Pain Facial

Facial pain: from symptom to pathology

The problem of facial pain is very common and can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender or social status. The intensity of symptoms can vary from moderate to severe and prolonged. Among the main causes of facial pain are skull injuries, facial nerve paralysis, and tumor processes in the facial area.

Today, more and more people are faced with this problem, and experts are beginning to increasingly pay attention to it and highlight it as a separate group. This is primarily due to the fact that every year, among all registered cases of patients with facial pain, more than half are noted as prosopalgia. Thus, today many specialists in various fields deal with facial pain - dentists, neurologists, psychiatrists, surgeons, urologists and gynecologists. Conventionally, we can say that the facial area is universal from the specialist profession.

Main characteristics of facial pain, causes and treatment Facial pain represents

Facial pain is discomfort or even painful sensations that occur in the face, including the muscles and skin. Facial pain is often chronic. As a rule, it occurs due to an underlying disease and goes away on its own. However, in some cases, facial pain can be a sign of serious pathology. Some causes of facial pain have dangerous consequences, so don't delay visiting your doctor.