Blood replacement fluids Hemodynamic

The body's circulatory system is an important part of its life. It ensures the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to tissues and organs, as well as the removal of waste products. One of the main components of this system are the arteries, veins and capillaries that transport blood throughout the body. However, with some illnesses or injuries, bleeding can be so severe that normal blood fluid becomes insufficient to keep the patient alive. In such cases, it is necessary to use a blood replacement fluid that can replace the natural blood fluid and support the body during treatment or recovery.

Hemodynamic blood replacement fluid is one of the types of blood replacement fluids and includes components that can help restore the functioning of the circulatory system. These fluids are often used in medicine to treat shock, blood loss, or other problems with the circulatory system. They may contain solutions containing electrolytes, glucose and other nutrients needed to maintain normal body function.

The main types of hemodynamic blood replacement fluids are divided into the following groups:

1. Isotonic solutions are naturally isotonic and do not require additional correction. May also contain antibiotics and antiviral drugs to prevent infection. 2. Hyperotonic fluids contain more solutions than isotonic ones. This can help reduce blood volume and speed up blood clotting. However, such fluids may increase the risk of overhydration. In this regard, before using them, it is necessary to carefully weigh all the risks and expected benefits. 3. Osmotic fluids consist of solutions of different concentrations. They can be used to monitor blood pressure levels and fluid volume. For such liquids, individual selection is required. 4. Citrate solutions are water with sodium citrate solution. Thanks to zither, patients prone to allergies and individual intolerance to foreign substances (namely sodium citrate) experience allergy manifestations such as urticaria or Quincke's edema. Because of this, in some cases, the use of prednisone or corticosteroids is required as antihistamines. Sodium citrate is excreted by the kidneys, and therefore there is a release of metabolites from the urine, causing coloration of the urine.