’s feet”;
  2. get rid of folds on the moving eyelid;
  3. eliminate swelling;
  4. reduce burning, inflammation, redness on the skin;
  5. overcome acne and pimples;
  6. provide proper hydration to dehydrated areas of the skin;
  7. restore the relief;
  8. provide skin with firmness, elasticity and softness;
  9. eliminate peeling;
  10. promote eyelash growth and strengthen their structure;
  11. cleanse enlarged pores of sebaceous deposits.

Blefarogel 2

Based on the fact that the two drugs have a slight difference in composition, their scope of application will differ. In addition to treating the conditions listed above, Blefarogel 2 helps eliminate:

  1. various types of inflammation;
  2. feeling of tired eyes;
  3. bags under the eyes;
  4. first manifestations of wrinkles.

Excellent results can be achieved with regular and correct use.

Let's talk here about the causes of facial swelling in the morning and methods of treating them.

At this address we will tell you what methods and means you can remove wrinkles under the eyes at home.


According to statistics, the drug is well tolerated by the body and does not cause side effects. In rare cases, which is 3%, allergic symptoms develop in the form of swelling, itching and hyperemia.

For this reason, experts identify a number of contraindications:

  1. Individual intolerance to individual components of the gel. To prevent undesirable consequences, it is necessary to do a test for allergic reactions before use.

To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the inside of the hand adjacent to the forearm and observe the skin reaction for 24 hours. If no signs of intolerance are detected, the drug is approved for use.

The skin in the eyelid area is too dry. In particular, the product should not be used if its shelf life has expired. Weakened immunity. Open lesions on the skin in the eye area. Eczema. Foci of purulent lesions. Age category up to 25 years.

During pregnancy and lactation, the drug is used after consultation with a doctor.

Instructions for use

To get rid of wrinkles and bags under the eyes, it is important to use the drug correctly and regularly. The positive effect is visually noticeable after 7 days.

The use process consists of several steps that must be followed:

  1. Step 1. Clean the problem area of ​​makeup and treat with alcohol tincture, preferably if it is calendula or eucalyptus, wait 20 minutes.
  2. Step 2. Rinse your face thoroughly under warm water and dry with a towel.
  3. Step 3. Soften dry skin with any nourishing cream.
  4. Step 4.Apply a certain amount of gel to a cotton swab or sponge and spread it over the entire eye area in a thick layer.
  5. Step 5. Use your fingertips to drive the gel into the skin structure, performing gentle massaging movements.
  6. Step 6.Concentrate on the wrinkle area.

To achieve maximum effect, the procedure is performed at least 3 times a day. The course of rejuvenation in the eye area lasts for 20 days.

After a month's break, cosmetology sessions using Blefarogel are recommended to be repeated. In order to prevent skin aging, the drug is applied exclusively before bedtime.

How to use Blepharogel is described in more detail in the video.

Precautionary measures

As mentioned above, before using the product you need to perform an allergy test. Additional precautions include:

  1. avoid contact of the product with the cornea;
  2. pay attention to the release date of the gel to avoid drying out the skin;
  3. Contact lenses must be removed before using the product; they can be worn 20 minutes after the procedure;
  4. store the gel out of the reach of children;
  5. Use a cotton swab to apply the gel only once;
  6. Before massaging, wash your fingers with soap and do not dry them;
  7. during the treatment period, try not to use decorative cosmetics;
  8. give up alcohol and spicy foods;
  9. provide protection from ultraviolet rays;
  10. limit time spent on the computer and TV.

Expected effect

To achieve excellent results, Blefarogel is used for at least 3 weeks.

After a full course of rejuvenation, the results are as follows:

  1. overall skin tone improves;
  2. facial folds and fine wrinkles disappear;
  3. deep wrinkles become less pronounced;
  4. the skin is actively moisturized;
  5. the elasticity of the dermis increases;
  6. acne disappears;
  7. bags under the eyes are smoothed out;
  8. irritation goes away;
  9. the skin is completely cleansed;
  10. blood circulation in the epidermis is normalized;
  11. microbes are destroyed;
  12. The respiratory functions of the skin are activated.

Women who have used Blepharogel for bags under the eyes note its effectiveness.

Both drugs are widely used not only in ophthalmology, but also for cosmetic purposes. The “rejuvenating” composition allows the product to easily cope with age-related changes in the skin, so its purchase is often due to the appearance of signs of aging.

Before choosing Blepharogel 1 or 2, you need to determine for yourself the goal that you need to achieve. If the skin needs care, proper hydration, healing, removal of bags, rejuvenation, relief from dry eye syndrome and fatigue, the best choice would be Blepharogel 1, which has a gentle effect.

In the case of pursuing not only cosmetic purposes, but also therapeutic ones, for example, for local inflammation of the eyelids, it is advisable to purchase Blefarogel 2.

Both drugs are suitable for preventive measures.

This article contains all the most important things about the Gezatone facial massager.


Despite the advantages of the drug that are so important for a woman, it also has some disadvantages:

  1. in some cases, individual intolerance to the components of the drug is possible;
  2. the drug is unable to smooth out very deep folds;
  3. due to its great popularity it is difficult to find in pharmacies;
  4. not suitable for very dry skin.

Blefarogel is sold in all pharmacies in the country. To purchase the product, a prescription from a specialist is not required.

Taking into account the effectiveness of the gel and the minimality of side effects, the cost of the drug can be called affordable. On average, the price of one tube varies within 220 rubles.

The video provides a consumer review of the composition and effectiveness of the drug.


Despite the fact that eliminating bags under the eyes is not the true purpose of Blepharogel, it has proven effective in solving this problem.

Undoubtedly, no one will give you a guarantee for the complete elimination of wrinkles and swelling in the eye area after using the drug, but it is definitely capable of reducing the severity of signs of aging and giving the skin a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

If you have already appreciated the anti-aging properties of Blefarogel or, conversely, could not notice them for yourself, share your feedback in the comments to this article.