Boas Symptom

Boa Symptom or i. i. Boas is a clinical sign that occurs when a stream of air passes through the mouth and nose at the same time. This symptom was first described by American neurologist and neurosurgeon Karl Brian Boas in 1951.

Boa Symptom occurs when the patient begins to breathe through the nose and exhale through the mouth at the same time. In this case, air leaves the mouth through the nostrils, which creates a characteristic sound. This sound results from the mixing of airflow from the front of the nose and the back of the mouth. Under normal conditions, the air flow passes through the nasal passage and is then applied to the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, where it reaches the tongue, where it resonates. Taking this fact into account, Boa Symptom can only be observed if the patient has impaired function of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. Additionally, this symptom may indicate damage to cranial nerves related to respiratory function, such as the nerve that controls breathing or the nerve that controls larynx function.

Detection of a Boa symptom is not a diagnostic sign for any disease. However, this symptom is a clinically significant change in health-related functions. This may indicate certain disorders in the body or its processes. In addition, Boa symptom is often found in patients who suffer from disorders of the respiratory tract. In these cases, Boa symptoms may be due to irritation of the mucous membrane, such as due to an allergy or infection. Boa symptoms can also occur in children suffering from polypous rhinosinusitis, runny nose, or an allergic reaction to respiratory allergens. In general, it is important to note that Boa Simpton can occur for a variety of reasons. While it is not itself a disease, it may be evidence of certain abnormalities, these should always be interpreted and described by a qualified healthcare professional. Failure to maintain normal respiratory functions and processes can lead to serious health consequences. This is why you should consult a doctor if you experience any symptoms in your face, chest, or respiratory system.

Boas symptom is a psychological phenomenon that manifests itself in the form of increased emotionality and anxiety of a person under the influence of minor events or stimuli. This phenomenon is a consequence of the formation of the anxious expectation syndrome.

This disorder is characterized by the occurrence of unnecessary panic attacks in response to minor stimuli. At the same time, the person’s general physical well-being remains normal. Thus, we can conclude that the development of the syndrome is not caused by any real physiological disorders. The Boas symptom has characteristic manifestations that can be described as follows. This is excessive emotionality and excitability. Typically, a person’s symptom attracts the attention of others, asking incorrect and intrusive questions, meticulously examining simple things. Also, the manifestation of the symptom is based on inappropriately strong fears. It seems to a person that everyone around him is a threat. He may begin to panic or hallucinate. To rule out symptoms of depression, a person should consult a doctor for advice. In most cases, the patient is treated successfully.