Blumenbach's Scat

Topic: Blumenbachov Skat

Introduction Blumenbach's stingray, or fish of the family Myliobatidae, is also called broad-tailed rockfish. With a length of about 90 cm, this species has at least 50 hammerhead teeth, which allow it to catch prey in the form of large mollusks in various rock formations. Like many species of sea rays, Blumenbach's rays are female-dominated and lay in August, immediately after spring breeding. It is worth noting the high fertility of these fish, which reaches over 200 ovaries; Moreover, one meter of the stingray intestine contains about 30 million spermatophores. Females lay eggs, swimming into a wide variety of bays and beaches at the foot of the mountains. The first spawning occurs already in the third year of life, and this has long been noticed by fishermen