Myopia Complicated

Myopia, complicated - (m.complicata) - a pathology in which disturbances in the functioning of the eye occur, provoked by various reasons, resulting in impaired visual function. If a person has normal vision potential, however, his ability to accommodate has been affected by ophthalmological or concomitant pathologies, then this diagnosis is made.

Myopia and farsightedness are always diagnosed together, since we are talking about a defective structure of the pupil, which is unable to correctly focus light rays from the external environment. Due to such aberration and hypertrophy, low vision develops over time. Defective functionality of the optical system contributes to the development of amblyopia, destruction of the accommodative apparatus, and glaucoma. People with moderately severe pathology (up to -5 diopters) usually maintain high visual acuity without disability. Ophthalmologists make a prognosis based on the reasons that provoked the disease. In most cases, people with low vision become the owners of auxiliary devices that help them see better and navigate in space.

Diagnostic measures for complicated myopia usually do not cause any particular difficulties for the doctor. At the initial visit, the refraction of the eyeball, the photosensitivity of the retina, and intraocular pressure are examined. To assess the condition and mobility of the eyeballs, it is possible to use gonioperimetry or echobiometry. It is possible to use chorioretinal scraping to determine the viseognostic potential of individual areas of the visual area.

The disease is treated by an ophthalmologist together with a neurosurgeon. The measures taken include drug therapy, surgical treatment, strengthening of the ciliary muscle and other measures. All manipulations are carried out only after a complete examination of the patient.