Blepharospasm Hysterical

Hysterical blepharospism (b.hystericus).

Here is the definition of blepharospathic syndrome, which can be understood from its two components: “blepharos” - lat. “eyelid” and “spasia” - Greek. "spasm". Blepharospasm is, in fact, a convulsive contraction of the muscle of the outer eyelid, which is manifested by the following signs: the appearance of an involuntary jerking movement of the cornea, forcing a person to touch the eyes and thus try to stop the movement of the eyelid; redness of the skin around the organs of vision; the appearance of Weiss's symptom (English: “vestibulo occular reflex”) - the patient complains that it seems to him that he is losing his balance; in fact, this reflex state occurs due to the narrowing of the palpebral fissures.